Psychology Klingeman

Cognitive Development Case Study

Parental Agreement Sheet

Dear Parent or Guardian,

My 11th and 12th grade AP Psychology class has been assigned a case study based project as part of their course requirement. For this project, students are being asked to create a research plan to test the cognitive development of three differently aged children. The students are required to perform their created tests, compile data and use that data to create a final analysis report on their findings. I ask your cooperation in assisting these students in their project by signing your permission for your child to be included in the study, and verifying the time and location that the research was conducted. I thank you for your time and help in giving our students an opportunity for authentic psychological study and analysis. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 636-464-4429.


Jennifer Klingeman


I. Name of Child: ______Age: ______

Printed Name of Parent: ______

Date and Location of Research: ______

Parent signature and verification of research: ______

II. Name of Child: ______Age: ______

Printed Name of Parent: ______

Date and Location of Research: ______

Parent signature and verification of research: ______

III. Name of Child: ______Age: ______

Printed Name of Parent: ______

Date and Location of Research: ______

Parent signature and verification of research: ______

Psychology Klingeman

Cognitive Development Case Study

Due Date: ______

Directions: Cognitive and mental development is a major element of lifespan psychology. You will be using Piaget’s cognitive stages of development to create an original psychological research plan and present your findings through the creation of a powerpoint presentation, paper, video or oral presentation with visual aids. The elements of this project that you will be expected to complete are as follows:

I.  Creating a Test

·  For this assignment you will be creating your own original exam or test to evaluate the cognitive level of three different children. Test subjects must be between the ages of 0 and 13. You will be using the information you have learned regarding Piaget’s theories of cognitive development as a basis for your research. The purpose of your experiments will be to ultimately answer the question, «Do you agree with Piaget’s theories of cognitive development?»

·  Part of your grade will be to fill out and turn in the parent agreement and verification sheet that you have been given with your instructions. Parents of your test subjects must verify their permission, time and location for the tests you are conducting.

·  You MUST turn in:

1.  A typed copy of your test (experiments, questions, etc.)

2.  An organized compilation of your data or findings from each test. (This can be included with your test)

II.  Performing your Research

·  After you have created your test, perform your research on three different subjects of varying ages.

·  Record your findings carefully as they will be the basis for your final project.

·  Some recommended topics/themes for you to use as the basis for your research are (but are not limited to): Object permenance, reflexes, sense of self, fantasy play, symbolic gestures, principles of conservation.

III.  Compiling your Dataand creating your final project:

·  After you have completed your research, summarize your findings by answering the following questions:

·  In what stage of cognitive development according to Piaget are your three test subjects?

·  What evidence do you have to support your findings regarding the cognitive stages of your test subjects?

·  Were your findings consistent with the theories of Piaget?

·  Based on your research, do you agree with Piaget’s theories/stages of cognitive development?

·  Do you have any arguments or criticisms against Piaget’s theories?

Note: All of these questions must have demonstrated answers in whichever format you choose to present your final project.

IV: What will you need to include in turning in your project?

1.  Your original test or research plan. (Hard copy)

2.  Any rough drafts or documentation of your findings that you recorded during your research. (Hard copies)

3.  Your parent agreement form, signed and dated by the parents of all three test subjects.

4.  Your final analysis: Powerpoint, paper, video (must include narration), or oral presentation with visual aids.

DUE DATE: ______