Commemoration of the Centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising

Application Form for Relatives of participants involved in the 1916 Rising

On Easter Sunday, 27th March, 2016 there will bea major State Ceremony to commemorate the Centenary of the 1916 Easter Risingat the GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1.

Please complete this Application Form if you areaRelative of a participantin the 1916 Easter Risingand you wish to receive an invitation to the event.

The Commemoration is scheduled to begin at 12 noon at the GPO and will include:

  • A Military ceremony which will include a reading of the Proclamation by an Army Officer.
  • The laying of a wreath by the President on behalf of the Irish people.
  • A minute silencefollowing by the Last Post and the raising of the National Flag.
  • Reveille and the National Anthem.
  • A Parade that will run from Dublin Castle, to O’Connell Street, passing the GPO and finishing at Parnell Square.
  • An Air Corps Fly Past.


It is not necessary to complete this Form if you are already a recipient of an annual invitation to the State Commemoration that takes place at the GPO each Easter Sunday, or if you have previously contacted the Department of Defence or the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and registered your interest in attending the Easter Rising Centenary Commemoration in 2016. [If unsure whether you are already registered, please e-mail or, if you do not have access to e-mail, please send a completed Form to the postal address provided.]

This is a preliminary process to gather relevant details and to assess the numbers of Relatives who wish to receive an invitation to a seated area reserved for Relatives at the Commemoration in 2016 butsubmission of an Application Form is not a guarantee of an invitation.

The Department of Defence is gathering this information in order to create a register of Relatives of participants in the 1916 Rising. The register willbe createdfrom existing records held by the Department and from applications submitted using this Form. The register may also be used for the purposes of issuing invitations to certain other State events being organised to commemorate the Centenary of the 1916 Rising.

Applicants are required to provide details of their relationship to a participant in the 1916 Rising and, where possible, to briefly outline the part played by their Relative in the Rising. Information provided will be verified by the Department of Defence, principally by reference to Department records held as part of the Military Service Pensions Collection.

There are constraints on the numbers of invitations that can be issued due to the geography of O’Connell Street. However, all of those who are to receive an invitation will be notified by 15thJanuary 2016. Invitations issued will be limited to one per person and will be strictly non-transferable.The public will be able to view the Parade all along the Parade route and it is intended that there will also be a public viewing area on O’Connell Street.Large screens will also be erected for maximum visibility.


1) FirstName
2) Surname
3) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
4) Full Address
5) Phone number(s)
6) E-mail Address
7) Please provide brief details of your Relative who was involved in the 1916 Easter Rising, including their name, their relationship to you, and their role in the Rising (if possible). Any reference to pensions or medals awarded for participation in the 1916 Rising would be helpful for verification purposes.
(Maximum 150 words please)
8) Are you a wheelchair user? Please also let us know if you have mobility or other issues which we may need to take into consideration.

Completed applications should be e-mailed to or posted to Executive Branch, Department of Defence, Station Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

All applications must be received by Wednesday 30thSeptember 2015.