Communication Skills Session 1 - Training notes/Lesson Plan (to be used with PPT Comm 1)
Total time 1hr. 15mins – 1hr. 30mins
Timings / Topic / Content / Logistics10 mins / Welcome and introductions
(including getting the class settled) /
- Intro trainers and mentors
- Intro of students in groups to mentors
- Mentors notice communication style of individual students to help support them in exercises
Powerpoint (ppt)
5 mins / The ‘I’ve got something to say programme’ /
- Recap of purpose of Programme
- Elements of the programme
5 mins / Communication skills /
- 1-another communication (2 way)
- Filters used in communication
- component parts
- words
- tone
- body lang
- basic styles +ve & -ve
- assertive
- responsive
- aggressive
- responsive
- important to be clear on your intention
15 mins / Communications Exercise /
- work within groups
- for assertive, draw a list up of
- words
- tone
- body language
- coach your mentor to behave assertively
- Mentors to say ‘My name is … and I have something important to say.’
- for responsive, draw a list up of
- words
- tone
- body language
- coach your mentor to behave responsively
- Mentors to say “ I’d be really interested in your views”
- if you are overdoing both/either one, what are the reasons?
- words
- tone
- body language
- feedback to trainer in main group
Mentors to say phrase passively and aggressively and then get coaching to do it assertively
Mentors to say phrase passively assertively and aggressively and get coaching to do it responsively
Highlights to main group
ppt summary
15 mins Break
10 mins / Responsive / Recap of responsive component parts
Listening and questioning input / ppt
Input fromtrainer
20mins / Responsive exercises / Listening
- robbers exercise individual (5 mins)
- pencil and paper
- review in main groups
- review key points by trainer and input re questioning
- Pairs Questioning exercise (5 mins )
- 1 person has a picture and answers only questions asked
- 2nd person asks questions and
- At end review what helped,
- asking open questions at start
- closed at end
- Groups 3-4 exercise (10 mins)
- Mentor to answer questions re picture 5mins
Oversee groups working in pairs; 2 different cards in group
Help if necessary and review at end
Take back cards
5 mins / Assertive / Recap of assertive component parts / Trainer Input
10 mins / Assertive Exercises / Move table/desks chairs back quickly
Trainer to do memo with another person
Pairs exercise
- “my name is … and I have something important to say”
- correct words, tone or body language or step back
- concentrate on eye contact, straight body and tone
Mentors look after pairs in your groups
5 mins / The bus tour / Input on the tour itself:
- Time date and duration
- What it’s for i.e. its purpose
- what they will find out, and
- the kind of information they need to gather
15 mins / Bus tour exercise / In groups with your mentor
- How will you gather information on your bus journey?
- Draw up a list
- Feedback to main group
- What questions sort of questions will you need to ask?
- Write a list in pairs
- Tell us the best question you have
5 mins / Recap on what happens next
Close / What happens next
Thank you / Trainer