Columbia Gorge 2, Skamania and Klickitat Counties, WA, and Multnomah, Hood River and Wasco Counties, OR.
List covers plants found along the Columbia River from the Clark County, WA line east to the Deschutes River, OR and up to ten miles north and south of the river. Study by Portland Chapter, ONPS, 1980-83. List by Lois Kemp and Russ Jolly. 946 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.
Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.
We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
*Introduced species
Scientific Name Common Name Plant Family
Abronia mellifera / White sand verbena / NyctaginaceaeAchillea millifolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Achlys triphylla / Vanilla leaf / Berberidaceae
Actaea rubra / Baneberry / Ranunculaceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Adiantum pedatum / Maidenhair fern / Polypodiaceae
Agoseris aurantiaca / Orange agoseris / Asteraceae
Agoseris grandiflora / Large-flowered agoseris / Asteraceae
Agoseris heterophylla / Annual agoseris / Asteraceae
Agoseris retrorsa / Spear-leaf agoseris / Asteraceae
Alchemilla occidentalis / Western lady's-mantle / Rosaceae
Alisma graminium / Narrowleaf waterplantain / Alismataceae
Alisma plantago-aquatica / American waterplantain / Alismataceae
Alliaria officinalis* / Garlic mustard / Brassicaceae
Allium acuminatum / Taper-tip onion / Liliaceae
Allium amplectans / Slim-leaf onion / Liliaceae
Allium cernuum / Nodding onion / Liliaceae
Allium crenulatum / Scalloped onion / Liliaceae
Allium douglasii / Douglas' onion / Liliaceae
Allotropa virgata / Candystick / Ericaceae
Amaranthus albus* / White pigweed / Amaranthaceae
Amaranthus blitoides / Prostrate pigweed / Amaranthaceae
Amaranthus powellii* / Powell's amaranth / Amaranthaceae
Ambrosia acanthicarpa / Bur ragweed / Asteraceae
Amelanchier alnifolia / Serviceberry / Rosaceae
Ammania coccinea / Scarlet ammania / Lythraceae
Amorpha fruticosa / False indigo / Fabaceae
Amsinckia lycopsoides / Bugloss fiddleneck / Boraginaceae
Amsinckia retrorsa / Rigid fiddleneck / Boraginaceae
Anagallis arvensis* / Pimpernel / Primulaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Anemone deltoidea / Columbia windflower / Ranunculaceae
Anemone lyallii / Lyall's anemone / Ranunculaceae
Anemone multifida / Cliff anemone / Ranunculaceae
Anemone oregana / Oregon anemone / Ranunculaceae
Angelica arguta / Sharp-tooth angelica / Apiaceae
Angelica genuflexa / Kneeling angelica / Apiaceae
Antennaria dimorpha / Low pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria luzuloides / Woodrush pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria microphylla / Rosy pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria neglecta / Field pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria racemosa / Raceme pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria stenophylla / Narrow-leaf pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Antennaria umbrinella / Umber pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Anthemis arvensis* / Field chamomile / Asteraceae
Anthemis cotula* / Dog fennel / Asteraceae
Anthemis tinctoria / Yellow chamomile / Asteraceae
Anthriscus scandicina* / Chervil / Apiaceae
Apocynum androsaemifolium / Spreading dogbane / Apocynaceae
Apocynum cannabinum / Hemp dogbane / Apocynaceae
Apocynum medium / Western dogbane / Apocynaceae
Apocynum sibericum / Indian hemp / Apocynaceae
Aquilegia formosa / Red columbine / Ranunculaceae
Arabidopsis thaliana* / Thale cress / Brassicaceae
Arabis furcata / Forkhaired rockcress / Brassicaceae
Arabis glabra / Tower mustard / Brassicaceae
Arabis hirsuta / Hairy rockcress / Brassicaceae
Arabis microphylla / Small-leaf rockcress / Brassicaceae
Arabis sparsiflora / Sicklepod rockcress / Brassicaceae
Arctium minus* / Common burdock / Asteraceae
Arctostaphylos columbiana / Bristly manzanita / Ericaceae
Arctostaphylos nevadensis / Kinnikinnik / Ericaceae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi / Bearberry / Ericaceae
Arenaria capillaris / Thread-leaved sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria franklinii / Franklin's sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria macrophylla / Big-leaf sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria rubella / Reddish sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria serpyllifolia / Thyme-leaf sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arenaria stricta / Slender sandwort / Caryophyllaceae
Arnica amplexicaulis / Streambank arnica / Asteraceae
Arnica cordifolia / Heart-leaf arnica / Asteraceae
Arnica discoidea / Rayless arnica / Asteraceae
Arnica latifolia / Mountain arnica / Asteraceae
Artemesia absinthium* / Absinthe / Asteraceae
Artemesia biennis / Biennial wormwood / Asteraceae
Artemesia campestris / Northern wormwood / Asteraceae
Artemesia douglasiana / Douglas' sagewort / Asteraceae
Artemesia dracunculus / Tarragon / Asteraceae
Artemesia lindleyana / Columbia River mugwort / Asteraceae
Artemesia ludoviciana / Western mugwort / Asteraceae
Artemesia rigida / Stiff sagebrush / Asteraceae
Artemesia suksdorfii / Suksdorf's sagewort / Asteraceae
Artemesia tilesii / Aleytian mugwort / Asteraceae
Artemesia tridentata / Big sagebrush / Asteraceae
Aruncus sylvester / Goatsbeard / Rosaceae
Asarum caudatum / Wild ginger / Aristolochiaceae
Asclepias fascicularis / Mexican milkweed / Asclepiadaceae
Asclepias speciosa / Showy milkweed / Asclepiadaceae
Asparagus officinalis* / Asparagus / Liliaceae
Asperula odorata* / Sweet woodruff / Rubiaceae
Aspidotus densa / Indian's dream fern / Polypodiaceae
Asplenium trichomanes / Maidenhair spleenwort / Polypodiaceae
Aster alpigenus / Alpine aster / Asteraceae
Aster eatonii / Eaton's aster / Asteraceae
Aster foliaceus / Leafy aster / Asteraceae
Aster frondosus / Alkali aster / Asteraceae
Aster glaucescens / Klickitat aster / Asteraceae
Aster ledophyllus / Cascade aster / Asteraceae
Aster modestus / Great northern aster / Asteraceae
Aster novae-angliae* / New England aster / Asteraceae
Aster occidentalis / Western aster / Asteraceae
Aster pansus / Wreath aster / Asteraceae
Aster subspictus / Douglas' aster / Asteraceae
Astragalus hoodianus / Milk-vetch / Fabaceae
Astragalus purshii / Pursh's milk-vetch / Fabaceae
Astragalus reventiformis / Yakima milk-vetch / Fabaceae
Astragalus sclerocarpus / Stalked-pod milk-vetch / Fabaceae
Astragalus succumbens / Columbia locoweed / Fabaceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Athysanus pusillus / Sandweed / Brassicaceae
Atriplex rosea / Red orache / Chenopodiaceae
Balsamorhiza deltoidea / Puget balsamroot / Asteraceae
Barbarea orthoceras / American wintercress / Brassicaceae
Barbarea verna / Early wintercress / Brassicaceae
Barbarea vulgaris* / Bitter wintercress / Brassicaceae
Berberis aquifolium / Tall Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Berberis repens / Creeping Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Bidens cernua / Nodding beggar-ticks / Asteraceae
Bidens frondosa / Leafy beggar-ticks / Asteraceae
Blechnum spicant / Deer fern / Polypodiaceae
Boisduvalia densiflora / Dense spike-primrose / Onagraceae
Boisduvalia glabella / Smooth spike-primrose / Onagraceae
Boisduvalia stricta / Brook spike-primrose / Onagraceae
Bolandra oregana / Bolandra / Saxifragaceae
Boykinia elata / Coast boykinia / Saxifragaceae
Brassica campestris* / Common mustard / Brassicaceae
Brassica kaber* / Charlock / Brassicaceae
Brickellia grandiflora / Large-flowered brickellia / Asteraceae
Brodiaea congesta / Ookow / Liliaceae
Brodiaea coronaria / Harvest brodiaea / Liliaceae
Brodiaea howellii / Howell's brodiaea / Liliaceae
Brodiaea hyacinthina / Hyacinth brodiaea / Liliaceae
Callitriche verna / Spring water-starwort / Callitrichaceae
Calochortus macrocarpus / Sagebrush mariposa / Liliaceae
Calochortus subalpinus / Subalpine mariposa / Liliaceae
Caltha biflora / White marshmarigold / Ranunculaceae
Calypso bulbosa / Fairy slipper / Orchidaceae
Camassia leichtlinii / Great camas / Liliaceae
Camassia quamash / Common camas / Liliaceae
Camelina microcarpa* / Hairy false-flax / Brassicaceae
Campanula rotundifolia / Common harebell / Campanulaceae
Campanula scouleri / Scouler's harebell / Campanulaceae
Capsella bursa-pastoris* / Shepherd's purse / Brassicaceae
Cardamine angulata / Seaside bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine breweri / Brewer's bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine integrifolia / Milk maids / Brassicaceae
Cardamine occidentalis / Western bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine oligosperma / Little Western bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine penduliflora / Willamette Valley bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine pennsylvanica / Pennsylvania bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine pulcherrima / Spring beauty / Brassicaceae
Cardaria draba* / Hoary cress / Brassicaceae
Cardaria pubescens* / Globepodded hoary cress / Brassicaceae
Castenopsis chrysophylla / Golden chinquapin / Fagaceae
Castilleja hispida / Harsh paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Castilleja miniata / Scarlet paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Castilleja rupicola / Cliff paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Castilleja suksdorfii / Suksdorf's paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Caucalis microcarpa / Small bur-parsley / Apiaceae
Ceanothus integerrimus / Deerbrush / Rhamnaceae
Ceanothus sanguineus / Redstem ceanothus / Rhamnaceae
Ceanothus velutinus / Snowbrush / Rhamnaceae
Centaurea cyanus* / Batchelor button / Asteraceae
Centaurea diffusa* / Diffuse knapweed / Asteraceae
Centaurea jacea* / Brown knapweed / Asteraceae
Centaurea maculosa* / Spotted knapweed / Asteraceae
Centaurea repens* / Russian knapweed / Asteraceae
Centaurea solstitialis* / Yellow starthistle / Asteraceae
Centaurium exaultum / Western centaury / Gentianaceae
Centaurium umbellatum* / Common centaury / Gentianaceae
Cerastium arvense / Field chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium viscosum* / Sticky chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium vulgatum* / Mouse-ear chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Ceratophyllum demersum / Hornwort / Ceratophyllaceae
Chaenactis douglasii / Dusty maidens / Asteraceae
Cheilanthes gracillima / Lace fern / Polypodiaceae
Chenopodium album* / Pigweed / Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium ambrosioides* / Mexican tea wormseed / Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium botrys* / Jerusalem oak / Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium chenopodioides / Red goosefoot / Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium fremontii / Fremont's goosefoot / Chenopodiaceae
Chimaphila menziesii / Little pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Chimaphila umbellata / Pipsissewa / Ericaceae
Chorispora tenella* / Blue mustard / Brassicaceae
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum* / Ox-eye daisy / Asteraceae
Chrysanthemum parthenium* / Fever-few / Asteraceae
Chrysopsis villosa / Hairy golden-aster / Asteraceae
Chrysothamnus nauseosus / Gray rabbit-brush / Asteraceae
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus / Green rabbit-brush / Asteraceae
Cichorium intybus* / Chicory / Asteraceae
Cicuta douglasii / Water-hemlock / Apiaceae
Cimicifuga elata / Tall bugbane / Ranunculaceae
Cimicifuga laciniata / Mt. Hood bugbane / Ranunculaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Circium arvense* / Canada thistle / Asteraceae
Circium callilepsis / mountain thistle / Asteraceae
Circium remotifolium / Weak thistle / Asteraceae
Circium undulatum / Wavy-leaved thistle / Asteraceae
Circium vulgare* / Bull thistle / Asteraceae
Clarkia amoena / Farwell-to-spring / Onagraceae
Clarkia gracilis / Slender godetia / Onagraceae
Clarkia pulchella / Ragged Robin / Onagraceae
Clarkia quadrivulnera / Small-flowered godetia / Onagraceae
Clarkia rhomboidea / Common clarkia / Onagraceae
Claytonia lanceolata / Western spring beauty / Portulacaceae
Clematis lingusticifolia / Virgin's bower / Ranunculaceae
Cleome lutea / Yellow bee-plant / Capparidaceae
Clintonia uniflora / Queen's cup / Liliaceae
Cnicus benedictus / Blessed-thistle / Asteraceae
Collinsia grandiflora / Large-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Collinsia parviflora / Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Collinsia rattanii / Rattan's collensia / Scrophulariaceae
Collinsia sparsiflora / Few-flowered collinsia / Scrophulariaceae
Collomia grandiflora / Large-flowered collomia / Polemoniaceae
Collomia heterophylla / Varied-leaf collomia / Polemoniaceae
Commandra umbellata / Bastard toad-flax / Santalaceae
Conium maculatum* / Poison hemlock / Apiaceae
Convolvulus arvensis* / Field morning-glory / Convolvulaceae
Convolvulus sepium* / Lady's nightcap / Convolvulaceae
Conyza canadensis* / Horseweed / Asteraceae
Coptis laciniata / Cut-leaf goldthread / Ranunculaceae
Corallorhiza maculata / Spotted coral-root / Orchidaceae
Corallorhiza mertensiana / Western coral-root / Orchidaceae
Corallorhiza striata / Striped coral-root / Orchidaceae
Corallorhiza trifida / Yellow coral-root / Orchidaceae
Coreopsis atkinsoniana / Columbia tickseed / Asteraceae
Corispermum hyssopifolium / Bugseed / Chenopodiaceae
Cornus canadensis / Bunchberry / Cornaceae
Cornus nuttallii / Pacific dogwood / Cornaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Corydalis aquae-gelidae / Clackimus corydalis / Fumariaceae
Corydalis scouleri / Western corydalis / Fumariaceae
Crataegus douglasii / Black hawthorn / Rosaceae
Crepis atrabarba / Slender hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crepis barbigera / Bearded hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crepis capillaris* / Smooth hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crepis intermedia / Gray hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crepis occidentalis / Western hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crocidium multicaule / Goldstar / Asteraceae
Cryptantha flaccida / Weak-stem cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cryptantha intermedia / Common cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cryptantha rostellata / Beaked cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cryptantha torreyana / Torrey's cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cryptogramma crispa / Parsley fern / Polypodiaceae
Cuscuta pentagona / Field dodder / Cuscutaceae
Cymopteris terebinthinus / Turpentine spring-parsley / Apiaceae
Cynoglossum grande / Pacific hound's-tounge / Boraginaceae
Cynoglossum officinale* / Common hound's-tongue / Boraginaceae
Cypripedium montanum / Mountain lady's-slipper / Orchidaceae
Cystopteris fragilis / Fragile fern / Polypodiaceae
Datura stramonium* / Jimson-weed / Solanaceae
Daucus carota* / Queen Anne's lace / Apiaceae
Daucus pusillus / American carrot / Apiaceae
Delphinium burkei / Meadow larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium glareosum / Rockslide larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium menziesii / Mountain larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium nuttallianum / Upland larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium nuttallii / Nuttall's larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium trolliifolium / Columbia larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Descurainia richardsonii / Mountain tansymustard / Brassicaceae
Dianthus armeria* / Grass pink / Caryophyllaceae
Dicentra cucullaria / Dutchman's breeches / Fumariaceae
Dicentra formosa / Bleeding heart / Fumariaceae
Digatalis purpurea* / Foxglove / Scrophulariaceae
Dipsacus sylvestris* / Teasel / Dipsacaceae
Disporum hookeri / Hooker fairy-bell / Liliaceae
Disporum smithii / Smith fairy-bell / Liliaceae
Dodecatheon conjugens / Desert shooting star / Primulaceae
Dodecatheon cusickii / Cusick's shooting star / Primulaceae
Dodecatheon dentatum / White shooting star / Primulaceae
Dodecatheon jeffreyi / Jeffrey's shooting star / Primulaceae
Dodecatheon poeticum / Narcissus shooting star / Primulaceae
Dodecatheon pulchellum / Few-flowered shooting star / Primulaceae
Douglasia laevigata / Smooth douglasia / Primulaceae
Downingia elegans / Showy downingia / Campanulaceae
Downingia yina / Cascade downingia / Campanulaceae
Draba douglasii / Douglas' draba / Brassicaceae
Draba nemerosa / Wood's draba / Brassicaceae
Draba reptans / Carolina draba / Brassicaceae
Drosera anglica / Great sundew / Droseraceae
Drosera rotundifolia / Round-leaf sundew / Droseraceae
Dryopteris arguta / Coastal wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Dryopteris austriaca / Spreading wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Dryopteris filix-mas / Male fern / Polypodiaceae
Eburophyton austiniae / Phantom orchid / Orchidaceae
Elatine triandra / Three-stamened waterwort / Elatinaceae
Epilobium alpinum / Alpine willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium glandulosum / Common willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium hirsutum* / Fiddle-grass / Onagraceae
Epilobium luteum / Yellow willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium minutum / Small-flowered willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium paniculatum / Tall annual willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium watsonii / Watson's willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epipactis gigantea / Giant helleborine / Orchidaceae
Eremocarpus setigerus / Doveweed / Euphorbiaceae
Erigeron annuus / Annual fleabane / Asteraceae
Erigeron divergens / Spreading daisy / Asteraceae
Erigeron filifolius / Thread-leaf fleabane / Asteraceae
Erigeron howellii / Howell's fleabane / Asteraceae
Erigeron linearis / Desert yellow daisy / Asteraceae