Katherine Rodriguez

PAF 9199

January 17, 2016

Commemorative Speech – 81st annual Friendship Day

Background: Friendship Day began in 1935, as a day to commemorate and honor friends. The United States Congress wanted this day to represent thankfulness for others, especially after the devastation of the First World War. There was mistrust between countries and the need for friendship was needed more than ever. Thus, U.S. Congress decided to make the first Sunday of the month of August as Friendship Day. This holiday was not just limited to the United States, in fact many countries followed and began to celebrate Friendship Day as well, soon this holiday became International Friendship Day. Many states hold carnivals, festivities, picnics and concerts to honor this day. The following speech will be held at a Brooklyn, NYC carnival on the 81st Friendship Day.

The Speech:

Good evening fellow Brooklynites, friends of neighboring counties, boroughs, states, and visitors to the city. Do you remember your first friend? Take a moment now to think about the name of that friend who not only changed your life, but also molded it.

That friend who grabbed you by the hand in Kindergarten, saying, “let’s play in the sand table.” That friend who picked you up when you stumbled going up the stairs, “boy you are clumsy,” they said with a big grin on their face. That friend who was your shoulder to cry on when your first relationship didn’t quite work out and they left with another man or woman. That friend who held your hand on graduation day, looked straight into you and said, “we are going to be best friends forever.” And you are still friends to this day, or maybe you are not but deep down inside you know that without that friendship you would not be where you are on this day.

Many people compare friendships to a flower, or a blossoming tree. I see friendship as candlelight. You see, candlelight brightens up a room and we begin to see our surroundings, open ourselves to the possibilities around us. Friendship does the same thing. We might not have known anything about rock music or who in the world is Lionel Messi. A friend illuminates the world through their perspective, brings in experiences from their lifetime, and helps you grow tenfold. You are also important to that friend, since you provide them with a new vantage point. Together you both begin to light up the room, until you see shapes, figures and can distinguish between objects. These objects become experiences and goals. You strive to envision your paths and support each other through them. That candlelight still glows stronger than ever. The more you overcome, the candlelight perseveres.

I remember my own candlelight and the friend who helped me see those shapes on the wall. I was eighteen years old, surrounded by uncertainty, lack of passion and distrust. I had a lieu of burned out candles and figured I would stay a lone wolf from this day on. Many people say they’re independent and strong-willed. We have heard them often say things like, “I don’t need anyone. I was born alone. I will die alone. I am my own person. Those people need others because they aren’t strong.” You may have your own opinions in regards to these people, but I think that’s a lot of rubbish. I can say that, because I was one of those people. I did not want anything to do with friendship after I lost so many. It wasn’t until I met my best friend, Eddie that I realized how much I really needed a friend.

You see 2008 was not a good time for me, I had lost 3 of my grandparents, college was very hard, and I was the sole supporter to my younger sibling. Endless of hours were spent maintaining the household and I knew I could do it, because I was a strong-independent individual. Eddie changed my mindset. He asked me the one question no one in my family would even think to ask me. What’s wrong? From that moment, I unveiled my whole life onto this individual who knew nothing about me. He listened, nodded in all the right moments, told me it was all going to be okay and even hugged me at the end. That hug paved the way to a beautiful friendship. My candle was lit again.

Friends light each other up through experiences, such as travel, trying new cuisines, working out, and attempting new activities. You laugh, play, and grow. Did you know that in every elementary school report card, there’s a section regarding social-emotional growth? We are actually evaluated on our social-emotional growth. One of the components under this section states, “does the student know how to interact with his or her peers?” Other components include whether the student uses positive language or gets physical with their classmates. To think that at such an early age, we are assessed on how well we make friends. That’s simply amazing to me and so important for our perspective adulthood stage. Each time period of our lives, we keep the candle burning but there are moments when the candle stops burning.

What happens if no experiences occur? One moment you go out every week, and then it becomes once every other week, and soon only once a month. Next thing you know, you’re seeing them for only holidays and birthdays. The candlelight begins to fade. It no longer shines bright with hope and continuation because there are no experiences to be had together. The shapes become disfigured and soon the darkness overcomes the light and blows it out. Maybe that friend was meant to only shape one segment of your life, but they did it in such a way that they would always stay within your memory. A couple of weeks down the road, you meet someone new, share a common interest and bam! Now you have a new friend to share the next segment of your life.

So my fellow audience members, why do we celebrate this day? We celebrate this day to thank those whom have stayed close to our lives, wished us the very best in all our life choices, held our hands during those hard times and kept our candles lighting bright. Make sure to spend this joyous day with a friend you hold dear to your heart. Tell them thank you for being my friend.

I asked Eddie years later, why he hugged me that night we first met and his response still makes me smile to this day, “Because you needed a friend.”

Happy 81st annual Friendship Day everyone!