Collection of Laws, No. 340/2008
Page 5250
File No. 110
of 20 August 2008
amending the Government Order No. 19/2003 Coll., that lays down technical requirements for toys
The Government hereby orders, pursuant to Section 22 of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on technical requirements for products and amendment to some acts, as amended by Act No. 71/2000 Coll. and Act No. 205/2002 Coll., to implement Section 12 paragraphs 1 b) and 1 c) of this Act:
Art. I
In the Annex No. 3 of Government Order No. 19/2003 Coll., that lays down technical requirements for toys, a new Point 7 is added, of the following wording including its title and its notes No.10and11:
“7. Magnetic toys
Magnetic toys must be accompanied with a warning note with the following text:
“ATTENTION! This toy contains magnets or magnetic parts. Magnets magnetizing themselves or towards a metal item inside human body may cause serious or deadly injury. In case of magnets' swallowing or inhalation, seek immediate medical aid.” or with other text equivalent and easily comprehensible so that the same meaning is communicated clearly.
The warning note must be clearly visible and readable, markedly written on the packaging or otherwise affixed tot he magnetic toy in such a manner that the consumer can see it well at the moment of shopping, and it must be written in the Czech language.
A toy is considered to be a magnetic toy if it contains one or more magnets, or one or more magnetic parts, whose shape and size allow magnets' swallowing10) and which are available to children11).
10) Article 1, third indent, of Commission Decision 2008/329/EC of 21 April 2008, requiring the member states to ensure that magnetic toys placed or made available on the market display awarning about the health and safety risks they pose. – Text with EEA relevance).
11) Article 1, fourth indent, of Commission Decision 2008/329/EC of 21 April 2008, requiring the member states to ensure that magnetic toys placed or made available on the market display awarning about the health and safety risks they pose. – Text with EEA relevance).”
Art. II
Transitional Provision
Magnetic toys already being marketed and not marked with required warning note, must not be marketed or sold after this Government Order enters into force. Magnetic toys, which are not marked with the required warning note, must be withdrawn from the market.
Art. III
Entry into Force
This Government Order enters into force on the day of its promulgation.
Prime minister:
Topolánek magnum propria
Minister of Industry and Trade:
Říman magnum propria