Eskdalemuir Community Council Meeting

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Eskdalemuir School

Memorandum of Discussion.

It was unfortunate that the meeting had to be ended prematurely due to the chairman and vice-chairman not being able to commit sufficient time with the result that discussion of several topics was not allowed and other topics scratched. This was particularly unfortunate given the effort put into preparing the agenda and the 100s of miles CC members had travelled to be at the meeting on time.

Lesson:- If there is no desire to hold the CC meeting, it should be cancelled or postponed.


Nicholas Jennings (NJ) / Chairman / ECC
John Furlonger (JF) / Vice chairman / ECC
May Reid (MR) / CC / ECC
Jennie Mills (JM) / CC / ECC
Beatrice Furlonger (BF) / CC / ECC
Ian Kay (IK) / CC / ECC
Lorna Curtis(LC) / CC / ECC
Bernard Provost(BP) / Treasurer / ECC
John Johnston (JJ) / Secretary / ECC
Craig Peacock (CP) / Councillor / D & G
Denis Male (DM) / Councillor / D & G

1.  Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – all

It was assumed that as 2 months have passed since publication of the minutes from January 2017 CC mtg that there are no objections. All actions were carried out, although the success rate wrt replies has been woeful. Approved.

2.  Litter – May Reid

Litter is becoming more of an issue, particularly in the N end of the parish. This is difficult to understand given the number of bins sited at road ends along the B709. There has been a historical problem associated with cycle events and the disposal of their sucky bottles. However, based on evidence from residents who regularly collect litter for disposal, the current issue seems to involve two types :-

- carrier bags full of rubbish which suggests that this is a result of individuals clearing out their vehicles.

- random food and drink wrappers/containers on C roads where there is only light vehicles.

The conclusion from this group of residents is that there is no single source and that the absence of litter receptacles isn’t helping. For the time being this group will continue to collect litter on an ad-hoc basis. Based on the amount of litter deposited adjacent to service stations, it seems that litter is considered by many to be acceptable.

However, based on observations made from his lofty perch atop an electric bicycle, JF was of the firm opinion that, based on the litter observed in the neighbouring parish, the culprits were timber lorry drivers. Although the absurdity of this was pointed out, the lorry drivers were pronounced guilty and, as a fall back, supermarket delivery drivers. It should be noted that there have been reports of residential rubbish being dumped inside the wooden shed at Twiglees.

Action:- Make the bins more visible and request binmen not to throw bins into the scrub. –DM to take up with D & G

Apparently, a dog waste bin has been discovered in the Old School.

Action –JM to request UEDG install same.

3.  Road conditions – May Reid

Road conditions on the B723 and B709, in particular, have suffered as a result of the “timber by-pass”, one of the conditions of funding for this being that timber traffic which would have gone via Moffat and Roberton now travel via the B709. This has resulted in considerable disruption to residents in the North part of the Parish who were not consulted regarding the “by-pass”.

Letters regarding the road conditions and safety were sent to the Chief Executive of D & G and O.Mundell, the constituency MSP, with copies to D & G infrastructure Dept and the local MP. These included a potential solution. A further letter was sent to the SNP MSP and, again, zero response. Subsequently, a letter was received from the O.Mundell advising that D & G had no plans to improve the roads or address road safety.

Subsequent to an ad-hoc mtg with the new D & G director for communities and the communication between the MSP and D & G, a road gang was sent to patch some of the pot holes on the B709. A more thorough job is being made of patching the pot holes on the B723. Although this represents a small improvement, more fundamental action is required and, hence, a site meeting was arranged with the MSP. Further elaboration on this topic was prevented during the meeting.

Action – see ECC web site of details of site mtg with O.Mundell to discuss road repairs, safety and funding solution.

4.  Flood defence – Ian Kay

A committee has been set in place with the assistance of the MSP to address the risks to the village properties. The remit does not extend to the other areas of the parish adversely affected by flooding. Report to be provided further to the meeting with the MSP/Kronospan/D & G.

5.  Windfarm grant allocation progress – JJ

FIO – The ESMP Hall committee has advised that they are progressing with the installation of the new heating and are seeking input from residents about potential new uses for the hall.

No feedback on progress of the other projects.

Communication has been received from Buccleuch Estates regarding Hopsrig Wind Farm project. Three questions arise from this – a) How did Buccleuch Estates acquire the land and b) what is the involvement of Buccleuch Holdings which is based in the BVI? and c) what is the implication for the N part of Eskdalemuir which lies on the same strata as Hopsrig ?

6.  Access – JJ

To date, no reply from Confor has been received and the paths remain blocked. In the meantime, Confor has been successful in its lobbying of the Scottish Government in having the area afforested in Scotland extended to 25%. Confor and its members have also been active in lobbying the Scottish Government with a view to having the Access laws repealed.

One observation – prior to the erection of the fence at Watcarrick there was always at least one car parked at the road end. Since the fence went up, no cars have been seen which suggests that this amenity has been lost to the parish.

Only one CC member was of the opinion that this matter should be progressed, although it was reported that several residents had complained about the access being denied at Watcarrick.

Action :- JJ to take this up outside ECC – see ECC website for latest progress.

7.  Road safety – all

A letter asking for assistance was sent to the Infrastructure Dept at D & G. Nil response to date. In the meantime, there has been another incident and several near misses at the Smithy Corner. There was also a near miss involving pedestrians, including a push chair, at the double bend N of the village. That this is the case is disappointing given how often the subject has been on the CC agenda. Given the proximity of the local government elections, perhaps this item should be postponed until the new county councillors are in place.

JJ has taken up with O.Mundell due to zero response from D & G. Unfortunately, there was another accident on the B709 arising from the dangerous road surface.

8.  Council tax and services – Local councillors

In addition to the increases announced by the Scottish Government, D & G has announced their own 3% increase in the council tax . The residents of Eskdalemuir would like to know what they can expect in return. An explanation was provided as to why has D & G found itself having to pay >GBP7.0million in redundancy payments and how the new refuse lorries were being utilized during the delay in building the new recycling plant ?

9.  High Hedges Act, (Scotland), 2013 - JJ

This act is being reviewed by the Scottish Government. The stance taken by D & G Planning Dept is that the existing act only applies to urban and suburban areas and not to rural ones. In addition, they do not have any resource to deal with cases and, instead, delegate this, at the plaintiff’s cost, to a legal firm. Given the number of problems caused by inappropriate planting and the resultant difficulties with frost shadow, damage to power lines, water supplies and interference with Satcoms, there must be a case for including rural areas in any revised act. Action required :- Write to the Holyrood committee ?

JJ has written to committee requesting new act includes rural areas.

10.  Treasurer’s Report – Bernard Provost.

No report available.

11.  Communications - JJ

FIO. Typical use of the ECC website, at around 5/w has not increased and Facebook has dropped to between 0 – 3/w, although the number of notifications from the latter remains at 3 – 4/day.

Filtering of communications. In a typical week, D & G and others send 10 – 20 communications regarding anything from church meetings in Langholm through adverts to “Community Council’s information literacy”.

Action required:- What correspondence does the ECC want in their e-mail ?

Had discussion been allowed, proposal was that, in future, rather than circulating information by e-mail, which, with one exception, rarely results in any feedback, that the ECC website would be the vehicle used for the communications listed above.

12.  Review of the Scheme of Establishment of Community Councils – All

Ref e-mail which was circulated.

Action LC to take responsibility for input.

13.  Traffic speed survey – Eskdalemuir village – BP

Several residents have asked who is carrying out a survey of traffic speeds in Eskdalemuir and why. The speed recorder sign is notoriously unreliable and has been proven not to give accurate results. No one present at the mtg aware of this action.

14.  CC Literacy.

FIO. A survey on CC literacy for Napier College was completed.

15.  Notice Board.

Given the low use of the ECC web site, is there, once again , a case for a village Notice Board where a Newsletter and the MOD/Notices could be posted? The original village notice board site has been obscured by the wooden shed erected in lieu of a bus shelter.

Action – none.

Subsequent suggestions for the re-siting of a new notice board were rejected in favour of sharing the UEDG board.

Blue font = items taken up outside/subsequent to mtg.