Collier Elementary School

3900 N Bear Canyon Road

Tucson, AZ 85749

Site Council Meeting Minutes

Emergency Meeting-Sixth Grade

February 5, 2015


·  Call to Order at 3:10 pm by Mrs. Lopez

·  Present: Lisa Langford, Ida Melen, Cynthia Busby, David Sibbles, John Brown, Tara Lopez, Deanne Lialios, Jennifer Lohse

·  Absent: Amy DeHaven

Call to Audience:

·  Mrs. DeBough – 5th Grade teacher at Collier expressed interest in adding a 6th grade to Collier. She has read research that states students who attend elementary school through 6th grade perform better in the long run in school. She supports having 6th grade at the elementary school.

·  Mrs. Osborne – 4th/5th grade teacher at Collier expressed interest in adding a 6th grade to Collier. She feels that the district needs to adopt a whole plan to add 6th grade to all elementary schools not just schools that have a plan. It is not equitable if some schools benefit from 6th grade in the elementary school and others do not. She also stated she feels adding a 6th grade will increase Collier’s enrollment as a whole. She is worried that with Collier’s low enrollment that the district may close it.

·  Mr. Kotzambasis – 4th grade teacher at Collier expressed an interest in adding a 6th grade. He emphasized that the community needs to be heard and involved in this process. By adding the community’s voice, Collier will have a well thought out plan for the neighborhood school. He also feels that Sabino High School should speak to Collier and our community about including us in their plan to add a 7th and 8th grade to their campus.

Information Items:

·  Why only Fruchthendler? They are trying to get students back to TUSD-75% leave to go to Catalina Foothills and other options available for Middle School. Foothills District is making it more difficult for TUSD students to open enroll in their district.

·  Collier talked about 6th grade in 2012 and 7th and 8th grade should have been included in the plan. At that time there was concern about PE and Odyssey of the Mind and other extracurricular programs offered at Magee Middle School that would not be available at Collier.

·  Fruchthendler would not have these programs either unless they created a plan to include these.

·  Fruchthendler is at 93% capacity whereas Collier is at 73% capacity.

·  TUSD used to have 6th grade at the elementary schools years ago.

·  According to research, students do better staying in 6th at the elementary level.

·  Not only is Fruchthendler losing students to other districts but Collier is losing students to the Tanque Verde District, charters, etc. because of the what the parents perception is of the TUSD Middle Schools.

·  If Fruchthendler has a good plan for sixth grade why is it not implemented in other elementary schools within the district, it should be a district initiative not only a site initiative,

Study Items:

·  Collier needs to come up with a plan to start sixth grade.

·  Need to determine what Collier is going to offer to keep and attract new students.

·  How will Collier transition into a Pre K to 6th grade school?

·  Do we have any attractions that will draw students to Collier? Magnet?

·  Will Magee lose students? How will this impact them?

·  75% of students don’t stay in TUSD at the Middle School level. TUSD needs to sell itself at the middle school level.

Action Items:

·  Need to gather information and approve a plan to add 6th grade at Collier motioned by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mrs. Busby. Approved.

·  Next Meeting Dates: February 23rd, March 9th, April 9th and May 7th, starting at 3:30 pm in room 9.

Items for Next Agenda:

·  Gather information and approve a plan to add 6th grade at Collier

Motion to adjourn at 3:35 by Mr. Brown. Seconded by Mrs. Busby.