November 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

The student Social Vice-Presidents have started to plan the end of year celebrations for Year 13 leaving in June! Although, with mocks and A2 exams still to come, this seems a long way ahead of us, booking a venue in Cambridge needs to be done well in advance.

The date for student diaries this year is Thursday June 29th 2017, immediately after the end of the A2 examinations. We aim to run the evening along the lines of previous successful leavers ‘parties, having a formal meal and entertainment in a central Cambridge venue. However, to book a quality venue we need to provide a deposit and guarantee a minimum number of guests attending. To allow us to do this it would be very helpful if students who do intend to come to the party (and we hope this will be most of the year group) could pay a deposit by Friday December 9th. Please make your deposit payment of £10 through our preferred method via WisePay. Once you have logged into your account, please click on the “tickets and events manager” where this item is located for payment. Should numbers be disappointing we will not be able to make the booking and would instead return the deposits; they will be non-refundable if the event has enough backing to go ahead. The remaining balance will be finalised once the venue is booked, but will be in the region of £30, making a total cost of approximately £40.

In previous years we have had excellent attendance at what has always proven to be a thoroughly enjoyable event. We have no doubt the same will happen this year and that the end of June will see us all in our finery in the evening sunshine saying farewell to the students.

We look forward to receiving your deposits.

Yours sincerely,

Irayna OwenOlivia Heaney and Raphael Borinuoluwa

Deputy Head of Sixth FormStudent vice presidents, (sports and social)