2000 RS BR / 2014 / Amendment: / Committee / FloorBill #: / HB 715 / Amendment #
SUBJECT/TITLE / Regulation of motor carriers
SPONSOR / Rep. Paul Bather
Unit of Government: / X / City; / County; / X / Urban County GovernmentProgram/
Office(s) Impacted:Requirement: / X / Mandatory / Optional
Effect on
Powers & Duties / Modifies Existing / X / Adds New / Eliminates ExistingPURPOSE/MECHANICS
This bill concerns the regulation, of taxicabs. Section 4 grants cities of the first five classes supervisory and regulatory power over taxicabs. Should a city of the first class, or an urban-county government enact ordinances to regulate taxicabs, however, this section requires the establishment of a complaint process and provisions for appeal if the complaint is not resolved. Additionally, should the city of the first class or the urban-county governments enact ordinances relating to taxicabs, they are required to create a transportation commission for the purpose of regulating taxicabs.
FISCAL EXPLANATION/BILL PROVISIONS / ESTIMATED COSTThe impact of this bill is indeterminable, but is expected to be moderate. Cities of the first class and urban-county governments that enact ordinances regulating taxicabs are required to establish and advertise a complaint process for members to the public with complaints about taxicabs. The bill, however, does not specify how extensive the advertising is required to be, nor does it specify what process should be established for complaints. It may suffice if signs are placed in each taxicab informing passengers of a phone number to call with complaints. Both the Louisville and Lexington/Fayette County governments have established methods for citizens to make complaints and complaints dealing with taxicabs could be incorporated into the existing system.
This bill also requires that a city of the first class or an urban-county government that enacts ordinances regulating taxicabs shall also create a transportation commission for the purpose of regulating motor carriers. The city or urban-county governing body shall, by ordinance, establish the powers, duties, membership, and terms of the members of the transportation commission. Until such details about the composition of the transportation commission are established, it is impossible to accurately determine the cost to the local governments establishing such a commission. It is anticipated that such a commission would require only part-time membership, and not require frequent meetings. A large portion of the support and infrastructure needed by the committee; such as meeting rooms, secretarial support, printing and copying costs, could be provided within existing government resources. The amount of support required from the local government is not expected to be substantial.
DATA SOURCE(S) / Kathy Kackley, LRC; Kathy Mosby, Louisville Office of Special Permits, Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Ombudsman's OfficePREPARER / Tom Hewlett / REVIEW / DATE
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