Bargate Kestrels FC

Committee meeting minutes held 25th October 2013 at Ripley Leisure Centre.

(Meeting rearranged from Friday 18th October 2013)

Start: 1800hrs


Chair Robert Salt, Secretary Becky Salt, Treasurer Mik Stone, Social SecretaryKirsty Adams, Wayne Buxton, Heath Caddy and Peter Bradley.

1/ Apologies: None

2/ Minutes of last meeting: Agreed by Wayne Buxton.

3/ FA Charter Standard Award: It was discussed about the award being presented at Derby County on 7th December and that at present 61 tickets had been requested by club members. Further info will be provided once numbers etc. finalised.

4/ Respect Ambassador: Rob explained that the Respect Ambassador was now live and gave details on this. Everybody has already had the Respect policy and an email with exact details and what we expect as a club. Role will be shared on between parents once procedure has settled in.

5/ Behaviour: Becky expressed concern about the behaviour of the children. This was evident at the Tournament, Field Lane and most recently at the Respect talk given by the County FA Welfare officer. Concern especially due to the fact that parents were witnessing this behaviour and ignoring it! This will be initially targeted by all coaches recording details of persistent bad behaviour. This in turn will be logged and dealt with as necessary. In future at events children will be sat with parents to prevent bad behaviour?

6/ Sponsor a player: Becky requested that this fundraiser be put to one side until next season due to all the other events that are happening at the moment, at a cost to members. All agreed by show of hands.

7/ Frequency of meetings: All decided that we would hold 4 meeting per year, 3 committee and 1 AGM. Emergency meeting could be arranged if necessary.

8/ End of Season Party/ Trophies: Becky Suggested that end of season party is held at Holbrook Sports and social club. We could hire giant bouncy slide and have room for football as well. Bar would be open and perhaps club put on small spread of chips and sausage or similar. This is all subject to cost. Further discussion’s to take place at next meeting. Wayne is to cost purchase of trophies for Team, reserves and trainers.

9/ Christmas Gifts: Becky suggested that as a good will gesture the club purchase all children attending training sessions a small gift. Lidl are selling chocolate Santa’s at £1. All agreed that this was a good idea. Becky will arrange purchase of these.

10/ AOB: No AOB officially! Rob suggested arranging another men’s night out. This is provisionally pencilled in for Friday 29th November. Kirsty will email everyone once details finalised.

11/ Date of next meeting: Friday 31st January 2014 1800hrs Foyer Ripley Leisure Centre.

Finish: 1835hrs.