Biology is the study of life. This is an honors level academic course, with corresponding levels of effort and individual responsibility expected.

Emphasis will be on the relationship between structure and function in organisms at all levels, as well as their interactions with each other and their environment.

Units of Study

Quarter 1 – Keystone Module A: Cells and Cell Processes

  1. BIO.A.1 The Nature and Science of Life

-Scientific methods

-Characteristics of life

-Levels of organization

-Biology and society

  1. BIOA.2 The Chemical Basis for Life

-Water chemistry

-Carbon chemistry



  1. BIO.A.4 Homeostasis and Transport

-Cell Structure and Function


-Cellular transport

  1. BIO.A.3 Bioenergetics

-Energy flow in Biological systems



Quarter 2 – Keystone Module B: Continuity and Unity of Life

  1. BIO.B.1 Cell Growth
  2. and Reproduction

5. DNA and Protein Synthesis

-Nuclear Materials


-Protein synthesis


6. Cell Division


-Cell cycle

-Regulation / mitosis

-Sexual reproduction / meiosis

  1. BIO.B.2 Genetics

-MendelianInheritance patterns

-NonMendelian inheritance patterns

-Chromosomal mutation

-Biotechnology / genetic engineering


  1. BIO.B.3 Adaptations and Evolution

-Evolution by natural selection


-Population genetics

-Diversity / classification

  1. BIO.B.4 Ecology

-Levels of ecological organization


-Ecosystem interactions

-Human interactions

What we’ll be doing:

-Lecture and discussions, Powerpoint notes, animations and video clips

-Demonstrations and hands-on activities

-Laboratory exercises and online simulations

-Cooperative learning, group work

-Projects, homework

-Research, presentations

-Gaining knowledge about your world

Grading – Letter grades (with + & - ) earned according to district standards:

1.)Tests and quizzes – at least two days notice for tests; quizzes may be “pop”

2.)Homework / class work – checked at beginning of class or turned in

3.)Laboratory reports – data collected in class; reports may be finished on own time

4.)Essential Question log – record and answer EQ each day

5.)Written reports / class presentations – researched, presented clearly

6.)Class participation / lab proficiency – will help borderline grades

7.)Grades can be checked online as they are entered. I also enter descriptions of the assignments.

Weighting of grades:

Marking Periods:

Summative assessments (Tests, quizzes, some labs)80%

Formative assessments (some labs, activities, homework)20%


Quarter 140%

Quarter 240%

Cumulative final exam20%

Course Materials:

-MOODLE: You will need your Moodle password for various activities this semester, enrollment key: biologyrules. Class note powerpoint presentations are available on the class Moodle site and can be accessed as a guest, but you will need to login to submit assignments.

-TEXTBOOK: Online access is available to the virtual textbook following the link/directions on the course Moodle. You may sign out a textbook to keep at home for the semester if there are enough books.

Mr. PhillipsRoom 224


School phone 838-1331


Rules and procedures exist so we know how to avoid problems and have things work smoothly, so we can learn and enjoy it. The more responsibility you take for your own actions, the more freedom you can experience.

The Rules:



  • Everyone has the right to a safe and conducive learning environment.
  • Leave others and their property alone, keeping hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.
  • Use appropriate language, cooperate with partners, no put-downs or horseplay.
  • Physical or emotional abuse will not be tolerated


  • Stay in your seat when instruction is being given. Throw away trash, sharpen pencils, use the restroom before class or when I am not directly instructing.
  • Participate by raising hand to be recognized.
  • Wait in seats to be dismissed – the bell is a reminder.


  • Use facilities and equipment properly and carefully.
  • Keep food and drinks (other than water in clear containers) out of the classroom.
  • Cell Phones may only be used as described in the school policy in the planner and must be turned off except when instructed for classroom purposes.
  • Objects are not to be thrown at any time, except as may be directed by the teacher as part of a lesson.


  • Achieve what you are capable of. Arrive on time with all the necessary materials.
  • Be ready and seated when the bell rings, record Essential Question, begin work on any posted assignment.
  • Be an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in your learning – pay attention, don’t work on other work, read, write notes, etc. Listen to and show respect for whoever (teacher, another student, video presentation, etc.) has the floor at that time. No heads on desks.

***All school policies apply in the classroom***

While working in the laboratory, students should also:

1.Wait for instructions before touching any equipment.

2.Report any injury or damage to the teacher.

3.Return materials to proper location and clean work area if needed.

4.Abide by the rules of the safety contract (to be given later).


1.)Record the homework as it is posted on the board each day. It is due when the bell rings to begin class, and considered late if you work on it after the bell. You are responsible for knowing about and completing readings and assignments on time. Homework that is turned in late will carry a point value of no greater than 50% of the original value. Larger projects will lose 10% for every late day. All absent or late work must be completed within two weeks to receive any credit.

2.)If you miss a class (absence, school event, etc.), you are responsible for finding out what you missed. You have the same number of days you were absent from your return to make up work. See the teacher or a classmate before or after class or arrange to come in before or after school. Class time will not be used to provide or complete make-up work! Labs generally need to be made up. If you are absent on a due day, the work must be turned in on the day you return. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, you must be prepared make it up on the day you return. See the teacher to make special arrangements due to extended absences or absences prior to a test.

3.)Sign out completely on the clipboard ANY time you leave the room. Fill out your planner before you have me sign it. All requests to see the nurse require a teacher pass or she will send you back to get one.

4.)Working in groups or pairs means that you are able to discuss and work together to accomplish a task. It does NOT mean that you copy some or all of each other’s work. Groups are responsible to make sure every member understands what is done since you will be assessed individually. Failure to work cooperatively may result in having to work by yourself or loss of credit. Use quiet voices in your group and work within the assigned group.

5.)Extra credit is at the discretion of the teacher. You must have no missing assignments to earn extra credit.

6.)If you do poorly on a test, quiz, assignment, etc., see me ASAP to talk about what we need to do. You may choose to retake one test each marking period.

7.)I am available before and after school and in flex unless I have other responsibilities. You can arrange to meet for help or private communication.


Violation of school or classroom rules (level I infraction):

1st- Warning to correct behavior.

2nd - 10 minute detention / conference with Mr. Phillips assigned

3rd - 20 minute detention / conference with Mr. Phillips assigned, parent conference.

4th- Administrative referral, parent conference.

Failure to serve teacher-assigned detentions will result in a referral to the office. You’ll have to serve my detention and one from the office.

Chronic offenders may be dealt with by skipping steps depending on the frequency and severity of the offense. Level 2 or 3 infractions will be dealt with according to the policies in the student planner.