Coming to terms with the traumatic experience of the 1940s in the Baltic States
Symposium program
Friday, October 19
9.30–10.00 / Registration(University of Latvia, Raiņa Boulevard 19)
10.00–10.25 / Opening of symposium (Museum Hall)
- Organizers of symposium Mārtiņš Kaprāns & Vita Zelče
- Rector of the U of Latvia prof. Mārcis Auziņš
- Coordinator of Friedrich Ebert Foundation Baltic Alfred Pfaller
Session 1: Baltic history writing
Chair: Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinnett College)
10.25–11.35 / Eva-Clarita Pettai (U of Tartu), “The role of professional
history in memory political conflicts.”
Olaf Mertelsmann (U of Tartu), “Historical Research without much Historisation: The 1940s in the Baltic States”
Olga Procevska (U of Latvia), “History beyond historians, historians beyond history: public intellectuals of Latvia on the traumatic events of the 20th century”
11.35–11.50 / Coffee break
Session 2: The public-private nexus in memory work
Chair: Olga Procevska (U of Latvia)
11.50–12.40 / Irena Saleniece (Daugavpils U), “Historiographical Versions and Contemporaries' Memories about Latvia's Fatal Decade(1940-1949)”
Baiba Bela (U of Latvia), “Intersection of public discourse and private life: memories about 1940s”
12.40–13.40 / Lunch
Session 3: Looking from the bottom
Chair: Ene Kõresaar (U of Tartu)
13.40–14.50 / Svetlana Ryzhakova (Russian Academy of Sciences), “The memory of the 1940-s in Baltic private talks: surmounting the history”
Inge Melchior (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), “’We Estonians suffered a lot’: An anthropological perspective on the collective memory and responsibility of a young generation Estonians”
Aiga Ozoliņa (U of Latvia), "The representation of the 1940s in the memories of Rubene rural municipality senior inhabitants"
14.50–15.05 / Coffee break
Session 4: Dynamics of historical representation
Chair: Daina Eglitis (George Washington U)
15.05–16.35 / Dovile Budryte (Georgia Gwinnett College) “Travelling Traumas: Transnational Memory in post-Soviet Lithuania”
Laura Ardava (U of Latvia), “Commemoration of the Barricades of January 1991 and the De Facto Restoration of the Independence of Latvia (1991-2011)”
Klinta Ločmele (U of Latvia), “Soviet-induced changes in countryside: the echo in Latvian journalistic materials of the 1980s”
Linda Curika (Center for Public Policy “Providus”), “Russian-speaking and Latvian students - different acculturation, different values and different views on history”
16:35–16:50 / Coffee break
Session 5: European frames of remembrance
Chair: Per Bolin (Södertörn U)
16.50–18.00 / Erwin Oberländer (U of Mainz), “Coming to Terms with War and Occupation in Western Europe. Some remarks on the development of a community of memory in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway”
Olena Petrenko (Ruhr University Bochum), “Between Heroizing and Defamation: Contemporary Perception of the West-Ukrainian Armed Underground 1930s to the 1950s”
Florence Fröhlig (Södertörn U), “Pilgrimages undertaken by Alsatians- Mosellans former prisoners of war and their descendants to the soviet prison camp of Tambov”
18.30–20.00 / Reception by Social Memory Research Center (restaurant “Cydonia”, Dzirnavu st. 84, entrance from Berga Bazārs)
Saturday, October 20
Session 6: Post-communist memory politicsChair: Eva-Clarita Pettai (U of Tartu)
9.30–11.00 / Vita Zelče (U of Latvia), “Russian memory politics and the Baltic States”
Inga Švarca (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg) “Transitional Justice in Latvia: the Soviet Legacy – an Everlasting Legal Burden?”
Mārtiņš Kaprāns (U of Latvia), “The Soviet deportations and the Latvian memory politics”
Kirsti Jõesalu (U of Tartu), „Soviet Past in Post-Soviet Memory Politics: the Speeches of Estonian Presidents”
11.00–11.15 / Coffee break
Session 7: Agents of post-Soviet history discourse
Chair: Inge Melchior (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
11.15–12.25 / Daina Eglitis (George Washington U), “History's Unruly Actors: The Case of Latvian Women Volunteers in the Red Army in WWII”
Vilius Ivanauskas (Eastern Europe Studies Centre & Lithuanian Institute of History), “Bringing the Blame, Managing the Nostalgia: the Interpretative Role of the Social Network on soviet matters in post-soviet Lithuania”
Aurimas Švedas (Vilnius U), “Lithuanian Historiography Facing the Challenges of 1940: Academic Problems and Questions of History Politics and Social Memory.”
12.25–13.25 / Lunch
Session 8: Maintaining a shared understanding of Stalinism
Chair: Olaf Mertelsmann (U of Tartu)
13.25–14.55 / Ene Kõresaar (U of Tartu), „The memory of Stalinism as a filter in remembrance culture: on dynamics of social remembering in Estonia”
Sulius Grybkauskas (Lithuanian Institute of History), “Stepping aside from the Textbooks: the Memory of History Teachers on 40's in Lithuania”
Deniss Hanovs (Riga Stradins U), “Let’s have fun! Stalin and history of totalitarianism in entertainment culture”
Aija Rozensteine, Gita Silina, Laura Ardava (U of Latvia), “Discourse of collaborationism in the drama ‘Atvari’ by Alvis Lapiņš and in the novel ‘Puhdistus’ by Sofi Oksanen”
14.55–15.10 / Coffee break
Session 9: Mapping Holocaust in Baltic memory
Chair: Olena Petrenko (Ruhr University Bochum)
15.10–16.20 / Didzis Bērziņš (U of Latvia), “Social Memory of the Holocaust in the Soviet Latvia”
Christine Beresinova (George Washington U), "Sometimes it pays to remember; sometimes it pays to forget: Teacher experiences in contemporary Lithuanian training programs for Holocaust education."
Kristiana Kirša (U of Latvia), “The trauma of the forties in the social memory of the Latvian Jewish community: the case of "Goodbye, Atlantis!" and it's reflection in Latvian press”
16.20–16.30 / Coffee break
Session 10: Diverging post-communist memory cultures*
Chair: Irena Saleniece (Daugavpils U)
16.30–18.10 / Gennady Bordyogov ("НИЦ -- АИРО-XXI" ), „Общая советская история стран Балтии и России в новейших русских учебниках”
Ojārs Skudra (U of Latvia), „В Европе, но рядом с Россией. Смысловое прочтение национальной памяти в публикациях латвийских политиков и журналистов в газетах Час и Диена (2010-2012)”
Kaspars Zellis (U of Latvia), „Вторая мировая война в "контрпамяти" Латвийского общества в советское время”
Yauhen Hreben (Belarussian State Agrarian Technical U), „Мемориализация событий Второй мировой войны в Беларуси”
Galina Yakauleva (P.M. Masherov Vitebsk State U), “События Второй мировой войны в массовом сознании населения Беларуси во второй половине 1940-х годов”
18.10–18.20 / Concluding remarks
18.45–21.30 / Farwell dinner (restaurant “Tinto”, Elizabetes st. 61)
* Session will be in Russian, the translation in English will be available
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