William and Carol Ouchi High School 2013-2014


Teacher: Ms. Avila



Course Objectives: Students will demonstrate their understanding by achieving an overall average of at least 70% on tests that show the understanding of, but not limited to all concepts covered in Geometry.

Methods of Evaluation

A = 4 = 90 – 100% Demonstrates Advanced Mastery of the skills/Standards taught

B = 3 = 80 - 89% Demonstrates Proficiency in the skills/Standards taught

C = 2 = 70 – 79% Demonstrates Basic Competency in the skills taught

NP = 1 or 0 0 - 70% Demonstrates a serious need for Improvement in basic skills(Not


HOMEWORK: A student cannot be successful in Mathematics if he/she does not complete homework assignments on a daily basis. Homework assignments are due the next class meeting. All homework assignments must be turned in .

NOTEBOOK: Each student needs to have two Quadrille notebooks. One notebook will be used for Notes the other one for HOMEWORK/PRACTICE.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is an important part of the educational process. In general:

1) Never miss class, 2)if you have to miss class, do not miss on a quiz or test day. 3) if you miss class, make sure you find out the assignment and make it up by the next class meeting

General Requirements:

The following materials are needed on a regular basis:

1. 2 pocket folder(in class folder)

2. Scientific Calculator

4. Pens(Black, blue, red, purple, yellow, etc.) Used for corrections

5. Pencils(Mechanical or regular)

6. Highlighter

7. Eraser

8. one dry erase marker

Other materials that will be used throughout the year:

Markers Colored Pencils

Index Cards (3) Post-it Notes


  1. Be on time
  2. Bring required materials (including completed homework assignments)
  3. Show respect and courtesy to all students, teachers, aids, and school property

(Address everyone by their name)

  1. Follow Teacher’s Instructions/Directions. Do not disrupt the learning process
  2. No food, gum, grooming materials, and electronic items allowed inside the classroom.


1ST Teacher warning

2nd Student will complete a reflective writing about the specific rule broken.

3rd Call parent

4th Conference: Student, Advisory teacher and parent/guardian


Principal will be notified of the problem

By signing this document, the Parent and student adheres to the class rules and procedures stated herein.




Phone Number(Numero de telefono)______

Best time to contact you

(Cual es el major horario para contactarlo/a):______






General Requirements:

NOTEBOOK: Each student needs to have two Quadrille notebooks. One notebook will be used for Notes the other one for Homework.

The following materials are needed on a regular basis:

1. 2 pocket folder(in class folder)

2. Scientific Calculator

4. Pens or Colored Pencils(Black, blue, red, purple, yellow, etc.)Used for


5. Pencils(Mechanical or regular)

6. Highlighter

7. Eraser

8. one dry erase marker

Other materials that will be used throughout the year:


Index Cards (3) Post-it Notes