College of Education
Faculty Assembly Agenda
September 24, 2013
Dr. Staples called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Dr. Linda Thurston moved approval of the April 23 minutes, seconded by Dr. Salsberry, minutes passed.
Standing Committee Reports
- Academic Affairs–Dr. Thompson gave a brief description of the non-expedited proposals for the Graduate Curriculum and Course Changes. All proposed changes were moved and seconded being approved.
- Faculty Affairs –Dr. Lane Jessica
No report
C. Student Affairs-Dr. Larson reported student poster sessions are to take place in the spring. Faculty should look for announcement of the student award that are coming our soon.
D. Diversity for Community- Dr. Zacharakis
No report
E.Technology-Dr. Ann Knackendoffel
- We are working to expedite the iPad initiativeso students are prepared to enter the job market.
- Email change through ITAC
- ISIS has changed format.
- Technology Committee is working on changes for the COE.
Other Reports:
- Faculty Senate- Dr. Ann Knackendoffel
General university faculty meeting:
The new standingcommittee discussed issues related to salaries and other university issues
Need someone from the college to volunteer for the committee so our college will have a voice during the meetings. The appointment is a three-year term, with meetings held twice per monthly. Contact Dr. Knackendoffel by Monday if volunteers would like to serve or nominate someone for the committee.
- Graduate Council- Dr. Linda Thurston
Graduate Council website is now live. Graduate students can apply for travel grants. Applicants must be a presenter at a major conference (national or regional) to receive the grant. The total amount of the grant will not exceed $750.00. The applications must be submitted to Kathy Brown in the Associate Dean’sOffice. Awardees are expected to make a presentation of their work at ESGO.
- EGSO-Dr. Burden
- EGSO social event at JP’s Grill was a success.
- Next event is October 9”,“Making Yourself Attractive”. A panelist will discuss approaches to acquiring different types of jobs.
- Continuing Education -Rosemary Boggs
- There are 732 enrolled in distance education classes online. However enrollment is down by 70 from last year.
- DCE offered 96 classes in the fall.
- Faculty members are developing additional online classes
- Education Council- Darla Stone
- Nominations are needed as soon as possible for Education
- Center for Student and Professional Services– Michelle Martinez
- Michelle Martinezis coordinating the all university campaign for the COE. Contributions can vary from $5.00 up. A wide variety of prizes are distributed to the contributors for their participation. There are multiple ways to contribute and payroll deductions are available for this opportunity.
- Library-Laura Bonella
- Assist faculty and staff with personal research or research for a project.
- Assistance can be provided to search for films to use in classes and online streaming for students to view.
- Excellent resource for graduate students. Although they currently do not have a list of movies to search, if a subject or title is provided Laura can perform a search.
Old Business - None
New Business - None
Dr. Thurston:Thank you for the attendance for the research lecturer. Please consider nominations for next year. There have been several research projects funded; individuals were recognized.
Marty Kramer: Discussed the plaza that is currently a work in progress in front of Bluemont Hall. There are still some bricks that can still be purchased; these donations do count towards the All University Campaign.
Dean’s Report
- Phenomenal work on the latest “A Walk in My Shoes”movie.
- Congratulations to those involved in our distinguished research lecturer visit, and the “We The People” presentation.
- Almost 100 students visited yesterday about school and gun safety.
- On October 9-10 there will be a simulation about the process that will be involved if there was an infectious animal disease breakout. Please remember that this is a simulation.
- This is National Hunger Week.Thank you to those who have contributed to the COE Food Pantry.
- There are several faculty searches currently underway.
- There will be budgetary cuts around 1% next year, at this point this can be absorbed centrally. As subsequent cuts occur, we will address those as they arrive.
- Congratulations to Stephanie Pearson who has received a national award, and recognized nationally for her work.
Meeting adjourned 9:22 a.m.