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People Services
Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning
Sheffield Music Hub
Stadia Technology Park,
60 Shirland Lane, Sheffield, S9 3SP.
Tel: 0114 2506860
Sheffield Music HubTour 2018
Leipzig, Germany
Wednesday 22nd August – Tuesday 28thAugust2018
Dear parents/carers,
You should by now have received an email requesting the final tour payment, which is due by Friday 25th May.
There are a number of extra rehearsals scheduled to bridge the gap between the end of our ensembles calendar and the Leipzig tour. For any musicians currently playing only with Senior Flutes, Senior Bassoons or Alley Cats, it is essential they attend the additional Festival Band rehearsals listed below, to prepare the repertoire for the tour. Likewise, any musicians currently playing only with Festival Band are strongly encouraged to join Senior Flutes and Alley Cats in the run up to the tour to experienceadditional performance opportunities whilst in Leipzig.
A more detailed kit list will follow, but in case you need to source different garments in advance of the tour the concert dress code will be:
- Long sleeved white shirt with collar
- Smart black trousers
- Smart black shoes (no trainers)
- Black socks
- White blouse (covering shoulders else not permitted to perform)
- Long black skirt/trousers (with black socks/tights if skirt not floor length)
- Sensible black shoes
I will be at the downstairs registration desk of each music group rehearsal the second week after half term to take a copy of each child’s passport and EHIC card, and collect completed medical forms as they arrive at All Saints for rehearsal.
There will also be a parent and carer information session at the end of the rehearsal at Stadia Technology Park at 8:30pm on Tuesday 3rd July (see overleaf).
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 12th June 6:45pm / Passport and EHIC copying at All Saints for Festival BandThursday 14th June 6:00pm / Passport and EHIC copying at All Saints for Alley Cats, Senior Flutes, Oboes and Senior Bassoons
Tuesday 3rd July 7:00-9:00pm
- Full Band rehearsal (all performers compulsory)
- 8:30pm parent/carer information breifing
Parents/carers to arrive at 8:25pm for information briefing
Tuesday 10th July 7:00-9:00pm
- Full Band rehearsal (all performers compulsory)
Wednesday 11th July
- Alley Cats 6:00-7:00pm
- Senior Flutes 7:00-8:00pm
Tuesday 17th July
- Alley Cats 6:00-7:00pm
- Senior Flutes 7:00-8:00pm
Sunday 19th August10:00am-4:00pm
- Full Band rehearsal (all performers compulsory)
Packed lunch required
Monday 20th August
- Pre tour ‘send-off’ concert to perform full program (all performers compulsory)
Thank you for your continued support,
Amy Briggs
Woodwind Music Leader
Mob: 07815 003 617
1.Child ______Group(s)______
2. Medical information about your child
a) Does your child suffer from any conditions which the tour leader needs to be aware of for example: medical conditions or illnesses?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details:
b) Does your child take any medication?
Yes No
If Yes, please give details, including how medication is administered, specifying details of medication, timing, dosage and any side effects:
All medicines need to be sealed, named and handed to a first aider. Medicines need to be administered by your child.
c) Does your child have any specific dietary requirements?
Yes No
If Yes, please give details:
d) Does your child suffer from any allergies, including medications?
Yes No
If Yes, please specify:
e) I will inform the visit leader/conductor as soon as possible of any changes in medical or other circumstances between now and the commencement of the tour.
f) I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
Yes No
3. Special educational needs and disabilities
If your child has any special educational needs and/or disabilities which Sheffield Music Hub needs to know about for this visit, please outline them here indicating how they may be supported for this tour: