- Introduction and Definitions
The Agreement will be in accordance with the following Terms and Conditions unless and until an alternative is specifically agreed between the Parties.
- Purpose of the Agreement
Further details of the Agreement are set out in the attached Schedule of work.
The freelance sessional worker shall provide regular contact and activity reports to the Project Manager Mrs Caroline Parker which in turn will be shared at our directors meetings.
- Commencement date and duration of the Agreement
The Charity will review the Support and Guidance work every quarter.
It may be terminated by either party giving one month’s notice in writing.
The Charity may terminate the Agreement immediately, in the event that, the freelance sessional worker commits any material breach of the terms of this Agreement, or is guilty of gross misconduct.
The work is to be carried out subject to the Policies and Procedures of Romero Communities, a copy of which shall be made available to the freelance sessional worker.
- Fees and expenses
18 hours per week for 50 weeks per year @ £18 per hour. The hours will be applied flexibly, usually over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as agreed with all parties.
Where necessary, VAT will be added at the appropriate rate and in accordance with arrangements specifically agreed, in advance, with the Freelance Sessional Worker.
- Invoices and payment
- Taxation
- Confidentiality
Except where specifically agreed otherwise, all material, data, information etc. collected during the course of the Agreement will remain in the possession of the Charity and not used without their permission.
- Publication of material
a)Romero Communities will retain the right to edit the final draft prior to publication subject, in the case of joint publications, to amendments proposed being agreed with the author(s).
b)Prior to publication, the Freelance Sessional Worker and/or others associated with the publication shall not disclose any material obtained or produced for the purposes of the project to any other party unless the Charity has given prior approval in writing.
c)The Freelance Sessional Worker will provide to the Charity copies of all material, data etc. collected specifically for the project and indicate the source of other material used.
d)The Charity will, except where specifically agreed otherwise, hold copyright to the publication.
Other matters relating to the use of the material shall be covered as an Appendix to this Agreement. Where other uses are agreed, all material and publications based on the project shall acknowledge the Charity.
- Resources
- Other conditions
For Romero Communities
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Name: Mr Trevor Scorah
Designation: Chairman
For the Freelance Sessional Worker
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Designation: Freelance Support and Guidance Worker
Appendix to Agreement
- Further Terms and Conditions
- If the Freelance Sessional Worker wishes to change times and venues of public drop-in sessions or add new ones, this must be discussed and agreed in advance with the Project Manager and agreed by the Board of Directors.
- The work is to be carried out subject to the Policies and Procedures of Romero Communities, a copy of which shall be made available to the Freelance Sessional Worker.
- All persons subcontracted to run any public Support and Guidance session under this Agreement must have relevant experience and/or qualifications as determined by the Board of Directors of Romero Communities.
- Schedule of Work
- The Freelance Sessional Worker will provide three public drop-in Support and Guidance sessions per week, at the Romero Centre, St Helens Church, Laithes Lane, Athersley, Barnsley S71 3AF.
- The Freelance Sessional Worker will carry out all the administrative work necessary to the public drop-in session, such as maintaining statistical records, writing reports, making appointments for clients with other agencies, etc.
- The Freelance Sessional Worker will promote and publicise the drop-in sessions so as to appeal to the maximum number of potential service users.
- The Freelance Sessional Worker will support the identification of potential funding sources for the Support and Guidance sessions at the Romero Centre and will, with assistance from the Directors/Trustees, support applications for such funding in the name of Romero Communities.
- The Freelance Sessional Worker will contribute to the recruitment, induction and supervision of volunteers.
- The Freelance Sessional Worker may be required, from time to time, to attend strategy meetings of the Board of Directors/Trustees.
- If the Freelance Sessional Worker identifies any improvements or problems with our current systems or way of working they will be encouraged and supported to explore them. Initial discussions will be with the Project Manager and then with the Directors.
Registered Office 67 Bly Road, Darfield, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S73 9DP.
Company Registered in England & Wales No. 8002099. Registered Charity No. 1156917.