Minutes of the Colwyn Borough Council Special Meeting – January 9, 2014





  1. CalltoOrder:PresidentMeusercalledthemeetingtoorderat7:00p.m. Purpose of the meeting was to continue the Re-Organization Meeting of January 6, 2014 and appoint borough officials.
  1. Roll Call:

Council Members Present: President Paul Meuser, Vice President Patricia Williams, Councilman Jesse Brundage, Councilman Frederick Lesher, Councilwoman Massa Kamara, Councilwoman Martha Van Auken, Councilwoman Tonette Pray.

Others Present:Mayor Michael Blue, Solicitor David Devine, SecretaryTinita Mitchell (seated after appointment)

  1. Appointments:

Councilman Frederick Lesher made a motion to discontinue the services of Borough Secretary Marlene Walden and hire Tinita Mitchell as Borough Secretary to record the minutes. Councilman Jesse Brundage seconded the motion. Voting in favor of the motion: Kamara, Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Voting against the motion: Williams, Van Auken, Pray. Motion carried 4-3. Tinita Mitchell took her place at the Council table and recorded the minutes.

Councilman Frederick Lesher made a motion to appoint Maurice Clark of 23 S. 2nd Street, Colwyn PA as Vacancy Board Chairman. Councilman Jesse Brundage seconded the motion. Voting in favor of the motion: Kamara, Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Not Voting: Williams, Van Auken, Pray. Motion carried 4-0

Councilman Frederick Lesher passed out a proposal for Financial Consultant for the CPA Firm of Snyder, Daitz & Co. of Philadelphia. Councilman Frederick Lesher then made a motion to authorize and appoint the Certified Public Accounting Firm of Snyder, Daitz & Company of 1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Philadelphia PA to authorize, complete and finalize the current Audit for the Borough of Colwyn. Councilman Jesse Brundage seconded the Motion. Question on the Motion: Councilwoman Pray - At what rate are you paying? Councilman Lesher answered $150.00 per hour. Councilwoman Van Auken: Are you going to take the Audit that’s going on right now and re-do it? Councilman Lesher: To my knowledge, we do not have complete audits for 2011, 2012 and 2013. Discussion followed. Voting in favor of the motion: Kamara, Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Not Voting: Williams, Van Auken, Pray. Motion carried 4-0

CouncilmanLesher made a Motion to relieve Commonwealth Code Company of all duties performed for the Borough of Colwyn. This is to be effective 4:00 PM Friday, January 10, 2014. Code Enforcement will be arranged in the near future. Objection raised by Councilwoman Pray stating Councilman Lesher cannot vote on the Motion. President Meuser stated the Motion would be taken off the floor at this time. Disruptive discussion took place. Councilman Jesse Brundage restated the motion - Councilwoman Kamara seconded. Voting in favor: Brundage, Meuser, Kamara. Abstention: Lesher. Not Voting: Pray, Van Auken, Williams. Motion carried – 3-1-0.

Councilman Lesher made a Motion to eliminate the position of Public Safety Director and her secretary for financial stability of the Borough. The Borough has always followed the Pennsylvania State Borough Code that the Mayor and the Police Chief are in charge of the Police Department. To assure financial stability of the Borough of Colwyn, to eliminate the position of Public Safety Director and the Secretary. Councilman Brundage seconded the Motion. Question on the Motion: Councilwoman Pray – “the Public Safety Chair is not a civilian, the Public Safety Chair, the Public Safety Director job is not a civilian job because in November and December we changed that to a full time police position. She got a MPOTEC card – she is a police officer and you can’t fire her unless you have Just Cause.” Disruptive discussion took place - Councilwoman Van Auken left the meeting. Motion continued: Voting in favor of the motion: Kamara, Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Not Voting: Williams, Pray. Motion carried 4-0 Discussions continued on the financial stability of the Borough with President Meuser announcing that he received a phone call from a retired police officer who stated the retired police have not been paid. President Meuser also held up a Civil Litigation lawsuit that was just served upon the Borough from NDI Engineering – to demonstrate the instability of the financial conditions of the Borough. Councilman Lesher then questioned Councilwoman Pray as to why her name was on a Credit Card for the Borough of Colwyn. Councilwoman Pray stated that it had to be on there since she was the President. She also stated that Council did not ask her permission to use the card so she discontinued it. Disruptive discussions continued on council and in the audience.

Councilman Lesher made a motion to protect the integrity of the Borough records – to hire Daniel Rutland as temporary part time Borough Manager. Councilman Brundage seconded the motion. Voting in favor of the motion: Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Voting against the motion: Kamara, Williams, Pray. Motion tied 3-3. Mayor Blue voted to No to break the tie. Motion defeated 4-3. Ms. Kamara and Mayor Blue indicated they were a bit confused on the motion. Discussions continued with members and residents getting up and talking loud. President Meuser then called for a Recess.

(Recess 10 min)

President Meuser reconvened the meeting. Councilman Jesse Brundagethen restated the motion to hire Daniel Rutland as temporary Part Time Borough Manager at a salary to be negotiated at a later time. Motion is for emergency purposes to protect the integrity of the Borough records and finances. Councilman Lesher seconded the motion. Councilwoman Pray disrupted the meeting again with yelling and screaming. Voting in favor of the motion: Kamara, Lesher, Brundage, Meuser. Not Voting: Williams, Pray. Motion carried 4-0.

President Meuser adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tinita Mitchell, Colwyn Borough Secretary

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