Foundational Algebra I (Modified) Course Syllabus
Mr. Davis Voicemail 717-4287
Room 286
Course Objective: This is a modified Algebra I course. The objective is to prepare students for further and more detailed exploration of Algebra, and exposure to concepts on standardized math tests. This is not a college preparatory course.
Textbook:Algebra, Siegfried Haenisch. AGS 2004.
Pre-Algebra, Siegfried Haenisch. AGS 2004.
These are modified textbooks written specifically for students who need extra
help in grasping mathematical concepts.
Expectations: For overall student conduct, the JCHS school policies in the student handbook
will be followed. Keys to being successful:
- Bring proper class materials.Please make sure you bring a pen or pencil (preferably a pencil) to class. Mr. Davis will not supply students with pencils, pens. Mr. Davis will supply a folder, composition notebook, worksheets, graph paper, review sheets, and tests.
- Calculators will be provided in class. Students can bring their own if they want.
Texas InstrumentTI-30XIIS and TI-84s are the calculator that will be provided.
- Be on time to class. We have a school-wide tardy policy, and I follow it.
- Be prepared and willing to learn. You will be challenged to learn; it will not always be easy. Your goal should be to do your best even when your best is not very good.
- Seek help as much as you need to. Either from myself or your classmates.
6. Be consistent in turning in assignments. Life is about what you do every day.
Grades: Grades will be taken from two sources:
- Daily classwork/homework
- Unit tests
Homework will occur if students do not complete the assignment(s) during the assigned class time. I do not count off for assignments turned in late, but I will not accept any past due assignments after we have taken the unit test. Until the assignment is turned in the missing assignment will be marked as a zero (0) and “missing” in the gradebook.
We will try to do 2-3 assignments everyday (review, new, reinforce). Each assignment is worth 100 pts. All assignments can be used as notes while taking the unit test (the textbook cannot). Each unit test is worth 200 pts. Any assignments designated as “missing” and having a zero (0) for a grade will have the unit test score entered for those assignments.
Grading Scale: A = 100% -- 90%
B = 89% -- 80%
C = 79% -- 70%
D = 69% -- 60%
F = 59% and below
Grade Checks: Hard copy grade/missing assignments updates will be given to students almost weekly. Parents can check progress from any computer using the SKYWARD Parental access.