MATHEMATICS 127-201(CRN:4115)
College Algebra Expanded version
INSTRUCTOR: Kusum Subedi. Office: SH 743 D, Phone: 66081
OFFICE HOURS: MTWRF: 10:00am-11:00 am
Other hours by appointment.
CLASS TIME: MTWRF 8:00am-8:50am
TEXT BOOK: College Algebra (9th edition) by Sullivan.
Basic concepts of algebra; Graphs, Functions and Models; Functions, Equations and Inequalities; Polynomial and Rational functions; Exponential and Logarithmic functions; Systems of equations and Matrices.
On completion of MTH 127, students will:
- have developed the basic mathematical skills to solve applied problems from the physical, social, and life sciences. These skills include graphing elementary (rational, exponential, logarithmic) functions, interpreting these graphs, solving quadratic, exponential, logarithmic equations; solving rational inequalities and finally, solving systems of linear equations in three variables
- be able to set up mathematical models to represent real world situations, again focusing on problems from the physical, social and life sciences.
- be prepared for further studies in mathematics.
PREREQUISITE: ACT 19 or SAT 460 or MTH 099
There will be,
- 6 Midterm tests(according to the following schedule)
- 6 Quizzes (dates will be notified in the class)
- Homework assignments (almost every day), and
- a Final exam( comprehensive)
Homework assignments will not be graded, but you must do them all.
All the exams are based on the homework problems.
No make up test will be given. Your best 4 midterm tests and 4 best quizzes (lowest two dropped) will be counted towards your final grade.
Midterm 1 Mon, Feb. 2 Chapters R(all)
Midterm 2 Mon, Feb. 16 Chapters 1(all)
Midterm 3 Mon, March 2 Chapters 2(all)
Midterm 4 Mon, Mar. 30 Chapters 3(all
Midterm 5 Mon, April 13 Chapters 4(all), 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5
Midterm 6 Mon, April 27 Chapters 6(all), 8.1, 8.2
Note: The course coverage is tentative. If there is a change you will be notified in class.
Monday, May 4, 8:00am-10:00am, SH 514
Review for Final exam: Tuesday, April 28- Fri, May 1
Points Possible PointsGrade
Midterm tests (100pts each) 400 540-600 A
Quizzes (25 pts each) 100 480-539 B
Final Exam 100 420- 479 C
Total 600 360-419 D
0-359 F
In order to pass this course you have to get 60% or higher overall grade and 50% or higher attendance.
CALCULATOR:A Graphing calculator is required.
NO CELL PHONE: You are not allowed to use cell phone or any other devices during the class as well as during the test.
TUTORING FACILITIES: Marshall University provides multiple options for on-campus tutoring. The Mathematics Department tutoring lab is located in Smith Hall 115. The University College has an all subject tutoring lab on the first floor of Laidley Hall. It is the student’s responsibility to utilize these facilities.
University Policies:
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