Amended Regular Meeting Agenda - Governing Board
December 11, 2001 Page 4
Pursuant to ARS §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board of the Cochise Community College District and to the general public that the Board will hold a regular meeting open to the public on Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 6:00 p.m. in the Andrea Cracchiolo Library, Cochise College, Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635.
As indicated in the agenda, the Board may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters.
1.01 Call to Order
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
This is an opportunity for public comment. Unless comment relates to agenda items, Board action is limited to directing staff to study and/or schedule the matter for future consideration. Members of the Board may also respond to criticism. In situations where a number of persons desire to present comments, the Governing Board President may impose reasonable time limits on each person’s comments and an overall time limit on public comments in general.
1.05 Standing Reports INFORMATION
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Jan Guy will report on the meetings of the AADGB, ACCA (Arizona Community Colleges Association), and SBDCC (State Board of Directors for Community Colleges).
1.05.2 Senate
Mr. Ray Battee, Senate President, will give the Senate report.
1.05.3 Student Government
Sierra Vista campus Student Government Association secretary, Matt Spencer, will report on this semester's events and plans for the spring semester.
1.05.4 College President
à Enrollment Report
Dr. Joanna Michelich will provide the enrollment report
à Legislative Update
Dr. Karen Nicodemus will provide a legislative update.
1.05.5 Financial Report for November 2001
Governing Board will review the Financial Report for November 2001. If there are no changes, the report will be accepted as submitted
1.05.6 Focus Report
Mr. Mike Milazzo, Cochise College student, will present his Honors project in Mathematics and Computer Science.
2.01 Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting – November 13, 2001
2.02 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting – November 13, 2001
3.01 Communications
The College has received the following communications:
A letter to the members of the Governing Board from Ms. Cindy Hoyostek congratulating the College on the hiring of Mr. Arturo Chacon as MISSL Lab Coordinator.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Rowdy Adams, Border Patrol Agent in Charge, thanking her for being invited to the Douglas Economic Forum.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Michael Hemesath, City of Sierra Vista Director of Public Works/Airport Manager, thanking the College’s Aviation Program for participation in the annual Sierra Vista Airport Fly-In and Open House.
3.02 First Reading of Policy 4402 – Compensation for Extra Work – Classified
This policy has been updated to address non-exempt positions that are in an on-call and/or call-out status.
3.03 Policy 5410, Procedures 5410.1 and 5410.2; Academic Standards; Degree Requirements; First Reading
5410.1 - This change in residency requirement will provide students with greater flexibility to transfer between and among community colleges in Arizona.
5410.2 – To comply with statewide articulation task force recommendations, the mathematics requirement for the AGEC-A of the Associate of Arts Degree has been revised.
3.04 Policy 5450, Procedures 5450.1; Academic Standards; Certificate Requirements; First Reading
This proposal is to add a 25 percent residency requirement for program Certificates of Completion.
3.05 Policy 5610, Procedures 5610.1; Academic Standards; Student Load Limitations; First Reading
Changes are being made to simplify and clarify College procedure regarding student load limitations.
3.06 Policy 5730, Procedures 5730.1; Academic Standards; Repeating Courses; First Reading
The proposed change in procedure will allow the institution to collect state aid for courses in which students are enrolled without limitations based on the number of times the student has repeated the course.
3.07 North Central Association (NCA)
Dr. Nicodemus will provide a preliminary report on the recent NCA visit.
All items with an asterisk are consent matters unless they are removed from the consent agenda at this time. Any item may be removed from the consent agenda by any Governing Board member. Consent Agenda items will be approved by one motion and there will be no specific discussion of these items.
4.01 Consent Agenda *
4.01.1 * Curriculum Changes
4.01.2 * Faculty; Retirement (Peter Finch, Director, School to Work Program, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.3 * Classified; Termination(Bea Guerrero, Secretary, Douglas Campus)
4.01.4 * Classified; Termination (Catalina Hurtado, Custodian, Douglas Campus)
4.01.5 * Agreement for Cochise College Medical Assistant (MA) Student Education
4.02 Proposed Governing Board Meeting Schedule for 2002
Dr. Nicodemus will present for approval the 2002 Cochise College Governing Board regular meeting schedule.
4.03 Discussion of Medical Insurance
The administration will present information from consultants Lovitt and Touché.
The Governing Board may enter into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (5) Discussion or consideration of salaries, salary schedules or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of employees of the Public Body.
4.04 Medical Insurance
Ms. Charlotte Stout, Executive Director for Human Resources, will present a proposal to amend the College’s medical plan effective February 1, 2002.
4.05 Vice President for Administration
The College President has extended an offer of employment to a candidate for Vice President for Administration.
The public is invited to check for addenda, which may be posted up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. This information may also be obtained through the office of the Administrative Assistant to the President, Cochise College, 901 N. Colombo Avenue, Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 or 4190 West Highway 80, Douglas, Arizona 85607-9724 or call (520) 515-5401 or (520) 417-4056.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodations, please notify the Administrative Secretary to the President at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled Governing Board Meeting. Telephone numbers are listed above.
I, Karen M. Koehler, certify that this notice of public meeting, prepared pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, was posted on the 7th day of December, 2001, at 5:00 p.m. o'clock.
Karen M. Koehler, Administrative Assistant
Office of the President