College of Technology and Innovation
Aeronautical Management Technology Department
...a polytechnic campus
Aviation Meteorology Final Exam – Review Sheet
1.Every physical process of weather is accompanied by, or is the result of, a
2.What causes variations in altimeter settings between weather reporting points?
3.The wind at 5,000 feet AGL is southwesterly while the surface wind is southerly. This difference in direction is primarily due to
4.If the temperature/dew point spread is small and decreasing, and the temperature is 62 degrees F, what type of weather is most likely to develop?
5.What is meant by the term “dew point”?
6.The amount of water vapor which air can hold depends on the
7.What are the processes by which moisture is added to unsaturated air?
8.Moist, stable air flowing upslope can be expected to
9.What measurement can be used to determine the stability of the atmosphere?
10.What would decrease the stability of an air mass?
11.Beginning at the surface, the atmospheric layers are tropopause, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
12.The total weight of the atmosphere (in pounds) over an area of one inch is 14.7.
13.Concerning Sun-Earth Geometry, intensity of solar radiation at any one point on the earth’s surface depends on time of day, time of year and
14.Wave amplitudeis…..
15.In a METAR, the wind direction and velocity is measured according to the magnetic compass rose and
16.The attached Surface Analysis Chart indicates pressure gradients with what type of symbols?
17.The wind changes direction clockwise or counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere?
18.Coriolis force affects all stationary? Moving? Stationary and moving objects across the face of the earth?
19.The winds at 2,000 feet AGL tend to parallel the isobars; at the surface winds cross the isobars at an angle toward _____ pressure and are _____ than winds aloft
20.In most situations, the dominant, large-scale characteristics of the winds can be explained in terms of
21.A 500 MB Constant Pressure Analysis Chart is suitable for flight planning at Flight Level 180 (18,000 feet)?
22.Pressure altitude and density altitude have the opposite? Same? Or different values at standard temperature in the standard atmosphere?
23.Hydrostatic Balance is the balance of the downward gravity force (weight) and the upward-directed force caused by the decrease? Increase? Or equalization of atmospheric pressure?
24.When vertical motions are strong enough to affect aircraft motion, they are called…
25.Albedo consists of radiation from the sun that is reflected from the…
26.Absolute zero is the temperature where…
27.Coriolis and pressure gradient forces tend to be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction; this condition is known as…
28.A cyclone is a ______, ______circulating, flowing area.
29.Coriolis force always acts 90 degrees to the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere and only affects wind direction and not wind speed (T or F)?
30.In the lower troposphere, pressure decreases about how many inches of mercury for each thousand feet of altitude gain?
31.In the ISA troposphere, the temperature decreases how many degrees C for each 1,000-foot increase in altitude?
32.A ceiling is defined as the height above the earth’s surface of the lowest layer reported as what?
33.The four families of clouds are…
34.On warm days pressure surfaces are raised and the indicated altitude is equal to? Higher than? Or lower than true altitude?
35.The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that there may be freezing rain at a higher altitude (T or F)?
36.Mesoscale – refers to what dimensions?
37.Constant Pressure Analysis Charts – how are they prepared? What pressure levels? What is the relationship between altitude and pressure; do higher pressure charts present information at higher or lower altitudes? Do lower pressure charts present information at higher or lower altitudes?
38.Radar Summary Charts – provide radar echo intensity information how often from the national radar network? What do the weather radar echo intensity scales indicate? How are the radar echo intensity levels presented? What are some of the limitations of the Radar Summary Chart?
39.Cap clouds – what are they and where are they located? Why are they an issue to pilots?
40.Crests of standing mountain waves may be marked by stationary, lens-shaped clouds known as …..
41.Bora – what is it? Where is it located
42.Squall lines most often develop ahead of what type of front?
43.Embedded thunderstorms are thunderstorms that are obscured by….
44.Squall line – What is it?
45.Lifted index – what is it and why do we use it?
46.Climatology is the study of the average conditions of what?
47.Jet Stream – where is it located? What are the speed ranges? Why do we care as pilots?
48.Embedded circulations – how are they affected by larger scale circulations?
49.What is The General Circulation?
50.What is a Circulation Cell?
51.What is the Hadley Cell? Where is it located? Who was it named after?
52.What is the Polar Cell? Where is it located?
53.What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)? What is it also known as? Why?
54.How does the polar front jet streammove during the summer and winter months?
55.What are Airmasses be definition?
56.What is a Warm airmass by definition?
57.What is a front by definition?
58.When an airmass is stable, what characteristics does it exhibit?
59.One of the most easily recognized discontinuities across a front is a ….
60.What is a Cold Front by definition?
61.What is a Warm Front by definition?
62.What is a Stationary Front by definition?
63.What is an Occluded Front by definition?
64.A variation that will always occur when flying across a front is….
65.What are the characteristics of a Cold Front Occlusion?
66.What is a Vortex ring? With what weather phenomena is it associated?
67.Is lightning always present in and near a thunderstorm (T or F)?
68.The conditions necessary for the formation of cumulonimbus clouds are…
69.What is the definition of a Tornado?
70.What is a Single-cell airmass thunderstorm? How long does it last?
71.What is Wind shear by definition?
72.During departure under conditions of suspected low-level wind shear, a sudden decrease in headwind will cause what affect on airspeed?
73.An important characteristic of wind shear is that it may be associated with what type of weather phenomenon?
74.What is Hydroplaning? How do we calculate hydroplaning speed of an aircraft?
75.What is Whiteout by definition?
76.What are Dissipation contrails or distrails?
77.What are Condensation trails or contrails?
78.What is a Volcanic Ash Forecast Transport and Dispersion (VAFTAD) charts? What does it show? What do the “ALERT” and “WATCH” areas indicate?
79.What is a Volcanic Ash Advisory Statement?
80.What is a severe dust storm by definition? How much is visibility reduced?
81.What is a dust storm by definition? How much is visibility reduced?
82.What is blowing dust (BLDU) by definition? How high is the dust raised by the wind? How much is visibility reduced?
83.What is a blizzard by definition?
84.What is blowing snow (BLSN) by definition?
85.What is Precipitation fog?
86.What are Fractocumulus or fractostratus clouds?
87.What is Steam fog?
88.The presence of ice pellets (PL) at the surface is evidence that there is freezing rain at a higher or lower altitude?
89.What is Mixed ice? In what temperature range is it most likely to occur? What does it look like? Is it the most common? Is it considered the most dangerous?
90.What is Clear ice? In what temperature range is it most likely to occur? What does it look like?Is it the most common? Is it considered the most dangerous?
91.What is Rime ice? In what temperature range is it most likely to occur? What does it look like?Is it the most common? Is it considered the most dangerous?
92.A hard frost can increase the stalling speed by as much as…
93.Test data indicate that ice, snow, or frost having a thickness and roughness similar to medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and upper surface of a wing can reduce lift by as much as…
94.What is Ground icing?
95.What is Structural icing?
96.What is Carburetor icing?
97.What is Induction icing?
98.One of the most dangerous features of mountain waves is the turbulent area in and below? above? Rotor clouds.
99.A sharply curving jet stream is associated with greater turbulence than a straight jet stream (T or F)?
100.When a pilot enters an area where significant CAT has been reported, an appropriate action when the first ripple is encountered is to…
101.When landing behind a large aircraft, the pilot should avoid wake turbulence by staying…
102.The wind condition that prolongs the hazards of wake turbulence on a landing runway for the longest period of time is a…
103.The greatest vortex strength occurs when the generating aircraft is…
104.The type of approach and landing recommended during gusty wind conditions is…
105.A pilot can expect a wind shear zone in a surface-based temperature inversion whenever the wind speed at 2,000 to 4,000 feet above the surface is…
106.What are the three important steps in the forecasting process?
107.Which agency is responsible for the standardization of observations and the international exchange of weather data?
108.What are Weather Information Systems?
109.What is Weather Forecasting?
110.What do we mean when we talk about Weather Observation Systems?
111.What Aviation Weather Resources are available to pilots and where do we find them?
112.In-Flight Evaluation - While en-route what specific in-flight weather services should you consult to ensure a constantly updated “mental model” of the most current weather conditions?
113.What do we need to consider during the Preflight Evaluation process?
114.What is the complete Weather Evaluation Process?
115.When you request a briefing, how should you identify yourself to the briefer and what information is given to the briefer by you as Pilot-in-Command (hint: review the Flight Plan Form)?
116.What type of form can be used as a reference for the flight description items supplied to a briefer?
117.Aircraft Capability – what are the important aircraft capability considerations to consider before a flight?
118.Self Evaluation – what are the important self evaluation considerations before a flight?
119.Self – Briefing Procedure - To improve your proficiency in weather evaluation, the development of a system for processing information during flight planning is valuable. Review the entire flow diagram outlining this process.
120.Weather on the Internet – Is the internet one of the fastest growing sources of aviation weather?
121.What are some other weather information sources available to pilots?
122.What specific weather information does ATIS provide to pilots?
123.Continuous Broadcasts of Weather Information (TWEB, HIWAS) - TWEB is aired continuously over selected low and medium frequency NDBs (nondirectional beacons) and over VORs (very high frequency omni-directional ranges). What are the frequencies for both?
124.At altitudes below 18,000 feet, you can contact Flight Watch on what frequency for information regarding current weather along your proposed route of flight?
125.When should you request a standard briefing? What weather information does it provide?
126.When should you request an outlook briefing? What weather information does it provide?
127.When should you request an abbreviated briefing? What weather information does it provide?
128.An FSS briefing can be obtained by dialing which number?
129.What weather information does the Forecast Winds and Temperatures aloft Chart provide?
130.What weather information does the High-level significant weather prog chart provide?
131.What is the Significant Weather Prognostic Chart? What weather information does it provide?
132.Weather conditions that are particularly hazardous to small, single-engine aircraft are contained in what type of weather report?
133.What type of weather report describes IFR conditions and/or extensive mountain obscurations?
134.What type of weather report describes areas of moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds in excess of 30 knots and areas of non-convective low-level wind shear?
135.What type of weather report describes moderate icing and provides freezing level heights?
136.When would an AIRMET (WA) be issued?
137.When would a Convective SIGMET (WST) be issued?
138.When would a SIGMET (WS) be issued?
139.What is the coverage area for an Area Forecast? What are the respective coverage areas?
140.What is TIBS? How would you access it?