Communication: Selected Resources
Thomas Jefferson Library –
Communication entails a verbal or written message; a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior; a technique for expressing ideas effectively. (Merriam-Webster)
Communications (plural) is generally the technology of the transmission of information; a system (e.g. telephones, satellite, facsimile, etc.) for communicating.
Resources in the field of communication studies may be cross-disciplinary, so do not be limited to the resources listed below. See also: Media Studies subject guide
Communications Standard Dictionary REF TK5102 .W437 1996
Communication and the Mass Media: A guide to the reference literature REF P90 .B53 1991
Dictionary of Marketing Communication REF HF5412 .G68 2004
Encyclopedia of Communication & Information REF P87.5 .E53 2001 (3 vols.)
Encyclopedia of International Media & Communications REF P87.5 .E532 2003 (4 vols.)
Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from ancient times to the
information age REF PN172 .E53 1996
Handbook of Communication & Social Interaction Skills HM1111 .H36 2003
Handbook of International & Intercultural CommunicationP94.6 .H36 2002
Handbook of Visual Communication P93.5 .H363 2005
Longman Dictionary of Mass Media & Communication P87.5 .L66 1982
Webster’s New World Dictionary of Media & Communications REF P87 .W45 1996
Communication Yearbook P87 .C5974
Measurements & Scales
Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures REF BF431 .G625 LIB has v.1 (1974)-
8(2003). In the front of vol. 7 are instructions on how to use the volumes of measures, list of
journals, list and definitiions of the measures; test names and purpose.
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes BF698.4 .M38 1991
Mental Measurements Yearbok REF BF698.5 .B88 *See also: Databases
Personality Tests and Reviews REF BF698.5 B87
The Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going Beyond Words. Edited by Valerie Manusov.
P99.5 .S58 2005
Tests and Measurements Resource Guide - The W.E.Barnes Library on the south campus of
UMSL carries tests and measurements. They also carry test critiques and other reference
works related to tests and measurements in the Reference section of their library.
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests available in compilation volumes. Compiled
by the University of Texas Libraries.
Selected Databases & Indexes – accessible from the Libraries’ Databases’ page
- Communication & Mass Media Complete – Provides quality research in areas related to communication and mass media. Some full-text.
- Academic Search Premier – Cross-disciplinary; may limit to scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles
- JSTOR – Database to cross-disciplinary scholarly literature; A database of archived issues of academic journals. Articles are available as scanned versions of journal pages."
- LexisNexis Academic – Cross-disciplinary; using the Guided News Search limit to Magazines & Journals, or Abstracts, or Policy Papers.
- Mental Measurements Yearbook database - MMY provides coverage from vol. 9 to the present (1985 - ).
- Project Muse -full-text access to over 100 scholarly journals primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Proceedings First – Search communication by keyword or descriptor to locate citations from every congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received at The British Library
- Digital Dissertations
- ArticleFirst – Citation index covering over 12,500 artilces on social sciences, humanities, popular culture, and other disciplines.
- Communication Abstracts (paper) – Located on the third level of the Thomas Jefferson Library, these abstracts may be found in the Reference Indexes area. P87 .C59733
Selected Internet Resources
CCMS: Communication, Cultural, Media Studies Infobase
CIOS: Communication Institute for Online Scholarship
Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric - This online rhetoric, provided by Dr. Gideon Burton of
Brigham Young University, is a guide to the terms of classical andrenaissance rhetoric.
Online Communication Resources. - Compiled by the Univeristy of Iowa.
Ethics Updates, University of San Diego
Critical Media Studies Resources, Buffalo State College Communication Department
Selected Journal Titles in the TJ Library
These are just a few of the journals that may relate to your Communication research. Some are in print, and some are only accessible in electronic format.
Communication Monographs
Communication Law and Policy
Communication Quarterly
Communication Research
Communication Studies
Communication Theory
Mass Communication & Media
Journalism and Mass Communication Educator
Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Media, Culture & Society
Media History Monographs