COMMITTEE CHARGE: The Education Committee is dedicated to promoting quality, continuing education opportunities by providing leadership in the creation, development, implementation and evaluation of SWCD and community-based programs.

Committee Goal / Strategy for Implementation / Timeline
To meet four times a year as needed to assess needs and to share education activities across the state / -Plan quarterly meetings and as dictated by events
-Subcommittees to meet as needed to accomplish projects identified in the Annual Plan of Work. / -Initial planning meeting held first quarter, additional meetings planned based on plan of work.
Increase applications recognizing a Conservation Teacher of the Year at elementary and secondary levels / -Review the application process and streamline, simplify where appropriate
-Market the application process and award benefits with district staff members.
-Investigate if an incentive for district who nominates winner will be of assistance. Review other incentive options. / -Applications due September
Assess education training program needs / -Partner with VACDE on SWCD staffsurvey to develop a better understanding of needs as well as a list of staff skills/strengthens.
-Increase participation in environmental education collective impact tool at SWCD level / -Distribute survey at minimum every 2 years
-Encourage participation in collective impact annually. VASWCD and Committee to collect and maintain data for advocacy and other benefits.
Host the SENACD summer meeting. / -Organize and implement valuable training sessions that meet attendee needs. / -Partner with the VACDE and the Annual Meeting Planning Committee to host the SE mtg. in August 2018.
Provide guidance on Environmental Education training programs through VASWCD and VACDE annually / -Serve on VACDE Board
-Serve on Annual Meeting Planning Committee
-Assist with planning for NACD 2018 SE Region/NACD Board Meeting
-Serve on VRUEC/VAEE / -Continuous
Offer assistance to SWCDs to develop local environmental education opportunities. / -Develop and maintain an “education staff” email listing in order to foster dialogue.
-Share via ‘all district’ email information on local education activities and other success stories in order to foster new ideas and collaborative thinking.
-Work with the VASWCD Marketing committee to implement a local and statewide photo contest. / -Continuous
-No less than quarterly share an ‘education success story’
-Assist with implementation of Photo Contest by Summer 2018
Evaluate effectiveness & provide direction for existing VASWCD educational programs / -Review programs including Envirothon, Youth Conservation Camp, Poster Contest, and other activitiesvia education committee quarterly meetings and committee work. Committee members will seek input as needed from districts not represented on the committee. / -Continuous
Develop an Education Resource Binder / -Form a subcommittee to assemble information for inclusion in the EE binder.
-The binder will include VASWCD programs, District sample programs, resource templates and more.
-Distribute as the EE gift at the Annual Meeting. / -Have EE binder ready for distribution in December 2018.