Language Immersion Workshop at PLU 2004

Communications Quick Check

From (7/28/2004)

What should students in the immersion language know and be able to do?

English / Immersion Language
Kindergarten / Kindergarten
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • know and identify rhyming sounds?
  • know and use simple social conventions?
  • know and correctly use simple connectives, personal pronouns, and common prepositions?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • attend to a speaker in classroom situations?
  • listen for directions and follow classroom routines?
  • retell stories from video, pictures, or books?
  • contribute to group discussions?

First Grade / First Grade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • identify initial, middle, and final sounds in words?
  • know and apply most grammatical rules?
  • know and use teacher-developed rules for classroom and group work?
  • identify real and imaginary elements in a variety of texts?
  • define mass communication and identify sample text?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • listen for a variety of purposes?
  • identify meaning from speaker's words and actions?
  • make short presentations using appropriate rate and volume?
  • sustain one-to-one conversations with children and adults?
  • contribute to group discussions to clarify ideas?
  • suggest solutions to problems?
  • offer feedback to others regarding volume and rate?

English / Immersion Language
Second Grade / Second Grade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • identify non-verbal cues?
  • know and use vocabulary related to content areas?
  • know and use language to categorize, describe similarities and differences, and discuss cause and effect?
  • identify fact and fiction in media text?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • listen for main idea and supporting details?
  • observe and classify objects by taste, texture, sound, dimension, or volume?
  • ask for additional information or repetition to clarify meaning?
  • use language to retell, speak, discuss, and give instructions?
  • select appropriate language for audience and purpose?
  • use media to help convey ideas?
  • contribute to group discussion using personal experiences and opinions?

English / Immersion Language
Third Grade / Third Grade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • summarize the main idea from spoken and visual text?
  • know and use specialized vocabulary and language to meet social and educational purposes?
  • know and use similes and metaphors to enhance meaning?
  • know the difference among and recognize examples of fact, opinion, truth, and fiction in text?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • demonstrate active listening behaviors, using graphic organizers to aid comprehension?
  • follow a sequence of instructions?
  • use observation skills as a tool for describing simple experiments?
  • Speak for expository purposes (to explain) including elements of narration (retell stories of some complexity)?
  • organize ideas by connecting ideas in a clear introduction, body, and conclusion?
  • use delivery skills to draw and maintain audience interest?
  • contribute ideas that relate to a group's purpose or goals?
  • use language to investigate problems and understand another's point of view?

English / Immersion Language
Fourth Grade / FourthGrade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • describe and use a variety of listening strategies?
  • articulate concepts by describing, narrating, or explaining?
  • know and demonstrate expository organizational patterns?
  • know and assume some group roles?
  • differentiate among fact, fiction, and opinion?
  • identify media text forms, purposes, and messages?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • listen for facts, details, feelings, and values in oral and visual text?
  • listen and observe to gain information, to compare and contrast, and to discover how things work?
  • question and paraphrase to clarify meaning?
  • consider the audience and purpose when selecting content and language for a presentation?
  • emphasize meaning in conversations, discussions, and oral presentations by use of pauses, gestures, and facial expressions?
  • include visual material, action, and/or sound to create an effective presentation?
  • interact appropriately with peers and adults?
  • encourage others to speak by asking questions, providing additional information, and supporting the input of others?
  • evaluate the performance of self and others using established criteria?

English / Immersion Language
Fifth Grade / Fifth Grade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • identify the characteristics of persuasive and expository speech?
  • explain the importance of analyzing audience, purpose, topic, and context before making a speech?
  • identify the basic organizational pattern of introduction, body, and conclusion?
  • list and identify types of support available for their use?
  • identify and explain the function of various group roles and collaborative skills?
  • identify basic ground rules for effective group work?
  • explain the importance of a correspondence between verbal and nonverbal cues?
  • explain how communication is used in a career setting?
  • identify types of persuasive techniques used in print advertising?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • pay attention and listen to gain information?
  • analyze the audience, purpose, and context in planning a speech?
  • construct and deliver a speech with guidance from the teacher?
  • demonstrate appropriate use of voice, eye contact, facial expression, body language, and posture?
  • use effective strategies for practicing a speech?
  • begin to select language appropriate for audience and purpose?
  • use a limited variety of media to support and illustrate ideas?
  • practice listening skills?
  • practice courtesy and tact in interpersonal and group interactions?
  • distinguish among media techniques?

English / Immersion Language
Sixth Grade / Sixth Grade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • identify body language that conveys a message?
  • identify and analyze additional characteristics of audience, purpose, topic, and context, which affect speech development decisions?
  • identify increasingly sophisticated organizational patterns, which may include problem/solution and cause/effect patterns?
  • explain how communication skills are used in various career paths?
  • define and identify characteristics of mass communication?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • listen and observe attentively by taking notes and mental recapitulation?
  • apply the characteristics of persuasive and expository speech to choices made in speech preparation and delivery?
  • apply knowledge of audience, purpose, topic, and context in planning and delivering a speech?
  • make appropriate use of secondary sources to select facts and statistics?
  • make purposeful decisions regarding use of language, voice, eye contact, facial expression, and body language to contribute to the effect of a speech?
  • use appropriate and effective media to support and illustrate ideas?
  • participate actively and effectively in group work?
  • demonstrate listening, questioning, and paraphrasing skills that further understanding among group members and individuals?
  • evaluate group and individual performance based on teacher-directed criteria?
  • differentiate among factual and non-factual statements made in radio and television commercials?

English / Immersion Language
Seventh Grade / SeventhGrade
Content Quick Check:
Does the student
  • describe the characteristics of appropriate interview questions and techniques?
  • identify methods used in commercials and/or advertisements?
  • describe the ways in which video and film production techniques influence the viewer?
Process Quick Check:
Does the student
  • listen and observe attentively to gain relevant information?
  • identify consistencies between verbal and nonverbal messages?
  • plan and deliver expository and persuasive speeches, which are appropriately modified, based upon characteristics of audience, purpose, topic, and context?
  • research and select materials from a variety of primary and secondary sources?
  • expand his/her repertoire of organizational patterns to include inductive/deductive, categorizing, problem/solution and cause/effect?
  • use appropriate media and/or technology to elaborate a presentation?
  • work collaboratively in a group, assuming various roles and responsibilities?
  • interact positively in groups and individually to solve problems, perform a task, and/or resolve conflict?
  • demonstrate proficient listening, questioning, and paraphrasing skills?
  • participate in developing and using criteria to evaluate self and others, using the evaluation to set realistic goals for future performance?

1/11/19 presented by Michele Anciaux Aoki, 1