Committee Meeting of the West End Residents’ Association (WERA) held on Wednesday 6th November 2013 at the Queen on the West pub

In attendance:

Chair: George Woolfenden (GW)

Brian Alcorn (BA)

Sandra Lewis (SL)

Emile Van der Zee (EVDZ)

Chris Hyslop (CH)

Lucy Watts (LW)

Veronica Proud (VP)

Gary Hughes (GH)

Apologies: Ray Bristow

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

No minutes of the previous meeting were available

2. Matters arising

No minutes of the previous meeting were available; however from memory residents raised a few matters:

Social musical event for West End residents:

LW has been looking into this and has reported an approximate cost of £300-£400 for entertainment and PA hire. BA suggested that residents could make use of the Students' Union's PA system if required. No musical entertainment has been confirmed and it was agreed that GH would contact Tap and Spile about sourcing entertainment.

LW provided a list if entertainment options to BA for minuting:

The Unknown Stuntmen £200 + £100 for PA

Liam Robinson Dance Band £320 negotiable

Elliott Morris first needs ticket price, date, etc

The Activators £100

There was brief discussion on the best month to host this proposed event. It was thought that January may not be the best time as residents already have the West End Lights in December so perhaps later in the spring time would be best. (EVDZ suggested that students should get involved with West End Lights this year and agreed to email BA regarding this.)

ACTION: EVDZ to Email BA as above

The venue for the event was discussed and the Grandstand Community Centre was the preferred option however residents weren't sure if this would be available for free. BA raised the fact that the Carholme Community Gala was hosted at the same venue for free, thus this event should be no different. The Grandstand has no alcohol license however so other options will still be pursued. The event is seen to be a spirit-raiser rather than a fund-raiser and so the committee does not want it to cost too much.

3. Report on walkabout with Ric Metcalfe (RM)

RM looked at the state of properties, empty properties, the state of gardens and the rubbish in gardens which was providing a health risk. RM appeared to be unaware of the extent of the issues. No students or other residents were approached; it was merely an observational walkabout.

4. Result of/responses to walkabout

It was reported that there was a general lack of response from the officers at the council. Bins being left out are not only unsightly but obstruct the footpath. As such it was recommended that concerned residents should contact County Council Highways and request that they take action. City of Lincoln Council (CoLC) cannot force residents to retrieve their bins.
ACTION: SL is to contact GH in order to give him the contact number for County Council Highways.

Since the walkabout not much seems to have happened and if issues are recurring, RM should be CC'd into any emails.

5. Anti-Social Behaviour: update on progress

GW and GH met with Vice Chancellor of The Univeristy of Lincoln, Prof. Mary Stuart regarding ASB complaints against students, who seemed surprised by the complaints and agreed to take action, including addressing students at the end of the final term about respecting the local area and its residents. It was reported that MS also suggested producing a booklet to document the history of the West End. BA mentioned an idea which MS had suggested to him which involved producing a media documentary on the same subject. BA has met with staff in the university involved with new media regarding recruiting students who could take the idea forwards. BA suggested an audio documentary would be ideal, as BBC Lincolnshire is likely to broadcast it if suitable.

It was noted that communication by the university has improved and it was suggested that WERA send a letter to MS to commend her on her positive attitude and response.
ACTION: Letter of commendation to be sent to MS – no individual assigned, GW and GH recommended, having been those who met with MS

6. HMOs and Student accommodation.

a. Possible council action

ACTION:BA to contact Cllr Neil Murray (NM) to ask for a progress report to date to be brought to the next Carholme Community Forum (CCF) meeting on 19th November, include it on the agenda and submit this in writing making it known that WERA expect deadlines and a timescale. An up to date list of people who attend CCF is also requested.

It was noted that 6months have passed since the matter of an Article 4 Directive was first raised. CoLC should have been looking into feasibility of this. It was suggested that CoLC has two options - change the definition of HMO or introduce a policy which limits the number of HMOs in a given area.

b.Possible WERA action:

EVDZ knows a planning officer residing in the West End called Toby. Toby has emailed SL offering to help. It was suggested that WERA invites Toby to a meeting but there was concern that he may have a conflict of interest with his job. SL received an invite to attend a conference from a planning organisation of which she could not recall the name. The conference was on neighbourhood planning but she could not attend. SL emailed to request the conference notes and was told these were available at a cost of £99, it was suggested these may be useful to WERA and they could try to negotiate a discount.

c. Formation of Sub Committee to move action on HMOs forward.

GH, SL and CH agreed to be on the sub-committee however it was thought that 4 members minimum would be preferred.

ACTION: SL to ask Rob to join.

d. Appointment of officer to liaise with the National HMO Lobby

It was noted that there are many resources to be accessed within the national network however WERA has had little interaction historically. It was agreed that WERA needs to source some additional information from the national lobby and once this has been acquired the best way to proceed would be determined. The preparations for a funding bid needs to begin at a very early stage, and this could be used as a starting point. All needed expenses must be noted at the beginning as the bid cannot be added to at a later stage.

7. Website.

EVDZ is happy to start afresh but is seeking suggestions for content. It was agreed that the focus must be on positives rather than negatives, such as the success of local schools and businesses, as well as the history of the area. It was noted that Survey of Lincoln has produced a booklet and that information could be sourced from this. Photos of the area are also required.

It was agreed that the constitution should go online, and perhaps a mission statement or an outline of what WERA is about. It was noted that the constitution needs to be regularly reviewed however no known digital copy exists. A need for a digital central archive was raised with DropBox being suggested, due to many original documents being lost over time.

The WERA Facebook group is open to all with an interest and BA is to promote the group to student residents.
ACTION: BA to promote the Facebook group to students

8. Traffic & parking.

Poor parking has been noted throughout the area with SL sharing an anecdote of a particularly problematic incident on York Avenue which resulted in a backlog of traffic.

The on-going issue of work vans parking on double yellow lines without consequence was raised with the Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Hardwick and Inspector Garthwaite at a special meeting which was arranged by WERA at Derek Miller Court. The police response is that they are not responsible for parking unless it is dangerous. If parked vehicles do pose a danger the police should be notified in order for them to take action.

SL emailed the council about the "green passes" which work vans are granted for clarity on whether this permits them parking in residents' parking bays or double yellow lines. Ric Metcalfe was made aware of the issue during the recent walkabout.

Issues of speeding have been noted on West Parade and Hewson Road, as well as breaching of the one-way system. It was noted that speed bumps cannot be placed along a bus route.

ACTION: GW to make a suggestion for a community speed camera at the next CCF meeting.

9. "Winter Issues".

a. Issues relating to the elderly and infirm.

Agreed that there is a need to help the elderly and infirm during snowy and icy conditions when access to basic amenities is very difficult or impossible - suggestion that students could get involved.
ACTION: LW is to contact local schools to do carolling in residential homes over the Christmas season.

b. Salt boxes etc.

County Council is to fill salt boxes by the end of November.

10. Commons (Incl. County Council plans for Canwick Hill)

Border disputes discussed. History of this was noted, including that the maps currently used, based on the 1985 Commons Registration Act are different to the ones used following the 1965 Act. Legally there is nothing which can be done. GW has copies of the 1985 maps, but not the 1970 maps which resulted from the 1965 Act. It was noted that a "commoner" by right is simply a householder within the city, and this entitles each householder to keep one animal on the common.

Regarding the proposed road works, there is provision on the 1985 Act for the Council to take some common land in order to build a highway. In the 2006 Act it is stated that the Council must give land of equal value when this happens. The discrepancy is whether or not the desired land is common or not.

It was noted that a re-enactment group has been given permission by the Commons Advisory Board to practice on the West Common.

There have been no more reports of animals dying on the West Common.

Regarding disputes between commoners and the golf club, it was noted that anyone is free to walk on the fairway, despite what club members might say.

11. Planning update

Noted that planning regulations have been relaxed. WERA are to get copies of any applications. It was noted that developments are occurring which don't fit the character of the area. There is uncertainty over what the limits of the conservation area are.

12. A.O.B.

Street wardens are to identify outstanding issues to council such as old mattresses, bins and so on but action by the council has not been forthcoming. This is to be raised at CCF.

SL proposed meeting with Ric Metcalfe and Prof. Mary Stuart regarding 24/7 ASBO team but it was agreed to leave this to be raised at CCF. If there is nothing to report then a meeting will be formally requested.

SL reported that the £150 bid WERA made to Carholme Community First to fund the printing of leaflets did not meet the minimum threshold of £250. SL has reviewed the leaflets to make the cost up to £250. It was suggested that Mary Stuart might write a piece for this.

LW raised that the Lincolnshire Co-Operative offer funds for "Community Champions" and that WERA might gain funding from this if pursued.

BA raised that the Students' Union was also granted funding by Community First to host a series of "Meet the Street" events where residents could meet with their neighbours in local venues and chat over some tea and cake. Representatives from the police, ASB Team, Univeristy, SU, local councillors, Age UK and WERA will be invited to attend also.
ACTION: BA to email details of these events to the rest of the committee.

BA requested that the day when WERA committee meets be reviewed, due to recurring commitments he has on Wednesday evenings. Mondays or Thursdays suited a majority but not all members. Improved email communication should mean that missing a meeting is not a big issue. It was agreed that the next meeting shouldn't take place until after CCF and then none should take place in December due to the busy nature of this month.

It was suggested that when The Vine Inn reopens, meetings could alternate between there and The Queen on the West.

The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 21st November at 7:30pm at The Queen on the West.