Course Requirements for Mrs. Layfield
-I graduated from PhillipsburgHigh School in 1975
-I graduated from RamapoCollege in 1979
-This is my 37th year in the district
-On a personal note, I have been married for 36 years, I have 2 sons (Adam-31 and Kevin-28), and I have a border collie and a 20 year old Siamese cat..
To contact me: email address is voice-mail:4248
Required Materials:
- You are expected to bring your covered textbook, notebook, pencil or pen, and calculator to class every day.
- Precalculus II students will be assigned a TI-84Plus graphing calculator. Geometry students are required to bring their own scientific calculator. You are responsible for the calculator assigned to you. If it is lost, stolen, or damaged, you will be charged for it. Batteries are your responsibility.
- Attendance is extremely important to your success in any mathematics class.
- Excessive absences from class will result in a loss of credit in accordance with the school's attendance policy.
- You are late to class if you do not have a note from a teacher explaining the nature of your tardiness. Excessive lateness will be referred to the disciplinarian's office.
- Cutting class gets you a "0" on anything done in class that day. A referral will be sent down also.
Classroom behavior:
- Cheating: Asking someone “how do you do this?” is great. Copying someone's problem(s) is not great. Letting someone copy off of you is not so hot either. In other words: DISHONESTY in any form will not be tolerated! Evidence of cheating will result in a zero for the paper. Cheating is not only copying another's work, but also includes letting others copy your work.
- You should be in your seat and ready to work at the beginning of class. Notebooks should be opened, pencils should be sharpened, notes that require my signature should be placed on my desk; all of this should be done before the BEGINNING of class.
- Remain in your seat unless directed otherwise. You can throw out trash as you leave the room. I ( not the bell or clock) will dismiss the class. Stay in your seat and work until you are dismissed.
- Water is the only drink allowed in my room. My room is not a cafeteria.
- RESPECT yourself and others. Mature behavior is preferred in this class. Raise your hand if you have a question or want to answer a question. "If you don't have anything nice to say to someone, don't say anything at all", let's try to keep this phrase in mind.
- Stay focused on the task at hand. Personal conversations should take place outside of class.
- Make-up Work:
- If you are absent, you will be given the same number of days to make-up your work as the number of days you miss. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, any assignment not completed in that time frame will receive a zero. You must make arrangements the day you return to school to make up missed tests or quizzes. All homework or group papers must be handed in to receive credit.
- Students who are absent for a field trip or other school activity must make arrangements to get work and take tests before the absence occurs.
- If you are absent the day before a test or quiz, which is usually a review day, you will be expected to take it with the class.
- If you are absent only on the the day of a test or quiz, you will be expected to take it no later than the day after you return.
- It is your responsibility to get all missing assignments, classnotes, and dittos; it is your responsibility to set up a time to take missed tests/quizzes. Failure to do this results in a lowered score.
You will be evaluated in mathematical content and in mathematical process(problem solving, reasoning, communication, etc.) :
Components of the marking period grade:
- Tests(35%): Tests are cumulative and are announced two days in advance.
- Quizzes(35%): Announced at least one day in advance
There will be pop quizzes from time to time. Most quizzes are on 3 or 4 sections of the chapter.You may take one requiz per marking period only if genuine effort is made, in other words, all homework must be complete for those specific sections being quizzed on. The average of the two grades will replace the original quiz grade. A requiz must be done before the chapter test is given-no exceptions.
- Groupwork/Graded worksheets/Performance Assessment (20%): You will be assigned to work in different groups throughout the year. I will announce when a group activity is also a graded activity. Your role in the group will change with different activities- learner, teacher, encourager, whiner, organizer, note-taker,etc. All your life you will work with people- here is a great way to learn how to deal with different problems and different people. From time to time I collect and grade homework-it goes in this category.
- Homework(10%): In order to receive full credit, you must attempt every single problem AND all work must be shown (pictures, algebraic steps …) I suggest a loose leaf notebook, but it is not required. Always put the date, the page number, and the section in the chapter on the top right hand corner of your paper. Homework assignments are worth 3 points each. Points are deducted if work is missing, giving answers only with no work, being unprepared for class(no book or wrong notebook), or for not working on homework if time allows in class. Late assignments will not be accepted for credit.
Extra help: I am in room 214 every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:10. The Math Resource Center (MRC) is available throughout the day. Students can visit room 212 or 215 during study halls or lunch. It is not open after school. I am on duty mods in room
“We[student and parent(s)] have read the Course Information Packet regarding Precalc 2/Geometry. As a student, I will do my best to seek help from classmates and the teacher, as needed. As a parent, I will support and encourage my son/daughter in his/her effort to be a successful math student.”
Student Name(please print)Student Signature
Parent Name(please print)Parent Signature
Parent e-mail addressParent contact phone #