College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Specialization: Preprofessional
This program is for biology majors seeking admission to medical, dental, optometry or veterinary school. This specialization is also excellent preparation for graduate study.
To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold, with a 2.5 GPA or better. Students are required to complete HUM 2305 (What is the Good Life) in semester 1 or 2.
Semester 1 / Credits / Semester 2 / CreditsCHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-P) / 4 / CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and Laboratory (1) / 4
Composition (GE-C, WR) / 3 / MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 / 4
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) / 3 / Economics: ECO 2013 or ECO 2023 or
AEB 2014 or AEB 3103 (GE-S) / 3-4
HUM 2305 What is the Good Life (GE-H) / 3 / Humanities (GE-H) / 3
Elective / 2
Total / 15 / Total / 14-15
Semester 3 / Credits / Semester 4 / Credits
BSC 2010 and BSC 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) / 4 / BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Laboratory (1) (GE-B) / 4
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (3) or
MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (4) / 3-4 / CHM 2211 and 2211L Organic Chemistry 2 (3) and Laboratory (2) / 5
Humanities (GE-H) or Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) / 3 / Electives / 7
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry 1 / 3
Elective / 2
Total / 15-16 / Total / 16
Semester 5 / Credits / Semester 6 / Credits
PHY 2053 and PHY 2053L Physics 1 (4) and Laboratory (1) or
PHY 2048 and PHY 2048L Physics with Calculus 1 (3) and Laboratory (1) / 4-5 / PHY 2054 and PHY 2054L Physics 2 (4) and Laboratory (1) or
PHY 2049 and PHY 2049L Physics with Calculus 2 (3) and Laboratory (1) / 4-5
BCH 4024 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / 4 / MCB 3020 and 3020L Basic Biology of Microorganisms (3) and Laboratory (1) or PCB 3134 Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function (3) / 3-4
AEC 3030C Effective Oral Communication or SPC 2608 Introduction to Public Speaking / 3 / AEC 3033C Research and Business Writing For Agricultural and Life Sciences / 3
Elective / 3 / Electives / 5
Total / 14-15 / Total / 15-17
Semester 7 / Credits / Semester 8 / Credits
Genetics: AGR 3303 (3) or PCB 3063 (4) or PCB 4522 (3) or MCB 4304 (3) / 3-4 / PCB 4723C Physiology and Molecular Biology of Animals / 5
Life science courses ** / 6 / Life science courses ** / 6
Electives / 6 / BSC4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research / 2
Electives / 3
Total / 15-16 / Total / 16
**See reverse for approved list of life science electives
Life Science Electives
Choose a minimum of 12 credits from the following list of courses; a maximum of 3 credits of independent study/research from ALS4911 or the CALS Honors Project, ALS4915, will count toward the required 12 credits of life science electives
Course # / Title / Credits / Prerequisite / OfferedAGG 3501 / Environment, Food and Society / 3 / None / Spring
AGR 4212 / Alternative Cropping Systems / 3 / None / Spring
AGR4214C / Applied Field Crop Production / 3 / None / Fall
AGR 4231C / Forage Science and Range Management / 4 / None / Spring
AGR 4320 / Plant Breeding / 3 / AGR 3303 or PCB 3063 / Fall
AGR 4512 / Physiology and Ecology of Crops / 3 / AGR 3005 or equivalent / Spring
ALS 4161 / Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues / 3 / BSC 2010&L, BSC 2011&L; Coreq – AGR 3005, HOS 3020, ENY 3005 &Lab or PLP 3002C / Spring
ALS 4162 / Consequences of Biological Invasions / 3 / BSC 2010 & Lab, BSC 2011 & Lab / Spring
ALS4163 / Plant Resource Protection / 3 / Spring
ALS4911 / Supervised Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences / 1-3 / None / All
ALS4915 / Honors Thesis Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences / 1-3 / None / All
ANS 3006C / Introduction to Animal Science / 4 / None / F, Sp, Su-C
ANS3319C / Reproduction Physiology and Endocrinology in Domestic Animals / 4 / ANS3006C, BSC2010 & 2010L / Fall, Spring
ANS 3440 / Principles of Animal Nutrition / 4 / CHM 2045 and 2045L / F, Sp, Su-C
BSC2891 / Python Programming for Biology / 3 / Spring
BSC4434 / Intro to Bioinformatics / 3 / MCB3020 or BCH4024 or CHM3218 w/ C or better / Fall
ENY 3005 and 3005L / Principles of Entomology and Laboratory / 3 / None(LAB REQUIRED) / F, Sp, Su-C
ENY3510C / Turf and Ornamental Entomology / 3 / None / Fall
ENY3563 / Intro to Tropical Entomology / 3 / ENY3005 & 3005L / Su-A (odd yr)
ENY3564L / Tropical Entomology Lab / 2 / ENY3563 / Su–B (odd yr)
ENY 4161 / Insect Classification / 3 / ENY 3005 and 3005L / F, Sp, Su-C
ENY 4210 / Insects and Wildlife / 3 / ENY 3005L or equivalent of Entomology Lab / Fall
ENY 4453 / Behavioral Ecology and Systematics / 3 / ENY 3005 and 3005L / Spring
ENY 4455C / Social Insects / 3 / None / Fall
ENY4573 / Beekeeping / 3 / Junior standing / Fall, Su-C
ENY4590C / Mosquito Identification / 3 / Junior standing / Spring
ENY4592 / Mosquito Biology / 3 / Junior standing / Fall
ENY 4660 and 4660L / Medical and Veterinary Entomology & Lab / 3 / ENY 3005 and 3005L(LAB REQUIRED) / Fall, Su -C
ENY 4701 / Forensic Entomology and Laboratory / 3 / None / Spring
EVR 3323 / Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration / 4 / BSC 2010 or BOT 2010C or instructor permission / Spring
FAS 4202C / Biology of Fishes / 4 / BSC 2011 and 2011L / Fall
FAS4305C / Intro to Fishery Science / 3 / Dept. / Spring
FAS 4405 / Aquariums, Water and Aquaculture / 3 / BSC 2011 and 2011L / Spring
FOR 3153C / Forest Ecology / 3 / None / Fall
FOR 3342C / Tree Biology / 3 / BOT 2010C or BSC 2011 and 2011L / Spring
FOS 4222 / Food Microbiology / 3 / MCB 3020 and MCB 3020L / Spring
HOS3020 / Principle of Horticultural Crop Production / 3 / None / Fall
HOS3281C / Organic and Sustainable crop Production / 3 / None / Fall
HOS 3305 / Introduction to Plant Molecular Biology / 3 / APB 2150, BOT 2010C or BSC 2010 / Fall
HOS 4304 / Horticultural Physiology / 3 / BOT 2010C or BSC 2010 / Fall
HOS 4313C / Laboratory Methods in Plant Molecular Biology / 2 / AGR 3303 or HOS 3305 and PCB 3063 / Fall
HOS4341 / Advanced Horticultural Physiology / 3 / HOS4304, Dept. / Spring
MCB 4034L / Advanced Microbiology Lab / 1 / MCB 3020 or MCB 3023 & L, & MCB 4203; MCB 4304, PCB 4522 or PCB 5235 with grades of C or better / Fall, Spring
MCB 4203 / Bacterial and Viral Pathogens / 3 / MCB 3020 with C or better / Fall
MCB 4304 / Genetics of Microorganisms / 3 / MCB 3020 or MCB 3023 and L with grades of C or better / Fall
MCB 4320C / Bacterial Genome Sequencing / 3 / MCB 3020 / Spring
MCB4403 / Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function / 3 / CHM2211, MCB3020 & 3020L w/ grade of C or better (BCH4024 sug.) / Fall
MCB 4503 / General Virology / 3 / MCB 3020 and 3020L C or better / Spring
MCB 4652 / Environmental Microbiology / 3 / MCB 3020 or MCB 3023 or an equivalent intro Microbiology course / Spring
NEM 3002 / Principles of Nematology / 3 / None / Spring
ORH 3513C / Environmental Plant Identification and Use / 3 / None / Fall, Su-C
PCB 3134 / Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function** / 3 / BSC 2010 & 2010L, BSC 2011 & 2011L or AGR 3303 & CHM 2210 with C or better / Fall, Spring
PCB 4233 / Immunology / 3 / MCB 3020L with C or better or BCH 4024 or PCB 3134 / Spring
PCB 4522 / Molecular Genetics ** / 3 / MCB 3020 with C or better / Spring
PLP 3002C / Fundamentals of Plant Pathology / 4 / BOT 2010C or BSC 2010 / Fall, Spring
PLP 4222C / Introductory Plant Virology / 4 / PLP 3002C and BCH3025/4024 / Fall
PLP 4242C / Introductory Plant Bacteriology / 3 / MCB 3020; Coreq: PLP3002c / Spring
PLS 3004C / Principles of Plant Science / 3 / BOT 2010 or BSC 2010 & BSC 2010L / F, Sp, Su-A
PLS 3223 & 3223L / Plant Propagation and Laboratory / 3 / BOT 2010C or BSC 2010 / Fall
PLS 4242C / Micropropagation of Horticultural Crops / 4 / ORH 3513C recommended / Spring
PLS 4601C / Principles of Weed Science / 3 / None / Fall, Summer-C
SWS3022 / Intro to Soils in the Environment / 3 / None / Fall, Spring
SWS 4207 / Sustainable Ag. & Urban Land Mgmt. / 3 / SWS 3022 or equivalent / Fall
SWS 4223 / Environmental Biogeochemistry / 3 / BSC2010 and BSC2010L; CHM2045 and CHM2045L / Spring
SWS4233 / Soil and Water Conservation / 3 / None / Spring
SWS 4303C / Soil Microbial Ecology / 3 / SWS3022 / Fall
SWS 4307 / Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens / 3 / MCB 3020 or MCB 4203 or equivalent / Spring, Summer - A
SWS 4550 / Soils, Water and Public Health / 3 / CHM 2045, CHM 2046, BSC 2010; or consent of instructor / Spring
WIS 3401 / Wildlife Ecology and Management / 3 / BSC 2011 and 2011L / Fall
WIS 3402 / Wildlife of Florida / 3 / None / Spring
WIS3553C / Intro to Conservation Genetics / 4 / STA2023 and either FOR3153C, PCB3601C or PCB4044C / Spring
WIS4203C / Landscape Ecology Conservation / 4 / STA2023 and either FOR3153C, PCB3601C or PCB4044C and FOR3434C, GIS3043, SUR3393/3393L or URP4273 / Spring
WIS 4427C / Wildlife Habitat Management / 3 / WIS 3401 / Spring
WIS4547C / Avian Field Techniques / 2 / 1 course each in Ecology and Vertebrate Ecology / Spring
WIS4554 / Conservation Biology / 3 / PCB3063 or WIS3553C, and FOR3153C, PCB3034C, PCB3601C or PCB4044C and WIS3401 / Fall
WIS4601C / Quantitative Wildlife Ecology / 3 / STA and WIS3401 / Fall
WIS4945C / Wildlife Techniques / 4 / WIS3402 / Fall, Spring
ZOO 4232 / Human Parasitology / 3 / BSC 2010 & 2010L, BSC 2011 & 2011L or AGR 3303 with C or better / Fall