College and Career Awareness is a core requirement for seventh grade students. Through College and Career Awareness, students participate in activity-centered lessons to utilize technology, develop foundational skills, and explore careers by expanding awareness. College and Career Awareness provides information regarding future classes and training related to each student’s career field of interest.
College and Career Awareness is a yearlong class presented in 3 segments, by a team of teachers: Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Jorgensen-Platt, Mr. Palmer, and Mrs. Weaver. Guidance Counselors Mr. Fronk and Ms. Dietz will also be teaching several of the Career Development lessons.
Ø Agriculture
Ø Business and Marketing
Ø Family and Consumer Sciences
Ø Health Science
Ø Information Technology
Ø Technology, Engineering, and Skilled & Technical Sciences
Ø Project–Based Learning
Ø Work-Based Learning
Ø Career Development Application
College and Career Awareness students develop a variety of skills through activity-centered lessons that are transferable to the workplace and life.
Please check out my blog page for more information
Grading Policy
Students’ grade will be based on the points earned on tests (Safety Tests 100% pass required (unlimited retakes available)), in class activities, and homework.
All assignments must be completed on time to receive full credit. Students will be allowed time to make-up any assignment for partial credit. If you are absent, all assignments will need to be made up within one week to receive full points.
Grades can be found at Please check for them. If you have any questions, please have your student talk to me, email, or call between 7:15am-3:00pm.
Extra credit is encouraged. However, it CANNOT REPLACE the regular assigned work. Extra credit counts only if all assignments are complete and the student is still falling short on points.
An ‘A’ student is one who:
works every day for the entire class period turns in assignments on time or early
listens and follows directions is self-motivated and organized
can work through problems using their own skills is here and ready
Grading Scale
101 - above = A+ 89 – 87 = B+ 79 – 77 = C+ 69 – 67 = D+ 59 – 0 = F
109 – 93 = A 86 – 83 = B 76 – 73 = C 66 – 63 = D
92 – 90 = A- 82 – 80 = B- 72 – 70 = C- 62 – 60 = D-
Pass / Fail options is available upon request
Knight’s Purpose Statement:
Knowledgeable – Gain understanding through being prepared, on time, and involved in classroom lectures and activities.
Noble – Show nobility through service to those around you.
Insightful – Be aware of the needs of others and be willing to include them.
Gallant – Be kind and courteous in language and actions.
Honorable – Demonstrate honesty through thoughts, words, and deeds.
Tolerant - Be respectful and accepting of other students, the teacher, and school property.
Successful – Always push to do your own personal best in all aspects of your education and life.
Discipline and Citizenship Grade
Knight’s Code:
Ø Be Respectful - To other students, the teacher, and school property. Actively participate in classroom activities.
Ø Be Responsible – Practice safety rules and use common sense. Think before you act. Obey all rules outlined by Weber School District’s Acceptable Use Policy for computer usage.
Ø Here and Ready - Be prepared and on time to class each day. Actively participate in activities and cleaning of the classroom. (Required items: Reading book, paper, pen, pencil, scissors, ruler, glue stick and colored pencils.)
Ø Follow Directions - Be quiet and listen while the teacher is talking and while you work.
Ø Hands and Feet to Self - Stay in your assigned seat or work area. If it doesn’t belong to you leave it be.
A student’s citizenship grade is made up of both classroom behavior (citizenship marks) and tardies. Any mark, either tardy or citizenship, given by a substitute or myself is permanent.
3 marks = N (Needs Improvement) 5 marks = U (Unsatisfactory)
Please note: If your name is left by a sub for causing problems you will receive an automatic N.
A behavior ticket (seen by the administration) is given to students when severe or chronic problems occur in class(es). Behavior ticket examples include but are not limited to: 3 days coming unprepared to class or 3 incomplete assignments (unprepared), 2 tardies (excessive tardies), cell phone or other electronic device being misused (cell phone misuse). Students will be notified by the teacher when/if they receive a behavior ticket.
Digital media policy
When appropriate and directed by the teacher, digital media devices may be used in class.However, if it is being used at an inappropriate time or is used inappropriately for the class, the digital media device will be temporarily taken away by the teacher and a behavior ticket will be issued.For further information, please familiarize yourself with school policy as I adhere strictly to that policy. Texting and Games are NEVER appropriate use of technology while in this classroom.
Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. 801-452-4800
Mrs. Jorgensen-Platt or Mr. Palmer
Mrs. Weaver
College and Career Awareness Mrs. Jorgensen-Platt or Mr. Palmer or Mrs. Weaver
______(Students full name please print) has our/my permission to operate the equipment in the CTE labs at North Ogden Junior High. It is understood that instruction in safe operation will be given before he/she is allowed to use any piece of equipment and that he/she will be properly supervised.
We as parent(s) and student recognize the expense of the equipment that students are being entrusted to operate in each of these labs. We acknowledge that this is a privilege. Each student is entrusted to keep the equipment in good operating condition. I further understand that it is unlawful to copy or remove software programs from the computers. We understand that the student may be legally and financially responsible for any damage intentionally caused to any equipment in this classroom.
We as parent(s) and student understand that no student should touch or use any equipment in these labs if the licensed instructor is NOT present or prior to receiving permission and safety clearance from the instructor to use any equipment. It is understood that ALL appropriate safety equipment / apparel is to be worn. It is also understood that students are to apply safe usage practices at all time.
If a student fails to work in a safe manner or intentionally causes damage to the equipment the opportunity to work in these labs could be revoked.
Students are provided with a district email that will be used to turn in some assignments.
Students and parents should check grades regular through MyWeber
Student’s pictures or videos may show up on my teacher’s blog site and in the yearbook.
Students in this class will correct some of the assignments of other students, under teacher direction. Students are advised that confidentiality is of the utmost importance.
Thanks you for updating your email with the counseling office so that my emails will get to you.
Class Period ______
Please list any food allergies if any
Student Signature Parent Signature
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College and Career Awareness Mrs. Jorgensen-Platt or Mr. Palmer or Mrs. Weaver
______(Students full name please print) has our/my permission to operate the equipment in the CTE labs at North Ogden Junior High. It is understood that instruction in safe operation will be given before he/she is allowed to use any piece of equipment and that he/she will be properly supervised.
We as parent(s) and student recognize the expense of the equipment that students are being entrusted to operate in each of these labs. We acknowledge that this is a privilege. Each student is entrusted to keep the equipment in good operating condition. I further understand that it is unlawful to copy or remove software programs from the computers. We understand that the student may be legally and financially responsible for any damage intentionally caused to any equipment in this classroom.
We as parent(s) and student understand that no student should touch or use any equipment in these labs if the licensed instructor is NOT present or prior to receiving permission and safety clearance from the instructor to use any equipment. It is understood that ALL appropriate safety equipment / apparel is to be worn. It is also understood that students are to apply safe usage practices at all time.
If a student fails to work in a safe manner or intentionally causes damage to the equipment the opportunity to work in these labs could be revoked.
Students are provided with a district email that will be used to turn in some assignments.
Students and parents should check grades regular through MyWeber
Student’s pictures or videos may show up on my teacher’s blog site and in the yearbook.
Students in this class will correct some of the assignments of other students, under teacher direction. Students are advised that confidentiality is of the utmost importance.
Thanks you for updating your email with the counseling office so that my emails will get to you.
Class Period ______
Please list any food allergies if any
Student Signature Parent Signature
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