EDU 5817
Discussion 2
1.Article: Effects on student achievement of teachers’ practices of parental involvement (P.61 – 62)
What should be done so that the effect can also be seen in other subjects other than reading?
2.Article: The relationship of parenting style to adolescent school performance (P.57 – 58)
Based on the findings, which parenting style should be encouraged among parents? Why?
3.Why do Asian students do well in school regardless of parenting styles, although there is a negative relationship with authoritarian parenting? (P.57 – 58)
4.Article: The effects of parent involvement on children’s achievement: The significance of home/school link. (151 – 152)
What does it mean when the findings show that ‘the gap in school achievement between working class and middle-class children is more effectively explained by differing patterns of child-parent and parent-school interaction than it is by characteristics of socioeconomic status (SES)?
5.The attitudes and behavior of parents who have felt powerless and excluded can be changed. Aggressive outreach techniques may be necessary to establish communication with ethnic, racial, and language-minority families. Suggest some of the techniques.
6.It was found out that ‘mothers report that many problems in school disappear when their children see an alliance between mother and teacher, and when mothers can help teachers be more responsive to their children. Explain this phenomenon.
7.Article: Why disadvantaged students succeed: What happen outside school is critical. (pg. 41 -42)
It was found out that ‘ the differences between high and low-achieving youngsters from similar backgrounds might be explained by how and with whom they spend their time. How can we learn from this?
8.Article: Family matters: Evaluation of the parental empowerment program’ (P.45 – 46)
The findings show that ‘parents with positive and realistic view of their capacities as parents are likely to make good use of available social supports and place high priority on activities with their children. What should we empower parents of our children?
9.Article: Educating poor minority children. (pg. 49 – 50)
How can we learn from this study especially for the disadvantaged group?
10.Article: Empowering minority students: A framework for intervention. (pg. 53 – 54.
How can we learn from the empower program by utilizing the 4 major characteristics?
11.Article: Socioeconomic status, family structure, and parental involvement: The correlates of achievement. (pg. 59 - 60)
When the factor of SES was controlled, it was found that three factors that demonstrated a significant impact independent of social background: the possession index (or level of affluence), students living with neither original parent, and parent involvement during high school. The most powerful was parent involvement. What is the implication of these findings to educators?
12.Article: Family structure and the achievement of children. (pg. 90 – 92)
Children in reconstituted families (i.e. where the custodial parent has a new partner) appear to have lower achievement than children in intact families, but higher than children in single-parent families. Why is this so? What implications does it tell us?
13.Article: Community involvement and disadvantaged students: A review. (pg. 97 – 98)
Which two of change processes are most likely to benefit school children in our setting? Why?
14.Why do we need to consider both the community structure and community climate?