HPE Knowledge Article
PowerEdge Memory errors in iDRAC, OpenManage Server administrator and LCD display
Article Number mmr_sf-EN_US000022233
Troubleshooting Memory issues based on the Front LCD Error Codes below dell server Generation
12th, 13th and 14th Generation (12G, 13G, 14G) PowerEdge systems
11th Generation(11G) PowerEdge systems
10th Generation (10G) PowerEdge systems
9th Generation (9G) PowerEdge systems
Memory Errors
Memory Errors identified as below
Persistent Memory Errors
Multibit Memory Errors
Correctable memory Errors
Memory Not detecting
Unable to Use the Configured memory
PowerEdge Memory errors in iDRAC, OpenManage Server administrator and LCD display
This article lists the Memory Errors that can appear in the i-DRAC and Open Manage. For each error is proposed an explanation and if possible a solution to resolve.
Memory errors can show in a number of ways on your system, and might vary depending on the age of your system (system generation). There might also be slight variations based on your system firmware levels. The error messages can appear in one or more of BIOS message on post, iDRAC logs, Open Manage System Administrator (OMSA) logs, System LCD display or in the Operating system. Many of these errors can also be prevented by ensuring your firmware levels are up to date
Note: If the system is new, or have been recently moved, some components, including the memory could have become incorrectly seated due to the vibrations, and all memory modules and other components should be reseated (taken out, and put back in) before continuing troubleshooting.
For some systems without an LCD panel, there will be status lights available, checkPowerEdge system LED Status light indicators .
Note : Dell Servers are identified on their generations as below .
12th, 13th and 14th Generation (12G, 13G, 14G) PowerEdge systems
11th Generation (11G) PowerEdge systems
10th Generation (10G) PowerEdge systems
9th Generation (9G) PowerEdge systems
12G, 13G and 14G PowerEdge memory errors
LCD Error
Error Message Details Action to resolve
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical
MEM0000 module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed correctable memory device at location(s) . memory errors This is an early indicator of a detected on a possible future uncorrectable error.
The memory module has encountered an uncorrectable error. System performance may be degraded. The operating system and/or applications may fail as a result.
Multi-bit memory Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the errors detected memory module by swapping the module with another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If device at the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement MEM0001 on a memory location(s) . might be needed
Unsupported memory The memory may not be seated configuration; correctly, be misconfigured, or it check memory may have failed. Memory size is
Check the memory configuration Reseat the memory modules. If
MEM0007 the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed device at location reduced.
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical
MEM0701 module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed
Correctable The memory may not be memory error operational. This is an early
rate exceeded for indicator of a possible future
.uncorrectable error.
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical
MEM0702 module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed
Correctable The memory may not be memory error operational. This is an early rate exceeded for indicator of a possible future
.uncorrectable error.
Memory mirror Check the memory configuration. Reseat the memory modules. If redundancy is error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the The memory may not be seated MEM1205 lost. Check correctly, be misconfigured, or it module with another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact at location(s) . Supportas a memory replacement might be needed memory device may have failed. Memory spare Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the redundancy is memory module by swapping the module with another identical
MEM1208 lost. Check module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If memory device the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement Memory sparing is no longer available.
at location . might be needed
Correctable memory error logging disabled Errors are being corrected but no Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reinstall memory at
MEM8000 for a memory longer logged. location . device at location
11G PowerEdge memory errors
Error Error Message Details Action to resolve
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with
E2010 another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
Memory not detected.
Install memory or reseat memory modules.
Check the memory configuration Reseat the memory
E2011 modules. If the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed configuration Memory detected, but is not configurable. Error failure. Check detected during memory configuration.
Check the memory configuration. Reseat the memory
E2012 modules. If the issue persists,Contact Supportas a memory replacement might be needed configured but
Memory configured, but is unusable. unusable.
Check DIMMs
BIOS unable Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test to shadow the memory module by swapping the module with
E2013 memory. another identical module in the system, see if the error
Check follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
DIMMs. Support as a memory replacement might be needed The system BIOS failed to copy its flash image
into memory.
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with
E2110 another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
Multibit Error One of the DIMMs in the set implicated by "## on Card x ##" has had a MBE. If no memory riser is present
DIMM ##. the Crd x string is left out of the message. x is the Reseat DIMM memory riser, A-Z.
BIOS has disabled memory SBE logging and will not log anymore SBEs until the system is rebooted. ## represents the DIMM implicated by Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reinstall
SBE log disabled on
E2111 Card x DIMM
##. Reseat
BIOS. If no memory riser is present the Crd x string is left out of the message. x is the memory riser, A-Z. memory at location .
DIMM Memory BIOS has spared the memory because it has
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test spared on determined the memory had too many errors. ## the memory module by swapping the module with
Card x DIMM represents DIMM implicated by BIOS. If no another identical module in the system, see if the error
##. Power follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
memory riser is present the "Crd x" string is left cycle AC out of the message. "x" is the memory riser, A-Z. Support as a memory replacement might be needed
BIOS has disabled memory mirroring because it Check the memory configuration. Reseat the memory has determined one half of the mirror has had too modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module
Mem mirror
OFF on Card many errors. ## ## represents DIMM pair by swapping the module with another identical module in
E2113 x DIMM ##
##. Power implicated by BIOS. If no memory riser is present the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the "Crd x" string is left out of the message. "x" is the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory cycle AC the memory riser, A-Z. replacement might be needed
Northbound FBD CRC error on non-redundant
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with
E2118 another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
Unrecoverable retry. One of the connections in the FBD link on
Memory CRC the Northbound (towards the MCH) side is error. Power "broken". This is determined by the MCH when
cycle AC two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
FBD alert on non-redundant retry. One of the Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with
E2119 another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
Unrecoverable connections in the FBD link on the Southbound
Memory CRC (toward the AMBs on the FB DIMMs) side is error. Power "broken." This is determined by the MCH when cycle AC two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
10G PowerEdge memory errors
Error Details Action to resolve
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical
One of the DIMMs in the set implicated has had
Card #
E2110 an MBE on the DDR bus. If no card is present the module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not.
## ##
.Card #. string is left out of the message.
If the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory replacement might be needed
SBE BIOS has disabled SBE logging will not log
Log anymore SBEs until the system is rebooted. #
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical
E2111 Card # represents DIMM implicated by BIOS. If no card is module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not.
DIMM present the .Card #. string is left out of the Mem BIOS has spared the memory because it has
If the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory replacement
## message. might be needed
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the Spare determined the memory had too many errors. ## memory module by swapping the module with another identical
E2112 Card # ## represents DIMM pair implicated by BIOS. If module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not.
DIMM no card is present the .Card #. string is left out of If the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory replacement
## ## the message. might be needed
Mem BIOS has disabled memory mirroring because it Check the memory configuration . Reseat the memory modules.
Mirror has determined one half of the mirror has had too If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the E2113 Card # many errors. ## ## represents DIMM pair
DIMM implicated by BIOS. If no card is present the .Card error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
## ## #. string is left out of the message. Support as a memory replacement might be needed module with another identical module in the system, see if the Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not.
If the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory replacement might be needed
E2117 Hot BIOS Memory Hot Remove Fail
Northbound FBD CRC error on non-redundant retry. One of the connections in the FBD link on
Mem the Northbound (towards the MCH) side is
Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reseat all memory E2118
CRC modules "broken." This is determined by the MCH when two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
FBD alert on non-redundant retry. One of the connections in the FBD link on the Southbound
Mem (towards the AMBs on the FB DIMMs) side is
Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reseat all memory Alert modules "broken." This is determined by the MCH when two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
9G PowerEdge memory errors
Error Error Message Details Action to resolve
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test
One of the DIMMM's in the set implicated by "##
MBECrdx ##" has had a multi-bit error (MBE).If no the memory module by swapping the module with
E2110 another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
DIMM ## ## memory riser is present the "Crdx" string is left out of the message."x" is the memory riser, A-Z.
BIOS has disabled memory single-bit error (SBE)
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test
SBE Log the memory module by swapping the module with
E2111 DisableCrdx another identical module in the system, see if the error
DIMM ## follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed logging and will not log anymore SBEE's until the system is rebooted.## represents DIMM
implicated by BIOS .If no memory riser is present the "Crd x" string is left out of the message."x" is the memory riser, A-Z.
BIOS has spared the memory because it has
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test determined the memory had too many errors.## the memory module by swapping the module with
E2112 represents DIMM implicated by BIOS. If no memory riser is present the "Crdx" string is left another identical module in the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
DIMM ## out of the message."x" is the memory riser, A-Z. Support as a memory replacement might be needed
BIOS has disabled memory mirroring because it Check the memory configuration . Reseat the memory has determined one half of the mirror has had modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module
Mem Mirror Crd
E2113 x DIMM ##
## too many errors. ## ## represents DIMM pair by swapping the module with another identical module in implicated by BIOS. If no memory riser is present the system, see if the error follows the module or not. If the "Crdx" string is left out of the message."x" is the issue persists,Contact Support as a memory the memory riser, A-Z. replacement might be needed
Reseat the memory modules. If error remains, swap test the memory module by swapping the module with another identical module in the system, see if the error
E2117 MemHot Plug Memory hot-plug operation has failed. follows the module or not. If the issue persists,Contact
Support as a memory replacement might be needed
Northbound FBD CRC error on non-redundant entry. One of the connections in the FBD link on
Fatal the Northbound (towards the MCH) side is
NBMemCRC "broken".This is determined by the MCH when memory modules two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reseat all E2118
FBD alert on non-redundant entry. One of the connections in the FBD link on the Southbound
Fatal (towards the AMB'son the FBDIMM's) side is
SBMemCRC "broken".This is determined by the MCH when memory modules two CRC errors have been detected twice in a row.
Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reseat all Note: This Article explains how to determine the generation of PowerEdge servers based on the Error Codes ?
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Common Errors