March 19, 2010
9:00 a.m. in N520H BCC
Present: Jeffrey Beck, Geoffrey Booth, ForrestCarter,Joan Luft,Deb North (Secretary), Shawnee Vickery, Robert Wiseman, and guests: Ronald Cichy and James Rainey.
Forrest Carter called the meeting to order at 9a.m.
The agenda was amended and approved to reorder discussion items: HB Self-Study Document to #4 (from #5) and the Bylaws Review to #5 (from #4).
The minutes from the February 19 meeting were read and approved.
Academic Program Review Self-Study – TheSchool of Hospitality Business
Dean Booth said that the University recently implemented a requirement that each unit within a college will undergo a review every seven years. The School of Hospitality Business is the first program to be reviewed and Dean Rainey presented The School’s program review. The Council members made suggestions to aid in enhancing the document’s content. Dean Rainey asked that further comments or suggestions regarding the review be sent to Dean Booth by April 5th. This will allowThe School time to react to suggestions prior to its submission to the Provost’s Office. Ron Cichy said that the final version of the document will be shared with the college.
Bylaws Review
Forrest Carter distributed an email from the chair of the Research, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Committee which listed an edit to section 7.1. The Council reviewed and discussed the revision items: 7.1., sections 9.3.1. and; edits were suggested for both 9.3.1. and The editsregarding sections 7.1., 9.3.1., and approved by the members. With this action, the bylaws’ review was complete and the document was approved in its entirety. The bylaws will be presented at the next spring faculty meeting.
CAC Chair – 2010-11
Forrest Carter announced that Shawnee Vickery had been elected as the chair of the Council for the next academic year.
Teaching Questions-Part of SIRS
Forrest Carter asked that the members review the Tentative Teaching Statement (page 2 of the Update on Teaching Agenda Item) and send any comments/edits via email to him prior to the April 16th meeting. After further dialogue, Forrest will provide a draft document which provides 4-5 questions for SIRS and a rationale for review at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55a.m.
Minutes taken by Deb North, Recording Secretary.