Chair: Kaitlyn Fieger

Committee Members: Alyssa Reimer, SDHA ED Kellie Watson

Date: November 9, 2017

as described in Council’s Policy manual / PROGRESS…
in last 3 months / PLANS…
for next 3 months
1. Production of a revised version of the Regulatory Bylaws for Council consideration by November 2017. / Based on previous reports, quotes for a consultant in this process was investigated. Two varying quotes received (attached to this report) / If Council agrees on a process, the committee will work with consultant on an as needed basis to review & consult on changes.
Otherwise committee will carry through on other council recommendations. Revised version to be available for review before March 2018 meeting.
2. Written reports on committee progress at least 1 week prior to each Council meeting. / Report provided 2 weeks prior to meeting / Revised version will be provided by mid-February if consultant can commit to this. Then next meeting, council will approve legal revision of the document and plans will be made to proceed.
To incur costs of no more than $500 direct charges annually and no more than 20 hours of staff time per annum. / ED yet to report on year to date hours with this committee. No direct charges have been used from the $500 fund.
No hourly rate incurred by members of committee as email correspondence has been limited to a few short responses since July 1st. / A consultant would be above and beyond the $500 direct charges. However, being aware of this undertaking, the cost spent on a consultant would have been used on hourly per diems for committee members. These funds best used towards a professional.

NOTES (Ideas, Issues or Concerns):

Though professional input from committee members is valuable to the consultant’s process, we expect that utilizing a professional in this matter will quicken the pace at which this regulatory bylaw review will be completed; and more importantly, be sure that we don’t miss critical points.

Both proposals seem to approach this process in the same way we had originally planned. Therefore, we could utilize our own time in some of this work at the $20/hr committee rate. I anticipate if we committed to doing this work on our own, we would be spending upwards of 100 hours (approx $2,000 from committee budget utilized). (We have already spent about 10 hours on cross-jurisdictional research analysis in the Spring of 2017)

Alyssa and I are inclined to go with the lower quoted rate ($30/hr versus $100/hr), however, I believe perhaps this is under quoted (~67 hours; which is approx half of other rate, ~135+hrs) for the time it will take. So I think somewhere in the ball park of $6,500 seems reasonable to budget for.

This committee presents the following OPTIONS for council consideration:

Please review the following two quotes for services (hyperlinks).

Binder Proposal (pdf)

Samoila Proposal (word)

This committee requests the following 2 (two) ACTION(s) by council:

1) To decide if a consultant is best interest for this process.

2) If YES, which one?

If NO, committee will proceed on previous approach for review of regulatory bylaws (or proceed on other decisions by council).