Sunday School
Combined Class in the Parlor
Study on “The Meaning of Marriage” - 8 week study led by Howard Griffin, Paul Hancock, Kim Talley and Vicki Butterfield.
Topics that will be discussed:
- “The Secret of Marriage”
- “The Power For Marriage”
- “The Essence of Marriage”
- “The Mission of Marriage”
- “Loving the Stranger”
- “Embracing the Other”
- “Singleness and Marriage”
- “Sex and Marriage”
New Testament Survey– Room 210 - led by Bob Houchin and Kathy Jones
Studying the book of James
New Testament Discussion– Room 202 – led by Mark Morey and Susan Burnette
Concluding Exodus and then beginning our journey through Leviticus and Numbers
Early Childhood Summer Sunday School Roundup Begins June 2!
Saddle up your horses and rustle on over to Critter Land’s SonWest Roundup!
We’ll discover a colorful old town where all the excitement of the Wild West awaits. There’ll be games, music, snacks, crafts, and amazing true stories that point our kids to Jesus. We’ll be traveling down the trail through the Old Testament stories of Moses to discover God’s ultimate plan of salvation in Jesus, because “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Roundup begins at 9:45 on Sunday mornings, and lasts through 11:00 worship services.
Elementary Fitness Camp Begins June 2!
This summer, Sunday school classes in grades 1-5 will focus on living a healthy lifestyle to help them accomplish God’s purpose for their lives. They’ll learn life-long healthy habits along with Bible stories that illustrate how and why our bodies were designed by God. Fitness camp will include fitness challenges in aerobics, kickboxing, circuit training, hop-n-bop and flexibility.
Be sure to wear comfortable clothing designed for active fun! Fitness Camp is 9:45-10:45 in Big City Studio each Sunday morning of summer.
College/Young Adults
Sunday School – GAP- 9:45 a.m. Westminster Room
Begin on June 2nd with the study of “The Power of a Whisper” by Bill Hybels. Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond.
SALT –Will have various times to get together in the summer – For more information contact Tamala McKenzie at 373-4242 or email her at .
Youth Sunday School will be at the A&O House on Sunday Mornings at 9:45.
Other Events
12:00 each Wednesday - June/July/August
BYOL – Bring your own lunch
The study will be on James and will be led by David Mullin and Murray Gossett
June 10-12 9:00 a.m. – 12:00p.m
3yr olds – 5th grade
Build relationships as you study God’s word. Join a triad this summer and study the book of James together. Either be a leader or join someone else as they lead! It’s a great time for in-depth study of God’s Word.
To sign up for a triad contact Murray Gossett or email Anita Goodrum at,