COMM Talk Script: Using SBCC to go the Final Meter


STEP 1: Make your audience Care

(2 minutes)
  • What is the presenting challenge?
  • What is the scope of the presenting challenge? (Who is impacted?)
  • What is the size of the presenting challenge? (How many are impacted?)
PEPAR is pushing an aggressive agenda of 90% of persons with HIV knowing their diagnosis; 90% of persons who are HIV positive receiving antiretroviral treatment; and 90% of those on treatment having an undetectable viral load. Meanwhile, the recently issued 17 SDGs include a single health goal of “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages.” Roughly 11 of the 13 targets will require behavior modifications if they are to be achieved; moreover, a host of other non-health specific targets, related to gender and violence, also require behavior modifications.
Factor in the mandates from local health ministries for improved quality, greater access, and elevated coverage of health services – and you get a picture of what service delivery organizations and programs are up against.
Let’s look at Tanzania. They experience all of the pressures of PEPFAR 3.0, the SDG directive, AND now they have their own mandate: the Big Results Now Initiative.
But a quick review of their Health Outcomes Data (2010) suggests some key challenges:
  1. Given what we know about the proportion of women who sleep with their under-5s, and the proportion of under-5s who do not sleep under bed nets, how can we increase the proportion of women, pregnant and otherwise, who sleep under bed nets as part of their malaria prevention?
  2. Given what we know about the percentage of women who deliver at the facility level (about 50%), how can we increase the level of births attended by skilled birth attendants?
  3. Given the goal of 90% of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on ART, and the fact that a full third of PLHIV had not enrolled for care; of which a third are actually receiving ART , how can we drive more PLHIV to seek care and treatment?
So, why is it so difficult to make the case for social and behavior change communication?

STEP 2: Explain your Idea

(2 minutes)
  • What is the idea you are presenting?
  • How does it address the presenting challenge?
What if you could model the potential impact in terms of cost-effectiveness of an SBCC activity? TCDC and the HC3 Project have developed an SBCC Planning and Budgeting Tool that allows the user to itemize the cost of each step of the “P-Process” (inquire, design, create/test, mobilize/monitor, evaluate/evolve) and to combine this cost information with potential coverage data, to calculate the variance in coverage and/or uptake with a specific health intervention after an SBCC activity is executed.
The ability of the model to project savings on coverage and uptake due to a specific SBCC activity should help make the case – particularly to service delivery organizations and those that fund them – that SBCC can accelerate achievement of “the final meter.”

STEP 3: Describe your Evidence

(2 minutes)
  • How do you know your idea will make a difference?
Let’s say your initial research (inquire) indicates that demand for and use of bed nets by pregnant women and those who sleep with their under-5’s is impeded by certain beliefs about bed nets. Let’s say you design and execute a campaign to dispel those beliefs and illuminate the benefits of using a bed net to prevent malaria. If your campaign increases demand, the cost of distribution should be reduced as central distribution points and more economical points of delivery can be established and demand will not be impeded. The simplified model below shows that delivery of bed nets can be increased by over 200% and costs reduced by 17%.
Similarly, let’s say your research suggests different SBCC activities can stimulate demand for and use of bed nets. This modelling tool will help you determine which intervention could reach the greatest number at the lowest cost.
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Total
SBCC Intervention (Units) / # of / # of / # of / # of / Units Delivered
Baseline Units delivered / 1,500 / 1,500 / 1,000 / 900 / 4,900.00
Result Forecast Units delivered / 2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 / 14,000.00
Cost of Delivery (per Unit) / Price / Price / Price / Price / Costs Per Unit
Baseline Cost / $ 10.00 / $ 10.00 / $ 13.00 / $ 15.00 / $ 12.00
Result Forecast Cost / $ 11.54 / $ 7.26 / $ 6.19 / $ 1.93 / $ 5.66
% Difference in # of units delivered / 33% / % / 300% / 456% / 186%
% Difference in Cost per unit delivered / 15% / -27% / -52% / -87% / -52.8%

STEP 4: Call to Action

(2 minutes)
  • How can the idea be implemented?
  • Who will implement the idea?
  • Where can/should it be implemented?
TCDC, in collaboration with the HC3 Project, is developing a program, entitled, “Using SBCC to go the Final Meter.” The 3-day program is designed for SBCC organizations to familiarize service delivery personnel in using SBCC activities to achieve their health targets. The program uses a case study and its accompanying data set to guide participants through each stage of the P-Process – a proven process for researching social and behavior change needs, designing communication strategies to address these needs, testing options, implementing SBCC strategies, and evaluating their impact.
Included in this program is the SBCC Planning and Budgeting Tool that allows service providers to budget for each step of the P-Process, while also generating a per capita cost assigned to different interventions, so that the most efficient can be selected for use.

STEP 5: Reveal the New Reality

(2 minutes)
  • How will the work of those in the audience be affected if they act on your idea?
Imagine a new reality where SBCC is not merely a pseudonym for health promotion and education, but rather is appreciated as a critical science that can be measured for cost-effectiveness, cost-efficiency, AND health impact.

 Use a maximum of 4 slides

 Use each slide to make a point

 Use as little text as possible

 Use graphs, infographics, pictures

(Note: Slide below has animation)

  1. REHEARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 With people you love

 With people you fear

 In front of small groups

 In front of large groups

 With peers

 With people who are NOT experts in your field