Wolverhampton Cycle Forum
Thursday 10 April 2014, 6pm
Committee Room 1, Members’ Suite, Third Floor
Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton
Present: Jennifer Cromie (Chair), Win Sutton, Tom Richards, Jess Railton, George Reiss, Dave Clare, ??, Steve Young, Nick Broomhall, Tim Philpot, Cllr Martin Waite, Steve Randall (URS)
1. Apologies – Ian Fardoe, Nick Squires, Chris Hopkins, Dave Holman, Dave Wilson, Cllr Martin Waite (may arrive later)
2. Steve Randall (URS) provided an update on the revised City Centre Public Realm improvements. These are now limited to Princes Street, Market Street, Garrick Street, Queen Street and Berry Street. There will be single flow traffic on all of these streets with provision for cycling in both directions in the first three. There was a discussion regarding cyclist priority at junctions. TP invited members of the forum to take part in a detailed discussion in a separate meeting.
3. Mike Ogden was invited to provide an update on the Metro extension but unfortunately was unwell and so unable to attend. He has agreed to send information in this regard for circulation. TP informed the group that the revised proposals still allow for creation of access from the stations to the canal towpath at Corn Hill.
4. TP advised the group of forthcoming developments in Transportation Service likely to affect the Cycle Forum, involving a significant reduction in staffing levels and a restructure of the service. However, there remains a commitment to supporting the cycle forum and this would be led by Keith Rogers as of the next meeting in July. NB advised that the changes to the Transportation Service would be likely to lead to different patterns of working with the forum. JC offers thanks to TP on behalf of the forum members for his support over the preceding two years, which was supported by all present.
5. Minutes of the last meeting (14 January 2014) - There were no amendments to the minutes.
6. Matters Arising
a. JR said that BikeRight would be unable to support the Cycle Promotion event. TP advised there were further developments to be discussed in the later agenda item.
b. The first bid for Public Health Transformation Funding (PHTF) was unsuccessful; however a second bid has been submitted and this is on the agenda as a separate item.
c. SY queried why Wolves on Wheels were not routinely invited to Centro partner engagement events. TP agreed to follow this up.
d. TP also advised that the Centro Cycling Charter had not been formally adopted by WCC to date.
e. NCN81 signage – SY has reviewed the route through Wolverhampton and has provided details of where signage needs to be rectified. TP to pass onto relevant colleagues.
f. The Wolverhampton Cycle Map is now back on Council website but is missing the City Centre detailed map. This will be rectified as soon as possible. Minutes of the Cycle Forum meetings are being posted on the Wolves on Wheels website.
7. Public Health Transformation Fund Bid/Active Travel Strategy
Following advice from Public Health the Transportation Service has prepared a new bid to PHTF for funds to develop an active travel strategy for Wolverhampton. This is to include strategies for cycling and walking. A separate bid to LSTF for further funding for this project has also been made. The PHTF bid identifies the Cycle Forum as a partner subject to approval by this meeting. This was agreed.
8. Cycling Promotion Event
This was originally proposed by Heath Park Neighbourhood Police to take place during National Bike Week. Unfortunately, owing to resource constraints, the Police cannot now take part at this time. TP advised that there was interest from various organisations to take part. National Bike Week events can take place up to the end of July, so he had scoped use of an area in Heath Town Park for this purpose. Further to JR’s earlier comment, Centro had agreed that should the event involve New Cross Hospital, they and by implication, BikeRight also, would participate. The Police have suggested that a cycling activity might be included in the International Day to be held in the park on August Bank Holiday. TP to ask Linda Downing to liaise with other partners, on behalf of WCC.
9. Infrastructure inc. Bilston Urban Village, Sainsbury Development
TP advised that the design for new developments in Bilston Urban Village (BUV) included shared use cycle paths and refuges suitable for cyclists crossing throughout. SY enquired whether the bridge over the Black Country Route at Bilston Town Centre was to be designated shared use.
The Sainsbury development is now well underway. TP advised that the facility at Lea Road/ Retreat Street, to enable cyclists to turn right was under construction.
10. Wolves on Wheels/Sustrans
a. SY said that he would continue his inspection of NCN81 and provide detailed feedback as appropriate.
b. SY advised that Sustrans was supporting the campaign for Strict Liability to be introduced in England to bring it in line with the majority of Europe. This would mean that in a collisions between a motorist and a cyclist, the liability is assumed to rest with the motorist unless it can be shown that the cyclist feel well short of acceptable standards of road use. Similarly, liability would rest with a cyclist when in collision with a pedestrian.
c. SY advised that, on behalf of Wolves on Wheels, he has written to all candidates standing in the forthcoming WCC local elections seeking their standpoint regarding cycling.
11. Cyclist Training
a. TP advised that grant funding had been confirmed until March 2016 and so WCC would continue to deliver cycle training to its current levels.
b. TP advised that Sarah Shepherd was currently on maternity leave and was due to return in July 2014; however there is currently a temporary replacement covering her duties.
12. Any Other Business
a. DC asked about the possibility of WCC providing cycle storage facilities at Hilton Hall Community Centre now that a BMX track had been opened on land at the rear of the building. TP said that he would investigate.