Personalisation Programme Board

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Present: Ian Anderson, Lincolnshire County Council

Sue Batty, DH East Midlands

Jill Buchanan-Huck, Lincolnshire County Council

Jan Clark, Programme Director

Sally Curtis, Derby City Council

Gwen Doswell, Nottingham City Council

Barbara Exton, Citizen Leader

Brian Frisby, Northamptonshire County Council

Jonathan Hill (for Tracie Rees), Leicester City Council

Councillor Graham Marsh, Lincolnshire County Council

Paul McKay. Nottinghamshire County Council

Mark Naylor, Rutland County Council

Jenny Pitts, In Control

Helen Richmond, East Midlands REIP

Katey Twyford, Derbyshire County Council

Anisha Waka, Skills For Care

Olwen Wilson, Derby City Council

Richard Wilson (for Tony Dailide), Leicestershire County Council

Sue Wilson, Valuing People Regional Health & PCP Lead

Apologies: Amanda Ashworth, Skills for Care

Tony Dailide, Leicestershire County Council

Cath Round, In Control

Tracie Rees, Leicester City Council

In Attendance: Katrin Howe, Minute taker, Minutes

09.39.  National RAS Development
39.1.  Feedback from national event on 2nd October. Common RAS Framework now launched. This is not a prescribed model that Local Authorities have to adopt – Jeff Jerome, National TASC Director, is encouraging authorities to consider its adoption or use it to inform local RAS development.
39.2.  Regional support from DH. Our region is progressing well with RAS development. We are waiting to hear how DH will take forward a national RAS action learning set. Jan Clark to update the Board at its next meeting on;
·  the development of a regional action learning set, supported by central DH.
·  How local authorities are plotting the impact of RAS on local resources / Jan
09.40.  ULO
40.1. Wendy Gross’ Report. The findings and recommendations in Wendy Gross’ report on the East Midlands ULOs Project were noted. It was felt that there needs to be a fundamental change on how we engage with the community. There are a lot of examples of good practice but also inconsistent engagement with ULOs and financial recompense policies. As local authorities are at different stages of this programme, it is important to establish a commonality for financial recompense and co-productive engagement across the JIP Programme Boards.
40.2. Next Phase – roadshows and consultant. The Board endorsed the PID which outlines the next steps of the ULO development through to April 2011. The draft PID will be presented to the JIP Executive on 23 November for approval.
09.41.  National Milestones Self-assessment. Jan Clark shared the draft National Milestone self-assessment document with the Board. The final document is due to be sent to Directors today. This will not form part of CQC’s criteria for their annual assessment of services. Discussion ensued on how the National Milestone assessment may be a useful tool for sharing information among local authorities.
09.42.  At your service – research by DEMOS.
·  Ian presented an email from Jamie Bartlett of Demos to the Board asking councils if they are interested in using Demos’ research service.
·  The research targets people who use social and health care services to find out their views on personal budgets.
·  Nottinghamshire were one of the authorities involved in the initial research and Paul McKay offered to share Jamie Bartlett’s presentation with anybody who may be interested in this research.
·  The general feeling was that there would be benefit and value to employ Demos services, especially if this was done on a regional basis.
·  Jan Clark to contact Jamie Bartlett and explore the possibility of a regional approach to this survey / Jan
09.43.  Project Reports
43.1.  Programme Director. Progress report noted.
43.2.  CSED.
·  JIP Progress report noted
·  Paul McKay updated the Board with an overview of efficiency savings
43.3.  iMPOWER.
·  Progress report noted.
·  Feedback from Regional Personalisation Lead dinner on 4th November was overall positive with eight out of nine councils attending. It was felt that the evening meal model worked well and to have more of these events in the future
43.4.  Workforce Remodelling.
·  Progress report noted.
·  Jan described the key elements of the Workforce Development PID, author Judith Horsfall, regional DH team. One authority is being closely supported to develop a regional exemplar Workforce Strategy which when finalised, will be circulated.
43.5.  ULO / Co-production. Progress report noted.
43.6.  Mental Health. Progress report noted.
09.44.  JIP Feedback. Next meeting is on 23 November so no feedback at this meeting.
09.45.  Feedback from SDS Network. Next meeting is on 19 November so no feedback at this meeting.
09.46.  Feedback from National Personalisation Network
·  Transitions. Ian updated the Board. He reported that Jeff Jerome and John Dixon, ADASS are arranging work programmes around transitions and aiming to meet with regional leads to look at joint working within Adults and Children’s services.
09.47.  Feedback from Citizen Leaders’ meeting. This item took the form of a discussion, the key points being;
·  The Board is committed to having a two way dialogue with disabled people and their carers. It is incumbent on local authority Personalisation Leads to ensure that local groups are representative and engaged in the co-production of the Personalisation agenda.
·  The Citizen Leaders group was asked to feedback to the Board how engagement is happening locally. Leicester City is only local authority which, while engaged with service users and carers, does not currently have a Citizen Leader. In Control could provide support to Citizen Leaders group, this could be further explored
·  Jan's discussion paper on Equality, Diversity and co-production will include reference to how each JIP Board might take this forward to ensure co-production across the JIP infrastructure / PPF leads
·  Citizen Leaders to identify quick wins and actions.
·  Barbara to continue to be the service user rep on the Personalisation Board, noting that the Citizen Leaders' Group needs to evolve to incorporate engagement with LINkS and ULOs. / Barbara
09.48.  Action tracker from 29 September 2009.
09.17.1.  Market Place Tools. Should read IT Tools rather than Market Place Tools. Discussion concluded that this work still has some value but LAs have moved on. Sue should try to reconvene the same group for further workshop. / Sue
09.26.  National PPF Milestones. Situation as per tracker noted, progress to be reported to next Personalisation Board. / Jan
09.27.1.  Citizen Leaders. Citizen Leaders asked to identify what exists in their area to Vicky Pearson. Noted that development of regional Expert by Experience/ULO/LINk forum identified as an objective of the ULO Development programme. / Barbara
09.28.  NI 130. Noted that this is being addressed through the SDS as a regular agenda item but that not yet full compliance of submissions to database by councils.
09.49.  Minutes of the last meeting. Minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2009 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
09.50.  Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Personalisation Programme Board will be on Monday 11 January 2010, 10.30am – 2.00pm, including by lunch, at the Grantham Museum.