March18, 2018

The monthly business meeting of Community Church of PK Lake was called to order at 1:00 P.M. by Kevin VanDuser with an opening prayer. There were35 members present. The February 18, 2018 minutes were presented.

Financial Report: Rose Page: Kay VanDuser gave a report on switching to a new program for doing our financial information. She suggested we switch to the Quicken Program. This will save us $300.00 a month and only have Couch and Russell continue to handle our payroll and taxes.

Committee Reports:

Youth- James Turner, Youth Minister: James reported that on Wednesday nights they are averaging 30-40 kids. He talked about having Kelsey work in the nursery on Wednesday nights. Jennifer Smith will be the new Sunday school teacher for 2nd-5th grade starting on 3/18/18. He talked about AED training date to be announced. The annual youth fundraiser will be 4/14/2018 at 5pm with a fish fry.

He talked about VBS and Tammy James volunteered to take charge the date will be (July 23-27). The next youth meeting will be 3/26/2018 at 6pm. Terry Reynolds, Jennifer Smith and Tanya Boyles are helping on Wednesday Nights. Donkey Basketball/Bound In Hope (3/23/18).

Music Report: Cindy McCoy:No Report

Cards and Flowers–Debbie ZahnAnd Pat Cornelius are handling the cards

Nursery Report –No report

Blanket Ministry– Julie Murray:Kay VanDuser reported that 40 blankets were sent to Hospice for their patients and they are working on 40 caps to send to Hospice also. 2,734 blankets were given out since last report.

Library Committee –Diane Butler: No Report

Visitation Committee – Ardie Brock: Reported that not many visitor cards are being filled out.

Grounds Committee – Tiny Page: Nothing to report.

Building Committee -Kevin VanDuser: Kevin reported he will be getting estimates for fixing the roof on Wednesday.

Security/Safety Committee: Harry Thompson- There are 8 on the committee. On Wednesdays 2 doors only will be unlocked. On Sundays all doors will be locked when service starts.

Transportation Committee:Tammy Marsh: Nothing to report.

Pastor Report – Glen James: Glen talked about Leadership Issues- circle of trust; attitude

  1. Good Friday- Open Church? For communion./ He will be Preaching at the Sunrise Service
  2. James – Services/ Coaching

3. Gossip – Sermon after Galations – hope for our flock

4. Next Series – Phillipians

5. Andy’s Role

6. Spiritual Planning Team (bible in a year- blog; small groups; Marriage classes; financial mgmt classes)

  1. Sound Booth
  2. Schedule
  3. VBS – End of July.

Pastor Glen also reported that we sent a check to Curtis Gunn in the amount of $1900.00 to end our agreement with him on the sand issue.

OLD BUSINESS: Roof repair- cost etc.

Storage Shed doors still in need of repair.

NEW BUSINESS: There will be a breakfast workshop once a year for committees (TBA)

There was no further business to conduct;Debbie Zahnmade the motion to adjourn. Tim Dayseconded the motion. None opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 1:55p.m. Pastor Glen Jamesdismissed in prayer.


04/01/2018 – Sharing Fund Sunday

04/08/2018 – Council Meeting

04/11/2018 – Blanket Ministry 10am

04/22/2018 – Fellowship Luncheon & Business Meeting following Worship Service

04/25/2018 – Ladies Breakfast 9am

Respectfully submitted,

Rose Page
