IACCF 2007 Oct/3

This paper was written by Defra and discussed at the most recent England Biodiversity Group Climate Change Adaptation Workstream meeting (14 Sept 2007). The IACCF may want to consider its involvement in such a webportal.

Concept Note DRAFT

Communicating Climate Change Adaptation

July 23 2007

1  Rationale

Following the recent publications of the EBS Towards Adaptation Report, the results of modelled responses of biodiversity to climate change given in MONARCH and the BRIG Guidance, the Climate Change Adaptation Workstream agreed that it was increasingly important to provide easy access to information about practical measures to promote adaptation to climate change for biodiversity, and it would be important to provide this information alongside other information about adaptation to climate change so that biodiversity would be considered as an integral part of any planning for adaptation. An email interview and telephone conversations among the Workstream members has indicated that the general requirements for the communications and e-portal which are given in Annex 1, and also indicated that the most appropriate place for this information would be on the UKCIP website, to supplement the information and guidance given there.

A google search with the words climate change, adaptation and biodiversity will soon reveal that there is some information available, but is spread about and of variable practical detail and consistency.

The purpose of this concept note is, in anticipation of demand for guidance and information, to initiate discussions and participation to explore and develop the specification for an e-portal and supporting framework that will provide a single reliable source of information about the recently published reports and guidelines on measures for providing for adaptation of biodiversity to climate change and how these measures could be practically implemented so that provision of needs for adaptation of biodiversity is considered as an integral part of any planning for adaptation to climate change.

1.1  Specific aims of the e-portal development:

·  To obtain views of recognised experts working in biodiversity and climate change prediction and communications and to determine what sort of e-portal and materials should be communicated and how (see Annex 1).

·  To identify a home site for the portal and sources of funding (see Annex 1, the UKCIP website has been suggested, since the biodiversity considerations would complement other advice and guidance given on the site)

·  To identify important web links that should be available from the portal ( see Annex 1 for suggestions)

·  To ensure that the portal reflects the integrity of the partners and organisations associated with the BAP groups and that consistent messages concerning. adaptation and climate change are given and understood across all involved groups and organisations

·  To increase awareness and participation in the project and to create a small group to manage the e portal and determine communication messages in association with the Climate Change Adaptation Workstream

·  To develop a short paper outlining the purpose and specification of the e-portal, and recommendations for its development including funding, management and resources.

2  Annex 1

An email interview and telephone conversations with members of the Climate Change Adaptation Workstream has indicated that the general requirements for the communications and e-portal are identification of the target audience, e-portal type, management and guidance, host home, resourcing and content.

2.1  Target audience

Main audience: Biodiversity conservation workers: Land managers, planners, businesses and industry, and policy makers

Secondary audience: Researchers, students , interested members of the public

2.2  E portal type

A Wiki type portal was favoured, since it would allow others to contribute, however the purpose of the portal is to provide reliable advice, so a degree of monitoring comments and other information before it is posted openly may be in order.

2.3  Management and Guidance

It may be necessary to form a small group to edit and approve materials for inclusion on the site, and to develop and guide implementation of a communications plan ( eg how often to update the site, agree consistent messages) and liaise with other biodiversity groups and the biodiversity communications plan.

2.4  Resourcing

Defra, Natural England and others may be willing to contribute funds and to the management and editing group, depending on the specifications. In addition to developing the e-portal itself, the project would require a short guidance document, setting out the aims and objectives of the site, the governance/editing group and their roles, any publishing rules or guidelines, funding, time tables for updates and refreshing the site, lists of contributors and sources of reliable materials. Depending on the design requirements for the e-portal and level of detail in the guidance document, it is anticipated that the project could cost £10-25k.

2.5  Host Home

It is important to choose the right host home:

The host home for the portal will determine the style-and content, which will also have implications on the cost and management of the site.

It must be logical and easy to find on the web- eg a host home on the Defra web site would not be as appropriate as one more directly recognised as involved with climate change, adaptation or biodiversity.

Suggestions were: UKCIP, UKBAP or BRAG, Natural England, JNCC.

Of these, UKCIP would be most appropriate because climate change scenarios, other information and guidance on adaptation is already provided.

2.6  Content of the e-portal

The e-portal would be mainly concerned with providing details about the climate change adaptation. It could include:

·  The Climate Change Adaptation Workstream workplan so that the intentions of the founding body are made clear. Or a link?

·  The aims and purpose of the e-portal should be given so expectations are made clear.

·  A legal page with short summaries of legal obligations to consider biodiversity and adaptation to climate change ( eg NERC Bill).

·  Illustrated glossary of terms and phrases. Some clarification of what is meant by adaptation should be given and a demonstration of some of the adaptation measures – for example:

o  John Hopkins had some good slides showing what he meant by habitat heterogeneity, and topographical effects, etc which could be put to good use, subject to his permission.

o  Habitat Connectivity eg BEETLE, Natural England and the Forestry Commission may be willing to provide some examples of assessing and demonstrating functional habitat connectivity

·  Habitats and species at risk- link to BAP

·  Case Studies and examples of good practice, eg

o  BRANCH river Hamble study- provide a summary and link?

o  The Wetland Vision include CC- provide a summary and link?

o  Woodland and forestry strategies include CC (I have looked at a few , where it is mentioned, but not detailed)

o  The new biomass crop maps - provide a summary and link?

o  Urban Greenspaces- provide a summary and link?

·  Other guidance documents and summary notes

·  Links to others sites eg NE, FC, WT, JNCC, UK BAP, BRANCH, Devolved Admin. sites, the Peat Pages?

·  Contact us

·  Hits records/ registration

·  Conferences and Seminars

2.7  Timing

The Climate Change Workstream did not set a date for delivery for Communication of Climate Change Adaptation (via an e-portal), but there is a deliverable to ‘climate change proof’ deliverables in all other workstreams by 2008. Rapid development and provision of the e-portal would assist in this, by providing a source and forum for exchange of information.

The processes of tendering and contract letting take about 1 month each, and allowing time to design and deliver the e-portal, the first information could be available, live on line as early as January, with further development, addition of material and refinement, to complete the project by the end of March. This is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Estimate of Schedule for the Project Communicating Climate Change Adaptation

2007 / 2008
Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar
Invitation to tender
specifications sent out
Tender preparation
Contract award (end Oct) / I
Consultation and preparations
Editing group establishment
Design of e portal
Assemble materials and links for e-portal
E portal goes live
Refinements and additions
Project complete-e-portal and governance running.
Contractor to deliver guidance document (management and development of the site with recommendations for further work)