LunchTime Seminar (Webinar)

Friday 22nd April 2016

12:30 - 14:00 Central Europe Time

Room M205, 2ndFloor, M Building, WHO Headquarters

20, aveAppia, 1211 Geneva-27, Switzerland

The clinical value of imaging involving the use of radiation for the diagnosis of paediatric illness and injury is unquestionable. The benefits of imaging children must be weighed against the potential risks of the radiation exposure with the ultimate purpose of ensuring that benefit outweighs harm. This demands policies and actions that recognize and maximize the multiple health benefits that can be obtained, which at the same time minimize potential health risks. Health-care providers requesting and/or performing radiological imaging procedures in children have a shared responsibility to communicate radiation risks to patients, parents and other caregivers. WHO organizes this webinar to present the new document “Communicating Radiation Risks in Paediatric Imaging: information to support health care discussions about benefit and risk” available at This document is intended to serve as a tool for health-care providers to communicate about risks associated with paediatric imaging procedures. The session will bring together guest speakers to discuss the effective and balanced benefit-risk dialogue in paediatric imaging and how this can be achieved to improve health service deliveryin the context of patient, family and community centred care.

To participate in this Webinar please register use this link and follow the instructions

Seminar Agenda

Co-Chaired by Dr Maria Neira, Director of the WHO Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health,WHO and Dr Edward Kelley, Director of the WHO Departmentof Service Delivery and Safety

12:30h Opening remarks

Co-chairs M Neira (PHE/WHO) & E. Kelly (SDS/WHO)

Representatives of invited Permanent Missions

12:55h Setting the scene: overview on the communication tool

‒M. Perez (PHE/WHO, Swtizerland)

13:00h Medical exposure in paediatric imaging – current data and trends

‒FeridShannoun (UNSCEAR, Austria)

13:10h Communicating radiation risks in medical imaging: how can we do it better?

Steve Ebdon Jackson (Public Health England, UK)

13:20h Patient and family engagement to improve safety in paediatric imaging

Hellen Haskell, Patients for Patient Safety (PFPS, USA)

13:30h The way forward

Nittita Prasopa-Plaizier (SDS/WHO, Switzerland)

13:35h Discussion

14:00h Closing remarksand end of the seminar