Monticello High School 1400 Independence Way Charlottesville, VA. 22902





  • Ensure that your schedule has core courses with challenge and rigor.
  • Take the PSAT in October. This year you become eligible for the National Merit Scholarship.
  • Use the PSAT results to familiarize yourself with your areas of strength as they will relate to the SAT.
  • Plan a family college discussion.
  • Continue research of colleges/universities/technical and vocational schools as you become more familiar with your interests.
  • Maintain AWESOME grades!!! Junior year DOES count. Remember, the grades you receive at the end of your junior year will be the most recent grades that the colleges you apply to in the fall will see.
  • Prepare to take the SAT and ACT during the spring of your junior year.
  • Strive for great AP scores.
  • Begin planning college visits for your summer schedule.
  • Meet with college representatives visiting MonticelloHigh School.
  • Attend pre-college planning night.
  • Attend a college fair.
  • View and check out the college catalogs in the career center.
  • Explore financial aid options and college planning with your parents and family


  • Are you using your career assessment results as they relate to your areas of interest? See your career specialist for more details.
  • Update your resume and/or portfolio.
  • Take the ASVAB test.
  • Your choice of elective options are essential as they are importantin helping you understand an area of interest or decide on a college major.
  • Consider enrolling in an internship during your junior and senior years as this opportunity will allow you exposure and first hand experience in area(s) that you may be interested in pursuing.
  • Get a summer job to save extra money.


  • Continue involvement with clubs, athletics, student government, etc. If you have not been involved—this is your year.
  • It is important to continue to build positive relationships with your teachers and other adults. Remember, you will need letters of recommendation for colleges and references for employment.
  • Do you hold a position in your club, student government organization/or your athletic team(ex. Captain, secretary, president)? Take on leadership roles.
  • Are you involved with any volunteer/community service work? Need resources, speak with your school counselor or career specialist.