Humboldt City Council Minutes

July 28th @ 7:00 pm

The Humboldt City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 28th, 2014 at Humboldt City Hall. Mayor Ritchy Griepp called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with the following members present for roll call: Theresa Muth, Adam Lund, and Allen Schmeichel. Amanda Siemonsma was present for city personnel. Others present were Marc Sundermeyer, John Cressman, Bleau LaFave, and Clyde Gross.

A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Lund to approve the minutes for the regular meeting held on July 14th, 2014. The motion carried.

Brief open discussion was held about complaints and delinquent bills.

Marc Sundermeyer was present to present IT options to the council. He is looking into adding surveillance cameras into city hall and is also gathering information on iPads for the city personnel.

The council was presented an option of selling a phone switch. The council would be willing to sell the device depending on price and value.

LaFave and Gross from Northwestern Energy were present to present the council with options on obtaining the natural gas system. After much discussion, Northwestern will revisit the town board, along with the natural gas board, on August 25th to discuss the options further.

HCC HVAC bids were tabled. Quotes are being obtained by the council to get a better idea on the cost of the project.

All city wide garbage bids were rejected by the council. They will discuss further as to the next steps for the garbage services needed.

Department Reports:

Utility Manager – Daryl will not be leaving on his 2 week guard camp.

Finance Officer – On the basement utilities, Siemonsma will draft a letter to John Kolbach on a way to split the utilities and/or a way to absorb the cost of the paid utilities into the rent.

The 2015 budget is being worked on and will be presented to the council before the deadline.

Humboldt City Ordinances are in need of updating. Siemonsma will get a hold of SECOG to start the process of getting them updated.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53pm on a motion by Griepp and a second from Muth.



Amanda Siemonsma

City Finance Officer