Customer Satisfaction Committee Conference Call Minutes
Date: March 2, 2017
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Attendees: Beth Schaffner, Julie Deden, Bobbie Rosa, Bob Lawhead, Joelle Brouner, and Uriel Cano
Quorum was Present
Update from Joelle about March 30 Fort Collins Listening Session:
- Iemailed the SRC members a Customer Input Event Plan where I provided an overview of the event and laid out the structure of each part of the day in detail
- The brochure as well as the cover letter from Anna went out to 116 customers (90 customers with most significant disabilities and 25 with significant disabilities), ages 16-25. These customers are all in plan for employment
- Our next steps are sending out a reminder post card and after that we are going to call people
- Uriel changed the details with the hotel to get the projector for PowerPoint presentations
Joelle went through the schedule planned for the event:
- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AMCouncil members conduct business
- 11:00 AM to 11:45 PMMembers review plans for the event(s) and individual roles and responsibilities
- 11:45 AM to noonPassing time or B R E A K
- Noon to 12:45 PMGuest check concurrent with small group question answer
- Mixer
- 12:45 PM to 1:00 PMPassing time for members and guests to move to focus groups
- 1:00 PM to 2:00 PMFocus Groups for Guests concurrent with informational event for parents
- 2:00 PM to 2:15 PMPassing/Break to Large group reconvening
- 2:15 PM to 2:45 PMGathering General Customer Feedback about Receiving Services from DVR
- 2:45 PM to 3:00 PMGuests complete Evaluations
- 3:00 PM to 4:00 PMCouncil Member Debrief
- Anna is going to be the mistress of ceremonies during the Council Members Conduct Business meeting and the Gathering General Customer Feedback about Receiving Services event
- Julie will be in charge of the eight questions for the tables
- Table leaders proposed by Joelle: Sue and Bing, Ryan and Amy, Bobbie and Julie, and Anna and Lee can be facilitators (Bobbie is not going to be able to attend this event)
- Scribes proposed by Joelle: Katie, Larry, Uriel and Joelle
- Beth will be the scribe at the parent event and Bob and Katherine will co-facilitate that event
- Katie will be carrying the microphone and Uriel will be taking notes during the public comment event
- Ground rules previously by Anna and Joelle: Every person has the choice to talk or not, each person gets 3 minutes unless they use an augmentative communication device, nobody gets to make a second comment until everybody who wanted makes their first comment, if there is time for a second comment then they get 2 minutes instead of 3. Don’t use anybody’s name, try to focus on systemic issues, if you have individual case concerns come to us and we will help you connect with someone who can help you with that.
- I shared this information with some key leaders in DVR and an invitation to a maximum of 4 to attend our event (the manager of the office in Fort Collins and her supervisor, Krista Dann, Patricia Henke, and Cheryl Carver). They are not going to be at the focus groups, but they can be present at the table questions, family dialogue and public comment. Marilee Boylan, Tina Green, and Romie Tobin are also coming to the event. A person who worked from PEAK and now works for the Workforce Center has yet to confirm their attendance. Steve Anton is going to be present but he is not going to have a role in these meetings.
Final discussion and determination of focus group questions [current draft of questions]:
Beth shared the draft questions for the focus groups for Committee input:
- Why is it important to you to get a career or a job?
- What do you think DVR’s job is (what are they supposed do)?
- What is your employment goal on your IPE? Is your goal based on your strengths and interests?
- Does your DVR counselor want you to succeed (get a career or a job)? What makes you think that?
- What are one or two ideas about how VR could do a better job of helping you?
Further Discussion about the March 30th Event:
J.B. By the criteria that we established, we are only asking for people who are in plan and they have gone through eligibility determination and the discovery process.
B.S. The facilitator is going to need to develop a rapport with people by asking questions that will need to be more informal for people to feel comfortable.
B.R. The questions are easily understood and can open the door for a big discussion.
B.S.Because we will have individuals with most significant disabilities (MSD),I really want to make sure that we are going to be able to accommodate this event to make sure that they are going to understand the questions.
J.B. I think we should have the language that Beth has used in other events at the sign in table. I don’t want parents to feel unwelcome, unappreciated or disrespected.
B.L.If we don’t allow families to assist with communication then we may end up losing that connection with some of the DVR customers with more significant communication related disabilities.
B.S. My understanding is that we would negotiate individually with folks who do need support.
J.B.Some people don’t recognize or are not aware that they may need help but they do need help, so I want to make sure that we are flexible so that if they realize after they get there that they do need help we can do that. Also, sometimes there are people that may have more ability to represent their ideas than their guardian might think, so I think those two situations require more sensibility. I think we should have a conference call for the facilitators and scribes prior to the meeting with each of those groups to hash out some ideas. Note taking is very important for me and I think recording could scare people.
B.S. If there is something that can generate discussion that would be great but the scribe takes down things in a lot more detail.
J.D. Some people may not feel comfortable having what they said written for everybody to read, but we want to make it clear that it is confidential and we really want people to say what they are feeling or thinking in the focus group.
J.B. I am concerned about the word “career”. I think “job” is concrete and it’s short whereas “career” is a broader idea and I wonder if that would be harder for people to understand.
B.S. I feel pretty strongly that we don’t want to imply that VR is to help people get“jobby” jobs. The more that peoplestart seeing that word affiliated with VR with jobs for people with disabilities, then the bigger they are going to be able to dream and fight for real jobsthat are based on their interests.
J.B. I have this growing concern that nobody responded to the event plan. We are going to need any person that we have.
Action Items:
- Julie and Beth will call other members within the next few days to talk about the members’ role to successfully perform their tasks at the event.
- Beth will come up with some words to share with the Committee and will email them to the members in case they want to make changes.