The NationalGaelicSchool’s Debate Management Committee are delighted to announce that BT Scotland have agreed to sponsor this year’s Debate. This is fantastic news for the Debate and this will be the twelfth consecutive year that BT Scotland have supported the event. The Debate which is open to secondary pupils from across Scotland, give the young people the chance to meet other young Gaelic speakers whilst developing their debating and presentation skills. The Debate continues to go from strength to strength and it is now recognised as an important part of the academic year. Former participants of the Debate have gone on to establish successful careers within the Gaelic speaking world and in jobs where they utilise the skills learnt from taking part in the Debate. Calum Iain MacLeod, Chair of the Management Committee commented:

“We are delighted that BT Scotland has agreed to continue with the sponsorship of this year’s competition. At a time of economic uncertainty, we are indebted to BT Scotland for their generosity over the last twelve years. Without their support, it would be impossible for us to bring these young people together on such a scale. The 2009 was at an incredibly high level and we are very confident that the 2010 competition will be just as successful”.

Liz Turner, Corporate Responsibility Manager at BT Scotland said:

“BT Scotland is very happy to continue supporting the 2010 BT Scotland Gaelic School’s Debate.We are very much in favour of the promotion of Gaelic and our programme from which this money is made available provides assistance to young people across the country.This funding affords excellent opportunities for the next generation to develop their oral skills.We live in a world where good communication skills are of huge importance and that’s why we continue to support the excellent BT Scotland National Gaelic School’s Debate”.

The Debate also receives funding from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, MG Alba, BBC Alba, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Management Review Group for Gaelic.


Tha Comataidh Stiùiridh Deasbad Gàidhlig Nàiseanta nan Sgoiltean toilichte ainmeachadh gu bheil BT Alba air aontachadh leantainn le bhith a’ cumail taic ris an Deasbad. ‘S e fìor deagh naidheachd a tha seo airson an Deasbad agus tha seo a’ ciallachadh gu bheil BT Alba a’ toirt seachad taic airson dusan bliadhna a-nise. ‘S e cothrom air leth a tha anns an Deasbad, a tha fosgailte do sgoilearan àrd sgoil bho air feadh Alba, coinneachadh ri òigridh eile agus aig an aon àm leasachadh a thoirt air na sgilean deasbad agus còmhraidh aca. Tha an Deasbad air a dhol bho neart gu neart on a thòisich e agus tha e a-nise air fhaicinn mar phàirt chudromach den bhliadhna acadaimigeach. Tha feadhainn de na sgoilearan a ghabh pàirt anns na Deasbadan air a dhol a-steach gu cosnaidhean far a bheil iad a’ cleachdadh a’ Ghàidhlig agus na sgilean a dh’ionnsaich iad tro bhith a’ frithealadh na Deasbadan. Thuirt Calum Iain MacLeòid, Cathraiche na Comataidh Stiùiridh:

“Tha sinn air leth toilichte gu bheil BT Alba deònach taic a thabhann. Aig an àm dhuilich a tha seo a thaobh ionmhais, tha sinn taingeil gu bheil BT Alba air a bhith cho fialaidh bliadhna as dèidh bliadhna. As aonais an taic-airgid bhiodh e do-dhèanta dhuinn na sgoilearan a thoirt còmhla ‘s an dòigh seo. Bha farpais 2009 aig sàr àrd ìre agus tha sinn làn chinnteach gum bi 2010 a cheart cho math agus cho soirbheachail.”

Thuirt Liz Turner, Manaidsear Dleastanasan Chorporra BT Alba:

“Tha BT Alba toilichte taic a chur ri Deasbad 2010. Tha sinne gu mòr airson a’ Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh agus tha an airgead seo, a tha na phàirt de phrògram foghlaim farsainn a tha a’ cuideachadh òigridh air feadh na dùthcha, a’ dèanamh feum mhòr ann an leasachadh a thoirt air sgilean conaltraidh an ginealach a tha ri teachd. Tha sinn beò ann an saoghal far a bheil sgilean conaltraidh cudromach dha rìreabh agus tha BT Alba toilichte a bhith nan taic ann an 2010”.

Cuideachd tha Comunn na Gàidhlig, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, MG Alba, BBC Alba Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus Buidheann Stiùiridh Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig a’ cur taic ri Deasbad Nàiseanta BT Alba 2010.