Communication ApplicationsMrs. Sutherland

Lanier High School Class Information


Writing utensil (black or blue ink, pencil)

Regular white notebook paper

Folder with pockets and brads

1 Composition Notebook

(Optional: Colored pencils/markers/glue stick)

I.COURSE DESCRIPTION: For successful participation in professional and social life, students must develop effective communication skills. Rapidly expanding technologies and changing social and corporate systems demand that students sent clear verbal messages, choose effective nonverbal behaviors, listen for desired results, and apply valid criticalthinking and problem solving processes. Students will be expected to identify, analyze, develop, and evaluate communication skills needed for professional and social success in interpersonal situations, group interactions, and personal and professional presentations. A major goal of this course is for the student to feel more comfortable and confident speaking in front of people. I also want students to develop an appreciation of the art of communication as well as to respect the power of the spoken word.

II. CLASS REQUIREMENTS: The student is expected to work hard and to TRY to the best of his/her ability. Speech is a student performancebased class.

A. Class participation and performanceG. Written exams and tests

B. Completed written class work and homeworkH. Journal

C. Major presentations and speeches I. Written and oral critiques

D. Listening and audience etiquetteJ. Daily Attendance-Grade

E. Vocal and physical warmups (as leaders and participants)


Classroom Rules and Procedures:

  • Be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. It will be acceptable to be grabbing your journal notebook and heading to your seat when the tardy bell rings.
  • No lining up at the classroom door before the bell rings. If students are not in their seats I will not release the class.
  • Bring all materials and supplies to class every day.
  • No candy, food or drinks in class. Any and all food and drinks will be confiscated with the exception of a bottle of water.
  • Character counts! Be respectful of others at all times.
  • Keep a positive attitude and apply yourself every day.
  • No Cell Phones allowed in class until allowed. If I ask you to put your phone away and you do not comply the phone will be taken to the front office with a referral.
  • No skipping class.
  • No foul language or racist language will ever be allowed in my classroom.
  • Must be in LHS dress code at all times.

1II. Make-up work:

  • You will have one day for every day you are absent to turn in assignments assigned while you were gone. It is your responsibility to ask for all make-up work.
  • Work that was due on the day you were absent is due at the beginning of class the first class day you are back if it was a major presentation or exam previously assigned.
  • Tests that were taken the first day you were absent will be taken at the beginning of class the first class day you are back.
  • Be sure to notify me ahead of time and get work for days missed with extra-curricular activities. I will work with you on this, but you are responsible for getting your own work.

All students must take responsibility to see that all projects, essays, research projects, and other assignments where a specific time period has been given are turned in on the day they are due. An absence will not be an excuse for late assignments unless special arrangements have been made with the teacher. This requirement is necessary in order to prepare students for assuming responsibility in college and/or the workplace.

In speech class, long-term assignments include speeches, performances and major presentations. Please note that this means that unless there are extenuating circumstances and special arrangements have been made with the teacher BEFORE THE DUE DATE, any longterm assignment (including ALL speeches, performances and major presentations) are DUE on the day that the assignment is due. Students who have been absent will need to be ready to speak and/or perform upon their return to class.

IV. Tutorials: It is your responsibility to get extra help as needed outside of class. There are no tutorials scheduled during the school day this year, but I am available before school from 8:15 to 8:55 AM. I am also available during lunch for extra help. All tutorials are by scheduled appointment. I want to be sure that I am in my room and available, so please let me know when you will be coming by for help. My room number is 19, class phone is 512- 841-2639, and my school email address is My conference periods are 2nd and 6th Periods 11:00am-12:30 pm.

V. Grading policies:

Each Six Weeks

The Lanier English Department will use a weighted grading policy. Daily grades will count as one grade. Quizzes and minor projects will count as two grades. Essays, major grades, and tests will count as three grades. All teachers will follow this protocol to ensure consistency throughout the campus.

VI. Class Participation: You will be expected to participate in class discussions, group activities and to work independently as required. For each project you will receive a participation grade for producing the assignment and meeting all of the classroom expectations. This is an incentive, but discipline referrals will still be written for habitual problems. Important! Unless your teacher specifically tells you that you may work with other students on an assignment, you are expected to work on all assignments by yourself, using only your own thoughts, ideas, and reasoning.


A. Tardy policy-

1 You are expected to be in class on time!

2. You are expected to follow Lanier High School Tardy Policy.

  1. Remember—3 tardies will cause an extra hour of tutoring to be added to your assigned hours from the attendance committee.

B. Discipline policy-

1. Warning; student/teacher conference.

2. Final warning; parental contact.

3. Detention (lunch or before/after school) and/or loss of privileges.

4. Send to the assistant principal; possible removal from the course.

5. Severe: no warning necessary; send to assistant principal immediately!

VIII. Homework/Daily grades: Written assignments will be accepted one day late with 10 points deducted and must be authorized by Mrs. Sutherland the day before due. Assignments will not be accepted more than one day late and a grade of zero will be recorded.

IX. Major grades: Chapter tests and presentations will be considered major grades. Presentations must be given on the day assigned or points will be deducted as indicated on the grade sheet for that assignment. In general, my policy is a loss of 20 points per day if you are not ready to present on your assigned day. Also, in order to maintain a classroom in which we respect each other 20 points will be deducted each time a student interrupts the presentation of another student. Students are encouraged to participate in each others presentations, but we will have a question and answer period at the end of the presentation and not during.

X. Extra credit: At times I will extend extra credit for certain projects based on what we are covering in class at that time. I will always announce when I am offering extra credit and will write it up on the whiteboard at the front of the room.

XI. Immediate Referral and Call for Security

  1. Cursing at teacher or at each other. No rude name calling.
  2. Walking out of class without permission.
  3. Skipping Class.
  4. Refusing to give up Cell Phone or I-Pod.
  5. Violation of AISD Code of Conduct. Ex.Cheating, Dress code, Under the Influence.
  6. Fighting.

Communications Applications-Fall 2015

Mrs. Sutherland

  • The Communication Process

-Sending and receiving messages

-Formal and informal settings

-Encoding and decoding messages accurately

-Ch.1 and Ch.2 Exam

  • Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

-Analyzing verbal language

-Understanding shades of meaning

-Adapting language to certain situations

-Analyzing body language

-Study how environment affects communication

-Nonverbal group research project and presentation

  • Interpersonal Communication

-Developing relationships

-Responding to others

-Communicating your thoughts and feelings

-Giving and accepting criticism

-Interviewing skills

-Partner interview w/resume and presentation

  • Small Group Communication

-Planning a group discussion

-Performing different roles in a discussion

-Managing group conflict

-Reaching a group decision (by decree, by voting, or by consensus)

-Evaluating the effectiveness of group discussions

-Developing and presenting an advertising campaign with a commercial

-Personality analysis and essay of personal type

  • Public Speaking

-Organize a speech

-Prepare and introduction and conclusion

-Write an outline of your speech

-Use transitional devices

-Controlling stage fright

-Different methods of delivery

-Improving vocal skills

-Write and informative “How-To” speech and deliver to class with visual aids

  • Oral Interpretation-Final Exam project

-Choosing a prose or poetry selection for a group presentation

-Learning about the mood, tone, and characterization of a prose/poetry piece

-Using nonverbal communication to enhance your performance

-Practicing your selection to enhance your performance

Communication Applications

Mrs. Shanon Sutherland

Please sign and date this note and return it to me during our next class period so that I may verify that you have seen and read my classroom rules. The above course description will be kept in your student’s binder for future reference. Please provide email addresses if you use email. Thank you, Mrs. Sutherland

Student Name______

Student Signature______


Cell Phone______


Parent Signature______


Cell Phone ______


Movie Release:

In order to give students a multiple perspective on the issue that we discuss in class, and as a way for the students to apply this information into their daily lives, I will use a number of educational, news, and popular videos with my Communication Applications curriculum. There is only one film that is rated PG-13 that I show the class, the rest of the films we watch are rated PG or G. Please sign below to give your child permission to view these class videos. An alternate assignment will be available for your child if you do not want him or her to view any film above a PG rating.

Please initial one of the following statements:

Ok for movies: “I give permission for my child to watch PG-13 rated movies that are relevant to the course content.”______

Not ok for movies: “I want my child to be given alternate library assignments when PG-13 rated movies are shown.”______

(Please return this form by the next class period for a quiz grade).