College and career readiness CLASS SYLLABUS
Teacher: Ms. Gray
Room 801
Course #7458
COURSE OBJECTIVES.The career development process is unique to every person and evolves throughout one's life. Students will use decision-making and problem-solving skills for college and career planning. Students will explore valid, reliable educational and career information to learn more about themselves and their interests and abilities. Students integrate skills from academic subjects, information technology, and interpersonal communication to make informed decisions. This course is designed to guide students through the process of investigation and the development of a college and career achievement plan. Students will use interest inventory software or other tools to explore areas of personal interest. Students will use this information to explore educational requirements for a variety of chosen career paths.
- Interests, Skills, and Aptitudes
- Career Planning
- College Choices and Planning
- Job Preparation
SUPPLIES:Each student must be prepared each day with the following materials:
Flash Drive (2GB or more)
Composition Notebook
GRADING:Benjamin Franklin Middle School utilizes the following Grade Conversion Chart to assess student performance.
IB Achievement Level / Percentage Grade / Rubric Descriptor“With sample command statements”
8 / 100% / Exceeds
“Student exceeded in applying…”
7 / 93% / Advanced High
“Student demonstrates highly advanced understanding”
6 / 86% / Advanced
“Student’s descriptions were advanced.”
5 / 80% / Mastery
“Student’s evaluation shows mastery of…”
4 / 72% / Satisfactory
“Student’s explanation provides satisfactory examples … ”
3 / 65% / Progressing
“Student’s application is progressing with…”
2 / 58% / Limited
“Student gives limited samples…”
1 / 51% / Minimal
“Student shows minimal analysis”
0 / M / Missing
“Evidence of…is missing”
Each six (6) weeks, grades will be determined by the percentage of total points earned in the weighted assessment categories below.
Category / WeightIn-class work and/or Homework / 45%
Tests / 20%
Projects/Products / 20%
Six weeks test grade / 15%
The Semester Grade is calculated at 30% (Grading Period 1) + 30% (Grading Period 2) +30% (Grading Period 3) + 10% Semester Exam/ACP Test score.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS:A summative assessment measures a scholar’s level of mastery of the knowledge and skills acquired over a given unit. In order to demonstrate understanding of the unit’s objectives, students will complete a summative assessment at the end of each unit, to include but not limited to major projects, labs, and/or unit tests. Unit tests may be combinations of vocabulary, multiple choice, short-answer, problem-solving and application of knowledge. Projects will have multiple components and may also be interdisciplinary. Assessment dates will be given at the beginning of each unit.
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS:A formative assessment is a measure of a scholar’s progress throughout a unit in order to identify what adjustments to teaching need to be made to ensure every scholar reaches a mastery level of the knowledge and skills being acquired. In order to ensure that learning is taking place with every scholar formative assessments will be performed often and many diverse ways. Examples of different approaches to assess scholars may include, but are not limited to, journal entries, quizzes, exit tickets, Do Nows, and check for understandings.
HOMEWORK:Homework is a type of course activity that is completed outside of the classroom and may include, but is not limited to: a review of material covered in class; reading in preparation of the next day’s activities; preparation of class notes; journaling; test review; test corrections; or any number of other activities. Assignments are collected at the beginning of class on the due date. [NOTE: Students may be assigned no more than 1.5 hours of homework per night, or no more than seven hours per week for all grade level subjects/teachers combined. Grade level teams should collaborate to determine homework assignments that meet this expectation.]
- If your absence is excused, you will have two (2) school days for every day missed in order to make-up any assignment given during your absence without a grade reduction. If your absence is unexcused, you will have one (1) school day for every day missed in order to make-up any assignment given during your absence without a grade reduction.
- Assignments given prior to the absence are due upon your return.
- An unexcused absence is one in which no note or phone call from the parent to the school is provided giving a reason for the scholar’s absence.
MISSING AND LATE WORK: Assignments turned in at the beginning of class and up to one day late are reduced by 25 points; assignments turned in two or more days late through the end of the grading period, are reduced by 50 points; and assignments not turned in will receive a zero. Extra credit will not be available for any student with outstanding assignments.
Number of Class Days Late / Maximum Grade Possible1 / 75%
2+ / 50%
Not turned in / 0%
ACADEMIC HONESTY:Students are expected to undertake and submit their own work. Plagiarizing is academic dishonesty. If discovered, plagiarizing will result in a grade of zero for the assignment AND may result in the student being taken before the Honor Council. Benjamin Franklin Middle School has a zero-tolerance policy for students turning in assignments that are not their own work.
STUDENT DISCIPLINE:Mature behavior is expected by all scholars. Disruptive behavior and activities that interfere with teaching and/or learning will not be tolerated, and may result in an administrative action, detention, or consequences assigned by the grade level Assistant Principal.
- Tutoring available upon request
- Scholars are expected to always show respect to others and themselves. Offensive language and behavior will NOT be tolerated.
- Scholars are expected to listen and follow directions.
- Scholars will always give their best effort and be prepared to learn.
- Scholars are not allowed to have food or drinks in classroom (other than water). Chewing gum is not allowed.
- Scholars will be kind to one another.
- 1st offense – Warning
- 2nd offense –Removal of computer privilege for the day & Parent phone call
- 3rd offense –Removal of computer privilege for the week & parent conference
- 4th offense – Referral to assistant principal
Students will be held responsible for repair and replacement expenses if student causes any computer equipment damage by irresponsible behaviors and vandalism. Vandalism is the destruction of other people’s property. Please see student Handbook.
Parent/Student ComputerAgreement
Mother’s First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Home phone: ______Work: ______Cell: ______
Email Address: ______
Father’s First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Home phone: ______Work: ______Cell: ______
Email Address: ______
As a parent, I have read my child’s syllabus and I agree to talk to my child about the class expectations, consequences, grading policy, and guidelines outlined in the districts’ student handbook.
Parent SignatureDate
Student Computer Agreement
As a computer student, I understand that I have the responsibility to report any problems with the computer immediately to my teacher. I am not allowed to open a computer program or go onto the Internet without prior approval. I will be held responsible for repair and replacement expenses of computer equipment if I am involved in irresponsible behaviors such as pushing, kicking, running, throwing, shoving, and vandalism. I will not vandalize my classroom by writing, drawing, or making marks on the computer equipment. I understand that using the computer is a privilege. If I choose to be irresponsible, my computer privilege may be taken away. I will always give my best effort in this class.
Student SignatureDate