For the category being proposed – indicate which course objective addresses each component of the definition.

If the component is not addressed in the course objectives, indicate where in the outline it is addressed.


General Education Worksheet

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For the category being proposed – indicate which course objective addresses each component of the definition.

If the component is not addressed in the course objectives, indicate where in the outline it is addressed.

Course Code: / Course Title:

CATEGORIES(Check all that apply:)

(C1) Natural Sciences

(C2)Social and Behavioral Science

(C3)Arts,Humanities and Culture

(C4)Language and Rationality

a.English Composition

b.Communication, andAnalytical Thinking

(C5)Personal Growth and Development

Course must meet all criteria.



Course Objective

Number(COR #9)

Level: The course level is beyond the minimal public high school level subject matter requirements in our service district.
Scope: The course exposes the student to a wide range of principles, perspectives, and knowledge of the discipline.
Integrity: The course is a whole unto itself and not primarily part of a sequence of courses. A student does not need courses that precede or follow this one to gain a general education experience.
Generality: The course provides a generalizing, rather than specializing experience within the subject matter of the discipline and seeks to provide broad connections to related areas of knowledge within and without the discipline.
Critical Thinking: The course prepares students to make comparative and critical evaluations of the principles, perspectives, and knowledge within the discipline.
Continuing Study: The course provides a broad base of knowledge or technique from which the student can continue learning in the discipline.

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For the category being proposed – indicate which course objective addresses each component of the definition.

If the component is not addressed in the course objectives, indicate where in the outline it is addressed.

Category C1 - Natural Sciences (3 units minimum)
Courses approved for this area must impart knowledge of the facts and principles that form the foundations of living and non-living systems. Courses must emphasize experimental methodology, the testing of hypothesis, the power of systematic questioning, and the influence of the scientific method on the world's civilizations.
Students completing courses in this category will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.explain concepts and theories related to physical, chemical, and biological natural phenomena.
2.apply the scientific process and its use and limitations in the solution of problems.
3.draw a connection between natural sciences and their own lives.
4.make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories.
5.demonstrate knowledge of the use of technology in scientific investigation and human endeavors, and the advantages and disadvantage of that technology.
6.use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze, and explain issues in quantitative terms.
Category C2 – Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 units minimum)
Courses approved for this area must deal with human behavior in relation to human social, political and economic institutions. The courses will ensure opportunities for students to develop understanding of the perspectives and methods of the disciplines. Problems and issues in these disciplines should be examined in their contemporary, historical, and geographical settings.
Students completing courses in this category will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development.
2.critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observations and study.
3.understand and think critically about different cultures (including topics such as race, gender and class) and their influence on human development or society.
4.examine the biological, psychological, and sociological factors that influence the personalities and behaviors of females and males from a multicultural perspective.
5.develop individual responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for diverse people and culture.
Category C3 – Arts, Humanities and Culture (3 units minimum)
Courses in this category must encourage students to analyze and appreciate western and non-western works of philosophical, historical, literary, aesthetic and cultural importance. Students will be encouraged to develop an independent and critical aesthetic perspective.
Students completing courses in this category will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.communicate effectively in many different situations involving diverse people and viewpoints.
2.analyze the variety of forms of expression and how those are used to communicate social, cultural, and personal ideas, feelings, and concepts; how and why the visual and performing arts are unique and how inherent meaning in the arts transcend written and verbal communication;
4.effectively communicate and express themselves and make themselves understood through visual, auditory, tactile, and symbolic means.
5.understand and appreciate diverse local, national, and world context.
6.connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts.
7.articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.
Category C4 - Language and Rationality (6 units)
C4(a): English Composition (3 units minimum) - Courses approved for this category must be composition courses that emphasize active student participation in writing and speaking assignments, including accurate reporting and evaluation of information, as well as advocating points of view in a logical, well-organized, and clear manner.
Students completing courses in category C4(a) will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.communicate in many different situations, involving diverse people and viewpoints.
2.listen and analyze the substance of others’ comments.
3.summarize and analyze fiction and nonfiction.
4.conduct research, synthesize and evaluate information, develop arguments and organize evidence into oral and written presentations, using proper research methods and documentation.
5.recognize public presentation of oral and written work as a process subject to brainstorming, organizing, drafting, and revising.
C4(b): Communication, & Analytical Thinking(3 units minimum) - Courses approved for this category must develop the use of logical thought, clear and precise expression, and require critical evaluation of communication in whatever symbol system the student uses.
For mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning, courses must not merely require computational skills, but should encourage the understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Courses may not restrict topics to one discipline. Statistics courses should emphasize the mathematical basis of statistical tests, probability, applications, abuses, and the analysis and criticism of statistical arguments in public disclosure.
Students completing courses in category C4(b) will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.raise questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely.
2.gather, assess, and interpret relevant information. and contrast ideas from conclusions and solutions based on relevant criteria and standards
4.recognize and assess assumptions, implications, and practical consequences of alternative systems of thought. solutions to complex problems using language and logic.
6.apply logical and critical thinking to solve problems; explain conclusions; and evaluate, support, or critique the thinking of others.
Category 5Personal Growth and Development (3 units)]
Courses approved in this category prepare students to understand themselves as physical, social, and psychological beings and include an emphasis on self-development throughout life's stages.
Students completing courses in this category will demonstrate an ability to:COURSEOTHER EVIDENCE
1.value learning as a lifelong endeavor designed to enrich one’s life.
2.exhibit habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility and well being.
3.interact with individuals and within groups with integrity and awareness of others' opinions, feelings and values.
4.participate in teams to make decisions and seek consensus.
5.recognize and value the human body as an integrated organism with systemic functions such as movement, nutritional needs, growth, reproduction, and aging.
6.make informed decisions with self-awareness in practical matters including college and career choices.

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