Colonization Vocabulary

Vocabulary Term / Definition
Dutch India Trading Company
Natural Resources
Transatlantic Slave Trade
Triangular Trade Route
Middle Passage

Colonization Vocabulary-KEY

Vocabulary Term / Definition
Suleiman / a leader of the Ottoman Empire who accepted Jews into his territory
Dutch India Trading Company / The Dutch East India Company was primarily interested in trading with India for spices, indigo and other natural resources
Conquistadors / Spanish explorers who primarily conquered South and Central America, as well as Southwest North America
Encomienda / The encomienda system put indigenous peoples of Central and South America into slavery
Missionaries / Many European nations wanted to spread the Christian faith to indigenous cultures, so they sent missionaries to teach people about Christ. They often protested the treatment of indigenous cultures and would write accounts of their experiences abroad
Colonization / Was a bi-product of the Age of Exploration. Once European nations realized the wealth of newly explored territories, it became the mission of many European nations to claim the land as their own. The western coast of Africa and the southern tip of Africa were two of the first areas explored and colonized
Indigenous / The native populations of a country
Exploitation / European nations exploited (benefited from) indigenous cultures for their labor and natural resources
Natural Resources / Natural resources are items that come from nature. They are not manmade
Globalization / As technology and exploration increased, what was once a very large and partially disconnected world quickly became interconnected through the process of globalization
Transatlantic Slave Trade / The Transatlantic Slave Trade brought thousands of native Africans to North America to work as indentured servants on large farms
Triangular Trade Route / A massive trading system was set up between Europe, Africa and North America. Europe provided luxury items, guns and alcohol to North America and Africa. Africa provided slaves to the Americas, and North America sent crops and furs to Europe; creating the Triangular Trade Routes
Middle Passage / During the Transatlantic Slave Trade, ships had to cross the Atlantic Ocean. This journey was called the Middle Passage. Africans were crammed into the bottom hulls on a boat with little ventilation, sanitation or proper nutrition. Many Africans died before even making it to North America