Communication Internships

Communication majors who concentrate in the following areas are looking for the following projects:

■ Digital media: Video recording and social media

■ Public Relations: Social media, event planning, public service announcements

■ Organizational Communication: Training design or technical writing

■ Civic advocacy: Projects with legal, government, or with nonprofit agencies

■ Interpersonal and Family: 1:1 interactions with people to solve problems

■ Journalism: Research, writing, and interviewing

Requirements of Communication Dept. Internships:

■ 3 credits, each requiring 60 hours = 180 total hours (which can be taken 1 credit at a time)

■ Must be completed within one year

■ Hours per week negotiated between student and employer

■ Paid or unpaid negotiated with student, but if unpaid without stipend, the following must apply:

☐ Organization is a nonprofit, OR

☐ Student receives extensive training

☐ Student is supervised by professional

☐ Student not required to use his/her own equipment

☐ Student receives more benefit than employer and is not a substitute for a paid worker

Documents Needed To Receive Credit:

■ Completed / Signed contract by supervisor, including list of projects to be completed, which can be a part of their senior e-portfolio.

■ Midway and Final Reports from student

■ Weekly Log from student

■ Midway evaluation from supervisor

■ Letter of Reference from supervisor

■ Final Survey from supervisor

■ Final Survey from student

■ Completed Project for Senior Seminar E-Portfolio

■ Midway and Final Meetings with Internship Coordinator with student

Communication Department Coordinator: Dr. Susan Hafen, 801-626-8129

Information Needed to Recruit Interns

Organization:Northern Wasatch Home Builders Association (NWHBA)

Address: 5728 S. 1475 E. Ste. 100City: South Ogden

Contact Person Info (name, email and/or phone) and How to Apply:

Name:Katie Speirs


Phone: 801-479-5230

How to apply: Email resume and cover letter to Katie

Internship Responsibilities/Duties:

■ Work with staff on all logistical planning of Parade of Homes

■ Help with social media, newsletters and other publications/advertising put out by NWHBA

■Coordinate events put on by NWHBA

■Office administration

■Project management


Skills / Knowledge Needed for Internship:

■Customer Service

■Attention to detail/organization

■Ability to communicate effectively


Projects To Be Completed (Internship Portfolio possibilities):

■ Event planning

■ Facilitation with NWHBA committees

■ Exhibition coordination


Location(s) for Internship Work (e.g., some work done at home?):

At the NWHBA office

Days/Times Intern Needed–How Flexible:

Very flexible.12 week internship, 20 hours starting out with more hours needed as Parade of Homes gets closer. Days can be negotiated.

Pay Rate/Stipend:
