Come and join in the fun and have a wonderful time at
The theme this year is
Pop the dates in your diary and soon the Carnival Helpers will be calling to sell you badges which are your tickets for theeveningentertainment–cost is £3.00 per head, £8 per family
(i.e. 2 adults/2 children 16 and under).
Please remember, the badge is your ticket for the evening and must be worn from 6pm onwards. (This covers the cost of the Band and the Fireworks).
Hopefully by now you will have almost finished making your SCARECROWready for display from 24thJune, and willalso be preparing to view them all and vote for your favourite. We are also holding aPHOTOGRAPHICAND ARTCOMPETITION this year –DETAILS OF BOTH CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THIS FLYERso charge up your batteries and stretch that canvas!
And back by popular demand the Murder Mystery Evening!
Who Killed the Ship’s Captain?
The Carnival will again join forces with Pitton Theatre Club for an evening of fun and head scratching while your team works out ‘Whoddunit!’ The cost is £12.50 per head to include a Fish and Chip Supper followed by a choice of desserts. Bring your own drink – glasses provided. Raffle and Themed Quiz. Fancy Dress optional.
There is a sheet detailing all the key dates at the back of this flyer to tear off and pin on your noticeboard!
Fancy Dress Parade
Assemble in The Close at 3.15pm for judging of the Life on the Ocean Wave -themed Fancy Dress at 3.30pm. The parade will then pass along The Green to the Village Hall Field for the Grand Opening at 4 pm.
Categories for Fancy Dress are:Pre School Age
Primary School Age
Secondary School Age
Village Fete
A Pitton First! The Salisbury Ukelele Band will entertain us with a few numbers from their repertoire during the afternoon.
Pitton Pooches
This year we are running a Dog Show so bring your pooch along and enter him/her in any or all of the following classes:
Best YoungsterBest VeteranWaggiest Tail
Best PersonalityBest DressedMost Obedient
Looks Most Like OwnerRace
Please registeryour entry on the day.
And of course:
There will be all the usual stalls and sideshows, some familiar and some new. The Social Club will be serving Afternoon Tea, there will be a Pimms stall, Beer Tent and a Re-fuel Stop for the U18sas well asa choice of food availableto buy from Salisbury Hog Roast from 4.00pm (hot drinks from 6pm).
The evening will continue as we are led a merry dance by Gary Nunn and the Black Bear Ceilidh Dance Banduntil the day is rounded off by the Fabulous Fireworks Finale!
AND What canYOU do tohelp?
CAKES- these can be left at the Hall on themorning of Carnival Day
BOTTLES for the Bottle Stall
BOOKS for the Book Stall
BRIC A BRAC (No clothes please)
PROMISES/ITEMS for the Silent Auction to David and Carol Flint on 712435
Bottles, books and bric-a-brac will be collected from you by Carnival helpers.
Bottles can also be delivered to Jane Emden (no later thanFriday evening 7th July please!).
Books and Bric-a-Brac can also be delivered to the Hall on the morning of 8th July.
We will be setting up the field for the fete on the morning of Saturday 8th July from 10 am. All help most welcome!
The awesome job of clearing up!!
Sunday 9th, from 9.30 am
All funds raised go towards the maintenance and support of the Village Hall.
Hopefully your scarecrow on the Carnival theme is well under way and he will be ready to pop in front of your house for all to admire by 24th June! To enter is easy:
1.Email James Mardon on to get your Scarecrow number. Please include your name and address, and your age if under 16.
2.Make your Scarecrow and put him on display by 24th June. Make sure his number can be clearly seen!
From the 25th June, all villagers can take part in judging the Scarecrows – even if you haven’t made one.
Collect a voting slip from Pitton Stores and enjoy a walk around the village, visiting all the Scarecrows and awarding them points out of 10. Return your voting slip to Rachel at the shop by 6th July at the latest.
Winners of both classes (Adult and Junior) will be announced at the Carnival Fete on Saturday 8th July and prizes awarded.
Release your inner artist and take up that camera and/or paintbrush to enter the competition, on this year’s theme of A Life on the Ocean Wave!
Classes: Under 16 and 16 and over
Entries can be any size and in colour or black and white.
Please add your name/address/phone number/class entered on the reverse.
Photographs and pictures to be handed in by Saturday 1st July at the latest to:
Mandy Mackenzie
The Old Forge, High Street (E: )
All entries will be displayed in Pitton Village Hall on Fete Day
(8th July) and can be collected from there after 7pm that day.
Entries will be judged and certificates awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each class, with a voucher prize for first place. The judge’s decision is final.
There will be a submission fee of £1 per entry. Maximum of three entries per person.
Sunday 2nd JulyCarnival Church Service 11.00am
Pitton School HallA Carnival Service for all the family
with refreshments at 10.30
Tuesday 4th JulyBingo!6:00pm
Pitton Village HallThe Brownies are again hosting a Bingo evening to which you are all warmly invited. Cost is £2.50 per head. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be served in the interval. Please come and join in!
Saturday 8th JulyCarnival Fete Day
Pitton Village Hallfrom 4.00pm
Saturday 15th JulyMurder Mystery Evening
Pitton Village HallDoors open 6.30pm
And of course: